
Haskell FFI bindings to bitcoin-core/secp256k1 (docs.ppad.tech/csecp256k1).
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action.yml (1495B)

      1 name: 'Run in Docker with environment'
      2 description: 'Run a command in a Docker container, while passing explicitly set environment variables into the container.'
      3 inputs:
      4   dockerfile:
      5     description: 'A Dockerfile that defines an image'
      6     required: true
      7   tag:
      8     description: 'A tag of an image'
      9     required: true
     10   command:
     11     description: 'A command to run in a container'
     12     required: false
     13     default: ./ci/ci.sh
     14 runs:
     15   using: "composite"
     16   steps:
     17     - uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
     19     - uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
     20       id: main_builder
     21       continue-on-error: true
     22       with:
     23         context: .
     24         file: ${{ inputs.dockerfile }}
     25         tags: ${{ inputs.tag }}
     26         load: true
     27         cache-from: type=gha
     29     - uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
     30       id: retry_builder
     31       if: steps.main_builder.outcome == 'failure'
     32       with:
     33         context: .
     34         file: ${{ inputs.dockerfile }}
     35         tags: ${{ inputs.tag }}
     36         load: true
     37         cache-from: type=gha
     39     - # Tell Docker to pass environment variables in `env` into the container.
     40       run: >
     41         docker run \
     42           $(echo '${{ toJSON(env) }}' | jq -r 'keys[] | "--env \(.) "') \
     43           --volume ${{ github.workspace }}:${{ github.workspace }} \
     44           --workdir ${{ github.workspace }} \
     45           ${{ inputs.tag }} bash -c "
     46             git config --global --add safe.directory ${{ github.workspace }}
     47             ${{ inputs.command }}
     48           "
     49       shell: bash