
Pure Haskell base16 encoding/decoding (
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DateCommit messageAuthorFiles+-
2025-02-19 15:39meta: titleJared Tobin1+1-1
2025-02-19 15:28meta: badgeJared Tobin1+1-0
2025-02-19 15:16meta: badgeJared Tobin1+2-0
2025-02-05 04:32lib: readabilityJared Tobin1+23-10
2025-01-19 14:34meta: nixpkgs and flake-utils from ppad-nixpkgsJared Tobin2+36-4
2025-01-17 18:42release: v0.1.0Jared Tobin1+5-0
2025-01-17 18:40meta: readmeJared Tobin3+86-2
2025-01-17 18:20lib: minor tweaksJared Tobin3+10-3
2025-01-17 18:16lib: haddocksJared Tobin1+22-0
2025-01-17 13:55meta: ignore criterion reportsJared Tobin1+1-0
2025-01-17 13:52test: property testsJared Tobin2+50-8
2025-01-17 13:30lib: it's the output length that mattersJared Tobin1+1-1
2025-01-17 13:17lib: basic bench & extremely basic test skeletonsJared Tobin4+96-56
2025-01-17 13:15lib: flesh out pure implJared Tobin1+212-32
2025-01-17 10:57lib: initial commitJared Tobin10+360-0