
BIP39 mnemonic codes in Haskell (
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BIP39.hs (12062B)

      1 {-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
      2 {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
      3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
      5 -- |
      6 -- Module: Crypto.KDF.BIP39
      7 -- Copyright: (c) 2025 Jared Tobin
      8 -- License: MIT
      9 -- Maintainer: Jared Tobin <>
     10 --
     11 -- [BIP39](
     12 -- mnemonic codes for deterministic key generation, supporting wordlists in
     13 -- multiple languages.
     15 module Crypto.KDF.BIP39 (
     16   -- * Mnemonic construction and validation
     17     mnemonic
     18   , _mnemonic
     19   , valid
     20   , _valid
     22   -- * Seed derivation
     23   , seed
     24   , _seed
     25   , seed_unsafe
     27   -- * Wordlists
     28   --
     29   -- $wordlists
     30   , Wordlist(..)
     31   , english
     32   , chinese_traditional
     33   , chinese_simplified
     34   , czech
     35   , french
     36   , korean
     37   , italian
     38   , japanese
     39   , portuguese
     40   , spanish
     41   ) where
     43 import qualified Crypto.KDF.PBKDF as PBKDF
     44 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
     45 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA512 as SHA512
     46 import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), (.>>.), (.<<.))
     47 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     48 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
     49 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
     50 import qualified Data.Foldable as F
     51 import qualified Data.Maybe as M
     52 import qualified Data.Primitive.Array as PA
     53 import Data.Word (Word64)
     54 import qualified Data.List as L
     55 import Prelude hiding (words)
     56 import qualified Data.Text as T
     57 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
     58 import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Normalize2 as ICU
     59 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
     61 fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
     62 fi = fromIntegral
     63 {-# INLINE fi #-}
     65 -- | A BIP39 wordlist.
     66 newtype Wordlist = Wordlist (PA.Array T.Text)
     68 -- | Generate a BIP39 mnemonic from some entropy, using the default English
     69 --   wordlist.
     70 --
     71 --   The entropy must be at least 128 bits long and at most 256 bits
     72 --   long. Providing invalid entropy will result in an 'ErrorCall'
     73 --   exception.
     74 --
     75 --   >>> import qualified System.Entropy as E
     76 --   >>> trop <- E.getEntropy 16
     77 --   >>> mnemonic trop
     78 --   "coral maze mimic half fat breeze thought club give brass bone snake"
     79 mnemonic
     80   :: BS.ByteString -- ^ 128-256 bits of entropy
     81   -> T.Text
     82 mnemonic = _mnemonic english
     84 -- | Generate a BIP39 mnemonic from some entropy, using the provided
     85 --   wordlist.
     86 --
     87 --   The entropy must be at least 128 bits long and at most 256 bits
     88 --   long. Providing invalid entropy will result in an 'ErrorCall'
     89 --   exception.
     90 --
     91 --   >>> import qualified System.Entropy as E
     92 --   >>> trop <- E.getEntropy 16
     93 --   >>> _mnemonic czech trop
     94 --   "naslepo lysina dikobraz slupka beseda rorejs ostraha kobliha napevno blahobyt kazivost jiskra"
     95 _mnemonic
     96   :: Wordlist
     97   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ 128-256 bits of entropy
     98   -> T.Text
     99 _mnemonic (Wordlist wlist) entropy@(BI.PS _ _ l)
    100   | l < 16 = error "ppad-bip39 (mnemonic): invalid entropy length"
    101   | l > 32 = error "ppad-bip39 (mnemonic): invalid entropy length"
    102   | otherwise =
    103       let has = SHA256.hash entropy
    104           h   = BU.unsafeHead has
    105           n   = l `quot` 4
    106           kek = h .&. (0b1111_1111 .<<. (8 - n)) -- top n bits
    107           cat = entropy <> BS.singleton kek
    108       in  T.intercalate " " (words wlist cat)
    109 {-# INLINE _mnemonic #-}
    111 -- remaining, bits pool, number of bits in pool
    112 type Acc = (BS.ByteString, Word64, Int)
    114 words :: PA.Array T.Text -> BS.ByteString -> [T.Text]
    115 words wlist bs = L.unfoldr coalg (bs, 0, 0) where
    116   mask = 0b0111_1111_1111
    117   coalg :: Acc -> Maybe (T.Text, Acc)
    118   coalg (etc, acc, len)
    119     | len > 10 =
    120         let w11  = fi ((acc .>>. (len - 11)) .&. mask) -- take bits from pool
    121             nacc = acc .&. ((1 .<<. (len - 11)) - 1)   -- adjust pool
    122             nlen = len - 11                            -- track less bits
    123             word = PA.indexArray wlist w11
    124         in  Just (word, (etc, nacc, nlen))
    125     | not (BS.null etc) =
    126         let next = BU.unsafeHead etc
    127             rest = BU.unsafeTail etc
    128             nacc = (acc .<<. 8) .|. fi next -- add bits to pool
    129             nlen = len + 8                  -- track additional bits
    130         in  coalg (rest, nacc, nlen)
    131     | otherwise =
    132         Nothing
    133 {-# INLINE words #-}
    135 -- | Derive a master seed from a provided mnemonic and passphrase, where the
    136 --   mnemonic has been generated from the default English wordlist.
    137 --
    138 --   The mnemonic's length and words are validated. If you want to
    139 --   validate the mnemonic's words against a non-English wordlist, use
    140 --   '_seed'.
    141 --
    142 --   >>> let mnem = "coral maze mimic half fat breeze thought club give brass bone snake"
    143 --   >>  let pass = "hunter2"
    144 --   >>> seed mnem pass
    145 --   <512-bit long seed>
    146 seed
    147   :: T.Text        -- ^ mnemonic
    148   -> T.Text        -- ^ passphrase (use e.g. "" or 'mempty' if not required)
    149   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ seed
    150 seed = _seed english
    152 -- | Derive a master seed from a provided mnemonic and passphrase, where the
    153 --   mnemonic has been generated from an arbitrary wordlist.
    154 --
    155 --   The provided mnemonic is checked for validity using '_valid'.
    156 --   Providing an invalid mnemonic will result in an 'ErrorCall'
    157 --   exception.
    158 --
    159 --   >>> let mnem = "coral maze mimic half fat breeze thought club give brass bone snake"
    160 --   >>  let pass = "hunter2"
    161 --   >>> _seed english mnem pass
    162 --   <512-bit long seed>
    163 _seed
    164   :: Wordlist      -- ^ wordlist
    165   -> T.Text        -- ^ mnemonic
    166   -> T.Text        -- ^ passphrase (use e.g. "" or 'mempty' if not required)
    167   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ seed
    168 _seed wlist mnem pass
    169   | not (_valid wlist mnem) =
    170       error "ppad-bip39 (seed): invalid mnemonic"
    171   | otherwise =
    172       let salt = TE.encodeUtf8 ("mnemonic" <> ICU.nfkd pass)
    173           norm = TE.encodeUtf8 (ICU.nfkd mnem)
    174       in  PBKDF.derive SHA512.hmac norm salt 2048 64 where
    175 {-# INLINE _seed #-}
    177 -- | Derive a master seed from a provided mnemonic and passphrase.
    178 --
    179 --   The mnemonic's length is validated, but its individual words are
    180 --   /not/. This function thus works for every wordlist.
    181 --
    182 --   >>> let mnem = "coral maze mimic half fat breeze thought club give brass bone snake"
    183 --   >>  let pass = "hunter2"
    184 --   >>> seed_unsafe mnem pass
    185 --   <512-bit long seed>
    186 seed_unsafe
    187   :: T.Text        -- ^ mnemonic
    188   -> T.Text        -- ^ passphrase (use e.g. "" or 'mempty' if not required)
    189   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ seed
    190 seed_unsafe mnem pass
    191   | length (T.words mnem) `notElem` [12, 15, 18, 21, 24] =
    192       error "ppad-bip39 (seed_unsafe): invalid mnemonic"
    193   | otherwise =
    194       let salt = TE.encodeUtf8 ("mnemonic" <> ICU.nfkd pass)
    195           norm = TE.encodeUtf8 (ICU.nfkd mnem)
    196       in  PBKDF.derive SHA512.hmac norm salt 2048 64 where
    198 -- | Validate a mnemonic against the default English wordlist.
    199 --
    200 --   Verifies that the mnemonic has a valid length, and that every word
    201 --   is contained in the wordlist.
    202 --
    203 --   >>> valid "coral maze mimic half fat breeze thought club give brass bone snake"
    204 --   True
    205 --   >>> valid "coral maze mimic half fat breeze thought club give brass bone"
    206 --   False
    207 valid
    208   :: T.Text -- ^ mnemonic
    209   -> Bool   -- ^ 'True' if valid
    210 valid mnem =
    211        length ws `elem` [12, 15, 18, 21, 24]
    212     && all M.isJust (fmap (\word -> F.find (== word) wlist) ws)
    213   where
    214     ws = T.words mnem
    215     Wordlist wlist = english
    217 -- | Validate a mnemonic against a wordlist.
    218 --
    219 --   Verifies that the mnemonic has a valid length, and that every word
    220 --   is contained in the provided wordlist.
    221 --
    222 --   >>> let mnem = "持 樓 粗 殺 承 圖 湧 整 拿 路 式 棋"
    223 --   >>> _valid chinese_traditional mnem
    224 --   True
    225 --   >>> _valid chinese_simplified mnem
    226 --   False
    227 _valid
    228   :: Wordlist
    229   -> T.Text   -- ^ mnemonic
    230   -> Bool     -- ^ 'True' if valid
    231 _valid (Wordlist wlist) mnem =
    232        length ws `elem` [12, 15, 18, 21, 24]
    233     && all M.isJust (fmap (\word -> F.find (== word) wlist) ws)
    234   where
    235     ws = T.words mnem
    237 -- wordlists ------------------------------------------------------------------
    239 -- $wordlists
    240 --
    241 -- Wordlists for various languages.
    242 --
    243 -- For the following examples:
    244 --
    245 -- >>> import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
    246 -- >>> let trop = "0123456789abcdef"
    248 -- | The default English wordlist.
    249 --
    250 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic english trop
    251 --   coral maze mimic half fat breeze thought club give brass bone snake
    252 english :: Wordlist
    253 english = unsafePerformIO $ do
    254   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/english.txt")
    255   let ls = T.lines wlist
    256   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    257 {-# NOINLINE english #-}
    259 -- | The default Traditional Chinese wordlist.
    260 --
    261 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic chinese_traditional trop
    262 --   持 樓 粗 殺 承 圖 湧 整 拿 路 式 棋
    263 chinese_traditional :: Wordlist
    264 chinese_traditional = unsafePerformIO $ do
    265   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/chinese_traditional.txt")
    266   let ls = T.lines wlist
    267   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    268 {-# NOINLINE chinese_traditional #-}
    270 -- | The default Simplified Chinese wordlist.
    271 --
    272 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic chinese_simplified trop
    273 --   持 楼 粗 杀 承 图 涌 整 拿 路 式 棋
    274 chinese_simplified :: Wordlist
    275 chinese_simplified = unsafePerformIO $ do
    276   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/chinese_simplified.txt")
    277   let ls = T.lines wlist
    278   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    279 {-# NOINLINE chinese_simplified #-}
    281 -- | The default Korean wordlist.
    282 --
    283 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic korean trop
    284 --   대문 어쩐지 여덟 설거지 볶음 그늘 태권도 단맛 상반기 균형 국왕 진출
    285 korean :: Wordlist
    286 korean = unsafePerformIO $ do
    287   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/korean.txt")
    288   let ls = T.lines wlist
    289   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    290 {-# NOINLINE korean #-}
    292 -- | The default French wordlist.
    293 --
    294 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic french trop
    295 --   chlorure kimono légume flamme endroit bénéfice soulever céleste falaise belette banlieue reprise
    296 french :: Wordlist
    297 french = unsafePerformIO $ do
    298   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/french.txt")
    299   let ls = T.lines wlist
    300   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    301 {-# NOINLINE french #-}
    303 -- | The default Spanish wordlist.
    304 --
    305 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic spanish trop
    306 --   charla marido mente guía explicar banco tapa casco gemelo balcón ayuda ropa
    307 spanish :: Wordlist
    308 spanish = unsafePerformIO $ do
    309   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/spanish.txt")
    310   let ls = T.lines wlist
    311   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    312 {-# NOINLINE spanish #-}
    314 -- | The default Czech wordlist.
    315 --
    316 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic czech trop
    317 --   hadr omladina oslepit metr krajina deflace varovat flirt lovec dechovka cudnost svitek
    318 czech :: Wordlist
    319 czech = unsafePerformIO $ do
    320   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/czech.txt")
    321   let ls = T.lines wlist
    322   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    323 {-# NOINLINE czech #-}
    325 -- |  The default Italian wordlist.
    326 --
    327 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic italian trop
    328 --   conferma nevrotico obbligo indole florido benigno svista cigno grotta belva barbaro sfocato
    329 italian :: Wordlist
    330 italian = unsafePerformIO $ do
    331   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/italian.txt")
    332   let ls = T.lines wlist
    333   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    334 {-# NOINLINE italian #-}
    336 -- | The default Portuguese wordlist.
    337 --
    338 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic portuguese trop
    339 --   capacho juba lareira figurado ejetar avaliar sonhador cachorro exposto autismo aterro refinar
    340 portuguese :: Wordlist
    341 portuguese = unsafePerformIO $ do
    342   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/portuguese.txt")
    343   let ls = T.lines wlist
    344   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    345 {-# NOINLINE portuguese #-}
    347 -- | The default Japanese wordlist.
    348 --
    349 --   >>> TIO.putStrLn $ _mnemonic japanese trop
    350 --   きおん たさい たまご しゃおん こふん えきたい ますく がはく しかい えおり うろこ ひとごみ
    351 japanese :: Wordlist
    352 japanese = unsafePerformIO $ do
    353   wlist <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 (BS.readFile "etc/japanese.txt")
    354   let ls = T.lines wlist
    355   pure (Wordlist (PA.arrayFromList ls))
    356 {-# NOINLINE japanese #-}