
Pure Haskell RIPEMD-160, HMAC-RIPEMD160 (
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RIPEMD160.hs (20083B)

      1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
      2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
      3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
      5 -- |
      6 -- Module: Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160
      7 -- Copyright: (c) 2024 Jared Tobin
      8 -- License: MIT
      9 -- Maintainer: Jared Tobin <>
     10 --
     11 -- Pure RIPEMD-160 and HMAC-RIPEMD160 implementations for
     12 -- strict and lazy ByteStrings.
     14 -- for spec, see
     15 --
     16 --
     18 module Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160 (
     19   -- * RIPEMD-160 message digest functions
     20     hash
     21   , hash_lazy
     23   -- * RIPEMD160-based MAC functions
     24   , hmac
     25   , hmac_lazy
     26   ) where
     28 import qualified Data.Bits as B
     29 import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.))
     30 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     31 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
     32 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as BE
     33 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
     34 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
     35 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BLI
     36 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
     37 import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
     38 import Foreign.ForeignPtr (plusForeignPtr)
     40 -- preliminary utils
     42 -- keystroke saver
     43 fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
     44 fi = fromIntegral
     45 {-# INLINE fi #-}
     47 -- parse strict ByteString in LE order to Word32 (verbatim from
     48 -- Data.Binary)
     49 --
     50 -- invariant:
     51 --   the input bytestring is at least 32 bits in length
     52 unsafe_word32le :: BS.ByteString -> Word32
     53 unsafe_word32le s =
     54   (fi (s `BU.unsafeIndex` 3) `B.unsafeShiftL` 24) .|.
     55   (fi (s `BU.unsafeIndex` 2) `B.unsafeShiftL` 16) .|.
     56   (fi (s `BU.unsafeIndex` 1) `B.unsafeShiftL`  8) .|.
     57   (fi (s `BU.unsafeIndex` 0))
     58 {-# INLINE unsafe_word32le #-}
     60 -- utility types for more efficient ByteString management
     62 data SSPair = SSPair
     63   {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString
     64   {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString
     66 data SLPair = SLPair {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString !BL.ByteString
     68 data WSPair = WSPair {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString
     70 -- unsafe version of splitAt that does no bounds checking
     71 --
     72 -- invariant:
     73 --   0 <= n <= l
     74 unsafe_splitAt :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> SSPair
     75 unsafe_splitAt n (BI.BS x l) =
     76   SSPair (BI.BS x n) (BI.BS (plusForeignPtr x n) (l - n))
     78 -- variant of Data.ByteString.Lazy.splitAt that returns the initial
     79 -- component as a strict, unboxed ByteString
     80 splitAt64 :: BL.ByteString -> SLPair
     81 splitAt64 = splitAt' (64 :: Int) where
     82   splitAt' _ BLI.Empty        = SLPair mempty BLI.Empty
     83   splitAt' n (BLI.Chunk c@(BI.PS _ _ l) cs) =
     84     if    n < l
     85     then
     86       -- n < BS.length c, so unsafe_splitAt is safe
     87       let !(SSPair c0 c1) = unsafe_splitAt n c
     88       in  SLPair c0 (BLI.Chunk c1 cs)
     89     else
     90       let SLPair cs' cs'' = splitAt' (n - l) cs
     91       in  SLPair (c <> cs') cs''
     93 -- variant of Data.ByteString.splitAt that behaves like an incremental
     94 -- Word32 parser
     95 --
     96 -- invariant:
     97 --   the input bytestring is at least 32 bits in length
     98 unsafe_parseWsPair :: BS.ByteString -> WSPair
     99 unsafe_parseWsPair (BI.BS x l) =
    100   WSPair (unsafe_word32le (BI.BS x 4)) (BI.BS (plusForeignPtr x 4) (l - 4))
    101 {-# INLINE unsafe_parseWsPair #-}
    103 -- builder realization strategies
    105 to_strict :: BSB.Builder -> BS.ByteString
    106 to_strict = BL.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString
    108 to_strict_small :: BSB.Builder -> BS.ByteString
    109 to_strict_small = BL.toStrict . BE.toLazyByteStringWith
    110   (BE.safeStrategy 128 BE.smallChunkSize) mempty
    112 -- message padding and parsing
    114 -- this is the standard padding for merkle-damgård constructions; see e.g.
    115 --
    116 --
    117 --
    118 --
    119 --  for equivalent padding specifications for MD4 and SHA2, but note that
    120 --  RIPEMD (and MD4) use little-endian word encodings
    122 -- k such that (l + 1 + k) mod 64 = 56
    123 sol :: Word64 -> Word64
    124 sol l =
    125   let r = 56 - fi l `rem` 64 - 1 :: Integer -- fi prevents underflow
    126   in  fi (if r < 0 then r + 64 else r)
    128 pad :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    129 pad m@(BI.PS _ _ (fi -> l))
    130     | l < 128   = to_strict_small padded
    131     | otherwise = to_strict padded
    132   where
    133     padded = BSB.byteString m
    134           <> fill (sol l) (BSB.word8 0x80)
    135           <> BSB.word64LE (l * 8)
    137     fill j !acc
    138       | j `rem` 8 == 0 =
    139              loop64 j acc
    140       | (j - 7) `rem` 8 == 0 =
    141              loop64 (j - 7) acc
    142           <> BSB.word32LE 0x00
    143           <> BSB.word16LE 0x00
    144           <> BSB.word8 0x00
    145       | (j - 6) `rem` 8 == 0 =
    146              loop64 (j - 6) acc
    147           <> BSB.word32LE 0x00
    148           <> BSB.word16LE 0x00
    149       | (j - 5) `rem` 8 == 0 =
    150              loop64 (j - 5) acc
    151           <> BSB.word32LE 0x00
    152           <> BSB.word8 0x00
    153       | (j - 4) `rem` 8 == 0 =
    154              loop64 (j - 4) acc
    155           <> BSB.word32LE 0x00
    156       | (j - 3) `rem` 8 == 0 =
    157              loop64 (j - 3) acc
    158           <> BSB.word16LE 0x00
    159           <> BSB.word8 0x00
    160       | (j - 2) `rem` 8 == 0 =
    161              loop64 (j - 2) acc
    162           <> BSB.word16LE 0x00
    163       | (j - 1) `rem` 8 == 0 =
    164              loop64 (j - 1) acc
    165           <> BSB.word8 0x00
    167       | j `rem` 4 == 0 =
    168              loop32 j acc
    169       | (j - 3) `rem` 4 == 0 =
    170              loop32 (j - 3) acc
    171           <> BSB.word16LE 0x00
    172           <> BSB.word8 0x00
    173       | (j - 2) `rem` 4 == 0 =
    174              loop32 (j - 2) acc
    175           <> BSB.word16LE 0x00
    176       | (j - 1) `rem` 4 == 0 =
    177              loop32 (j - 1) acc
    178           <> BSB.word8 0x00
    180       | j `rem` 2 == 0 =
    181              loop16 j acc
    182       | (j - 1) `rem` 2 == 0 =
    183              loop16 (j - 1) acc
    184           <> BSB.word8 0x00
    186       | otherwise =
    187             loop8 j acc
    189     loop64 j !acc
    190       | j == 0 = acc
    191       | otherwise = loop64 (j - 8) (acc <> BSB.word64LE 0x00)
    193     loop32 j !acc
    194       | j == 0 = acc
    195       | otherwise = loop32 (j - 4) (acc <> BSB.word32LE 0x00)
    197     loop16 j !acc
    198       | j == 0 = acc
    199       | otherwise = loop16 (j - 2) (acc <> BSB.word16LE 0x00)
    201     loop8 j !acc
    202       | j == 0 = acc
    203       | otherwise = loop8 (pred j) (acc <> BSB.word8 0x00)
    205 pad_lazy :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
    206 pad_lazy (BL.toChunks -> m) = BL.fromChunks (walk 0 m) where
    207   walk !l bs = case bs of
    208     (c:cs) -> c : walk (l + fi (BS.length c)) cs
    209     [] -> padding l (sol l) (BSB.word8 0x80)
    211   padding l k bs
    212     | k == 0 =
    213           pure
    214         . to_strict
    215         $ bs <> BSB.word64LE (l * 8)
    216     | otherwise =
    217         let nacc = bs <> BSB.word8 0x00
    218         in  padding l (pred k) nacc
    220 -- initialization
    222 data Registers = Registers {
    223     h0 :: !Word32
    224   , h1 :: !Word32
    225   , h2 :: !Word32
    226   , h3 :: !Word32
    227   , h4 :: !Word32
    228   } deriving Show
    230 iv :: Registers
    231 iv = Registers 0x67452301 0xEFCDAB89 0x98BADCFE 0x10325476 0xC3D2E1F0
    233 -- processing
    235 data Block = Block {
    236     m00 :: !Word32, m01 :: !Word32, m02 :: !Word32, m03 :: !Word32
    237   , m04 :: !Word32, m05 :: !Word32, m06 :: !Word32, m07 :: !Word32
    238   , m08 :: !Word32, m09 :: !Word32, m10 :: !Word32, m11 :: !Word32
    239   , m12 :: !Word32, m13 :: !Word32, m14 :: !Word32, m15 :: !Word32
    240   } deriving Show
    242 -- parse strict bytestring to block
    243 --
    244 -- invariant:
    245 --   the input bytestring is exactly 512 bits long
    246 unsafe_parse :: BS.ByteString -> Block
    247 unsafe_parse bs =
    248   let !(WSPair m00 t00) = unsafe_parseWsPair bs
    249       !(WSPair m01 t01) = unsafe_parseWsPair t00
    250       !(WSPair m02 t02) = unsafe_parseWsPair t01
    251       !(WSPair m03 t03) = unsafe_parseWsPair t02
    252       !(WSPair m04 t04) = unsafe_parseWsPair t03
    253       !(WSPair m05 t05) = unsafe_parseWsPair t04
    254       !(WSPair m06 t06) = unsafe_parseWsPair t05
    255       !(WSPair m07 t07) = unsafe_parseWsPair t06
    256       !(WSPair m08 t08) = unsafe_parseWsPair t07
    257       !(WSPair m09 t09) = unsafe_parseWsPair t08
    258       !(WSPair m10 t10) = unsafe_parseWsPair t09
    259       !(WSPair m11 t11) = unsafe_parseWsPair t10
    260       !(WSPair m12 t12) = unsafe_parseWsPair t11
    261       !(WSPair m13 t13) = unsafe_parseWsPair t12
    262       !(WSPair m14 t14) = unsafe_parseWsPair t13
    263       !(WSPair m15 t15) = unsafe_parseWsPair t14
    264   in  if   BS.null t15
    265       then Block {..}
    266       else error "ppad-ripemd160: internal error (bytes remaining)"
    268 -- nonlinear functions at bit level
    269 f0, f1, f2, f3, f4 :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
    270 f0 x y z = x `B.xor` y `B.xor` z
    271 {-# INLINE f0 #-}
    272 f1 x y z = (x .&. y) .|. (B.complement x .&. z)
    273 {-# INLINE f1 #-}
    274 f2 x y z = (x .|. B.complement y) `B.xor` z
    275 {-# INLINE f2 #-}
    276 f3 x y z = (x .&. z) .|. (y .&. B.complement z)
    277 {-# INLINE f3 #-}
    278 f4 x y z = x `B.xor` (y .|. B.complement z)
    279 {-# INLINE f4 #-}
    281 -- constants
    282 k0, k1, k2, k3, k4 :: Word32
    283 k0 = 0x00000000 -- 00 <= j <= 15
    284 k1 = 0x5A827999 -- 16 <= j <= 31
    285 k2 = 0x6ED9EBA1 -- 32 <= j <= 47
    286 k3 = 0x8F1BBCDC -- 48 <= j <= 63
    287 k4 = 0xA953FD4E -- 64 <= j <= 79
    289 k0', k1', k2', k3', k4' :: Word32
    290 k0' = 0x50A28BE6 -- 00 <= j <= 15
    291 k1' = 0x5C4DD124 -- 16 <= j <= 31
    292 k2' = 0x6D703EF3 -- 32 <= j <= 47
    293 k3' = 0x7A6D76E9 -- 48 <= j <= 63
    294 k4' = 0x00000000 -- 64 <= j <= 79
    296 -- strict registers pair
    297 data Pair = Pair !Registers !Registers
    298   deriving Show
    300 round1, round2, round3, round4, round5 ::
    301   Word32 -> Word32 -> Registers -> Registers -> Int -> Int -> Pair
    303 round1 x x' (Registers a b c d e) (Registers a' b' c' d' e') s s' =
    304   let t  = B.rotateL (a + f0 b c d + x + k0) s + e
    305       r0 = Registers e t b (B.rotateL c 10) d
    306       t' = B.rotateL (a' + f4 b' c' d' + x' + k0') s' + e'
    307       r1 = Registers e' t' b' (B.rotateL c' 10) d'
    308   in  Pair r0 r1
    310 round2 x x' (Registers a b c d e) (Registers a' b' c' d' e') s s' =
    311   let t  = B.rotateL (a + f1 b c d + x + k1) s + e
    312       r0 = Registers e t b (B.rotateL c 10) d
    313       t' = B.rotateL (a' + f3 b' c' d' + x' + k1') s' + e'
    314       r1 = Registers e' t' b' (B.rotateL c' 10) d'
    315   in  Pair r0 r1
    317 round3 x x' (Registers a b c d e) (Registers a' b' c' d' e') s s' =
    318   let t  = B.rotateL (a + f2 b c d + x + k2) s + e
    319       r0 = Registers e t b (B.rotateL c 10) d
    320       t' = B.rotateL (a' + f2 b' c' d' + x' + k2') s' + e'
    321       r1 = Registers e' t' b' (B.rotateL c' 10) d'
    322   in  Pair r0 r1
    324 round4 x x' (Registers a b c d e) (Registers a' b' c' d' e') s s' =
    325   let t  = B.rotateL (a + f3 b c d + x + k3) s + e
    326       r0 = Registers e t b (B.rotateL c 10) d
    327       t' = B.rotateL (a' + f1 b' c' d' + x' + k3') s' + e'
    328       r1 = Registers e' t' b' (B.rotateL c' 10) d'
    329   in  Pair r0 r1
    331 round5 x x' (Registers a b c d e) (Registers a' b' c' d' e') s s' =
    332   let t  = B.rotateL (a + f4 b c d + x + k4) s + e
    333       r0 = Registers e t b (B.rotateL c 10) d
    334       t' = B.rotateL (a' + f0 b' c' d' + x' + k4') s' + e'
    335       r1 = Registers e' t' b' (B.rotateL c' 10) d'
    336   in  Pair r0 r1
    338 block_hash :: Registers -> Block -> Registers
    339 block_hash reg@Registers {..} Block {..} =
    340       -- round 1
    341       --
    342       -- r(j)      = j (0 ≤ j ≤ 15)
    343       -- r'(0..15) = 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12
    344       -- s(0..15)  = 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8
    345       -- s'(0..15) = 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6
    346   let !(Pair l00 r00) = round1 m00 m05 reg reg 11 08
    347       !(Pair l01 r01) = round1 m01 m14 l00 r00 14 09
    348       !(Pair l02 r02) = round1 m02 m07 l01 r01 15 09
    349       !(Pair l03 r03) = round1 m03 m00 l02 r02 12 11
    350       !(Pair l04 r04) = round1 m04 m09 l03 r03 05 13
    351       !(Pair l05 r05) = round1 m05 m02 l04 r04 08 15
    352       !(Pair l06 r06) = round1 m06 m11 l05 r05 07 15
    353       !(Pair l07 r07) = round1 m07 m04 l06 r06 09 05
    354       !(Pair l08 r08) = round1 m08 m13 l07 r07 11 07
    355       !(Pair l09 r09) = round1 m09 m06 l08 r08 13 07
    356       !(Pair l10 r10) = round1 m10 m15 l09 r09 14 08
    357       !(Pair l11 r11) = round1 m11 m08 l10 r10 15 11
    358       !(Pair l12 r12) = round1 m12 m01 l11 r11 06 14
    359       !(Pair l13 r13) = round1 m13 m10 l12 r12 07 14
    360       !(Pair l14 r14) = round1 m14 m03 l13 r13 09 12
    361       !(Pair l15 r15) = round1 m15 m12 l14 r14 08 06
    363       -- round 2
    364       --
    365       -- r(16..31) = 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8
    366       -- r'(16..31) = 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2
    367       -- s(16..31) = 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12
    368       -- s'(16..31) = 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11
    369       !(Pair l16 r16) = round2 m07 m06 l15 r15 07 09
    370       !(Pair l17 r17) = round2 m04 m11 l16 r16 06 13
    371       !(Pair l18 r18) = round2 m13 m03 l17 r17 08 15
    372       !(Pair l19 r19) = round2 m01 m07 l18 r18 13 07
    373       !(Pair l20 r20) = round2 m10 m00 l19 r19 11 12
    374       !(Pair l21 r21) = round2 m06 m13 l20 r20 09 08
    375       !(Pair l22 r22) = round2 m15 m05 l21 r21 07 09
    376       !(Pair l23 r23) = round2 m03 m10 l22 r22 15 11
    377       !(Pair l24 r24) = round2 m12 m14 l23 r23 07 07
    378       !(Pair l25 r25) = round2 m00 m15 l24 r24 12 07
    379       !(Pair l26 r26) = round2 m09 m08 l25 r25 15 12
    380       !(Pair l27 r27) = round2 m05 m12 l26 r26 09 07
    381       !(Pair l28 r28) = round2 m02 m04 l27 r27 11 06
    382       !(Pair l29 r29) = round2 m14 m09 l28 r28 07 15
    383       !(Pair l30 r30) = round2 m11 m01 l29 r29 13 13
    384       !(Pair l31 r31) = round2 m08 m02 l30 r30 12 11
    386       -- round 3
    387       --
    388       -- r(32..47) = 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12
    389       -- r'(32..47) = 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13
    390       -- s(32..47) = 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5
    391       -- s'(32..47) = 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5
    392       !(Pair l32 r32) = round3 m03 m15 l31 r31 11 09
    393       !(Pair l33 r33) = round3 m10 m05 l32 r32 13 07
    394       !(Pair l34 r34) = round3 m14 m01 l33 r33 06 15
    395       !(Pair l35 r35) = round3 m04 m03 l34 r34 07 11
    396       !(Pair l36 r36) = round3 m09 m07 l35 r35 14 08
    397       !(Pair l37 r37) = round3 m15 m14 l36 r36 09 06
    398       !(Pair l38 r38) = round3 m08 m06 l37 r37 13 06
    399       !(Pair l39 r39) = round3 m01 m09 l38 r38 15 14
    400       !(Pair l40 r40) = round3 m02 m11 l39 r39 14 12
    401       !(Pair l41 r41) = round3 m07 m08 l40 r40 08 13
    402       !(Pair l42 r42) = round3 m00 m12 l41 r41 13 05
    403       !(Pair l43 r43) = round3 m06 m02 l42 r42 06 14
    404       !(Pair l44 r44) = round3 m13 m10 l43 r43 05 13
    405       !(Pair l45 r45) = round3 m11 m00 l44 r44 12 13
    406       !(Pair l46 r46) = round3 m05 m04 l45 r45 07 07
    407       !(Pair l47 r47) = round3 m12 m13 l46 r46 05 05
    409       -- round 4
    410       --
    411       -- r(48..63) = 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2
    412       -- r'(48..63) = 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14
    413       -- s(48..63) = 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12
    414       -- s'(48..63) = 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8
    415       !(Pair l48 r48) = round4 m01 m08 l47 r47 11 15
    416       !(Pair l49 r49) = round4 m09 m06 l48 r48 12 05
    417       !(Pair l50 r50) = round4 m11 m04 l49 r49 14 08
    418       !(Pair l51 r51) = round4 m10 m01 l50 r50 15 11
    419       !(Pair l52 r52) = round4 m00 m03 l51 r51 14 14
    420       !(Pair l53 r53) = round4 m08 m11 l52 r52 15 14
    421       !(Pair l54 r54) = round4 m12 m15 l53 r53 09 06
    422       !(Pair l55 r55) = round4 m04 m00 l54 r54 08 14
    423       !(Pair l56 r56) = round4 m13 m05 l55 r55 09 06
    424       !(Pair l57 r57) = round4 m03 m12 l56 r56 14 09
    425       !(Pair l58 r58) = round4 m07 m02 l57 r57 05 12
    426       !(Pair l59 r59) = round4 m15 m13 l58 r58 06 09
    427       !(Pair l60 r60) = round4 m14 m09 l59 r59 08 12
    428       !(Pair l61 r61) = round4 m05 m07 l60 r60 06 05
    429       !(Pair l62 r62) = round4 m06 m10 l61 r61 05 15
    430       !(Pair l63 r63) = round4 m02 m14 l62 r62 12 08
    432       -- round 5
    433       --
    434       -- r(64..79) = 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13
    435       -- r'(64..79) = 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11
    436       -- s(64..79) = 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6
    437       -- s'(64..79) = 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11
    438       !(Pair l64 r64) = round5 m04 m12 l63 r63 09 08
    439       !(Pair l65 r65) = round5 m00 m15 l64 r64 15 05
    440       !(Pair l66 r66) = round5 m05 m10 l65 r65 05 12
    441       !(Pair l67 r67) = round5 m09 m04 l66 r66 11 09
    442       !(Pair l68 r68) = round5 m07 m01 l67 r67 06 12
    443       !(Pair l69 r69) = round5 m12 m05 l68 r68 08 05
    444       !(Pair l70 r70) = round5 m02 m08 l69 r69 13 14
    445       !(Pair l71 r71) = round5 m10 m07 l70 r70 12 06
    446       !(Pair l72 r72) = round5 m14 m06 l71 r71 05 08
    447       !(Pair l73 r73) = round5 m01 m02 l72 r72 12 13
    448       !(Pair l74 r74) = round5 m03 m13 l73 r73 13 06
    449       !(Pair l75 r75) = round5 m08 m14 l74 r74 14 05
    450       !(Pair l76 r76) = round5 m11 m00 l75 r75 11 15
    451       !(Pair l77 r77) = round5 m06 m03 l76 r76 08 13
    452       !(Pair l78 r78) = round5 m15 m09 l77 r77 05 11
    453       !(Pair l79 r79) = round5 m13 m11 l78 r78 06 11
    455       !(Registers a b c d e)      = l79
    456       !(Registers a' b' c' d' e') = r79
    458    in Registers
    459         (h1 + c + d') (h2 + d + e') (h3 + e + a') (h4 + a + b') (h0 + b + c')
    461 -- block pipeline
    462 --
    463 -- invariant:
    464 --   the input bytestring is exactly 512 bits in length
    465 unsafe_hash_alg :: Registers -> BS.ByteString -> Registers
    466 unsafe_hash_alg rs bs = block_hash rs (unsafe_parse bs)
    468 -- register concatenation
    469 cat :: Registers -> BS.ByteString
    470 cat Registers {..} =
    471   let w64_0 = fi h1 `B.shiftL` 32 .|. fi h0
    472       w64_1 = fi h3 `B.shiftL` 32 .|. fi h2
    473   in  to_strict_small $
    474            BSB.word64LE w64_0
    475         <> BSB.word64LE w64_1
    476         <> BSB.word32LE h4
    478 -- | Compute a condensed representation of a strict bytestring via
    479 --   RIPEMD-160.
    480 --
    481 --   The 160-bit output digest is returned as a strict bytestring.
    482 --
    483 --   >>> hash "strict bytestring input"
    484 --   "<strict 160-bit message digest>"
    485 hash :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    486 hash bs = cat (go iv (pad bs)) where
    487   go :: Registers -> BS.ByteString -> Registers
    488   go !acc b
    489     | BS.null b = acc
    490     | otherwise = case unsafe_splitAt 64 b of
    491         SSPair c r -> go (unsafe_hash_alg acc c) r
    493 -- | Compute a condensed representation of a lazy bytestring via
    494 --   RIPEMD-160.
    495 --
    496 --   The 160-bit output digest is returned as a strict bytestring.
    497 --
    498 --   >>> hash_lazy "lazy bytestring input"
    499 --   "<strict 160-bit message digest>"
    500 hash_lazy :: BL.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    501 hash_lazy bl = cat (go iv (pad_lazy bl)) where
    502   go :: Registers -> BL.ByteString -> Registers
    503   go !acc bs
    504     | BL.null bs = acc
    505     | otherwise = case splitAt64 bs of
    506         SLPair c r -> go (unsafe_hash_alg acc c) r
    508 -- HMAC -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    509 --
    511 data KeyAndLen = KeyAndLen
    512   {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString
    513   {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    515 -- | Produce a message authentication code for a strict bytestring,
    516 --   based on the provided (strict, bytestring) key, via RIPEMD-160.
    517 --
    518 --   The 160-bit MAC is returned as a strict bytestring.
    519 --
    520 --   Per RFC 2104, the key /should/ be a minimum of 20 bytes long. Keys
    521 --   exceeding 64 bytes in length will first be hashed (via RIPEMD-160).
    522 --
    523 --   >>> hmac "strict bytestring key" "strict bytestring input"
    524 --   "<strict 160-bit MAC>"
    525 hmac
    526   :: BS.ByteString -- ^ key
    527   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ text
    528   -> BS.ByteString
    529 hmac mk@(BI.PS _ _ l) text =
    530     let step1 = k <> BS.replicate (64 - lk) 0x00
    531         step2 = (B.xor 0x36) step1
    532         step3 = step2 <> text
    533         step4 = hash step3
    534         step5 = (B.xor 0x5C) step1
    535         step6 = step5 <> step4
    536     in  hash step6
    537   where
    538     !(KeyAndLen k lk)
    539       | l > 64    = KeyAndLen (hash mk) 20
    540       | otherwise = KeyAndLen mk l
    542 -- | Produce a message authentication code for a lazy bytestring, based
    543 --   on the provided (strict, bytestring) key, via RIPEMD-160.
    544 --
    545 --   The 160-bit MAC is returned as a strict bytestring.
    546 --
    547 --   Per RFC 2104, the key /should/ be a minimum of 20 bytes long. Keys
    548 --   exceeding 64 bytes in length will first be hashed (via RIPEMD-160).
    549 --
    550 --   >>> hmac_lazy "strict bytestring key" "lazy bytestring input"
    551 --   "<strict 160-bit MAC>"
    552 hmac_lazy
    553   :: BS.ByteString -- ^ key
    554   -> BL.ByteString -- ^ text
    555   -> BS.ByteString
    556 hmac_lazy mk@(BI.PS _ _ l) text =
    557     let step1 = k <> BS.replicate (64 - lk) 0x00
    558         step2 = (B.xor 0x36) step1
    559         step3 = BL.fromStrict step2 <> text
    560         step4 = hash_lazy step3
    561         step5 = (B.xor 0x5C) step1
    562         step6 = step5 <> step4
    563     in  hash step6
    564   where
    565     !(KeyAndLen k lk)
    566       | l > 64    = KeyAndLen (hash mk) 20
    567       | otherwise = KeyAndLen mk l