
Representations and fast conversions for Script (
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Script.hs (11107B)

      1 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
      2 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
      3 {-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
      4 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
      5 {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
      6 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
      7 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
      9 -- |
     10 -- Module: Bitcoin.Prim.Script
     11 -- Copyright: (c) 2025 Jared Tobin
     12 -- License: MIT
     13 -- Maintainer: Jared Tobin <>
     14 --
     15 -- Representations for [Script](,
     16 -- including abstract syntax, 'BA.ByteArray', and base16-encoded
     17 -- 'BS.ByteString' versions, as well as fast conversion utilities for
     18 -- working with them.
     20 module Bitcoin.Prim.Script (
     21     -- * Script and Script Terms
     22     Script(..)
     23   , Term(..)
     24   , Opcode(..)
     26     -- * Conversion Utilities
     27   , to_base16
     28   , from_base16
     29   , to_script
     30   , from_script
     32     -- for testing etc.
     33   , ba_to_bs
     34   , bs_to_ba
     35   ) where
     37 import Control.Monad (guard)
     38 import qualified Data.Bits as B
     39 import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.))
     40 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     41 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
     42 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
     43 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
     44 import qualified Data.Char as C
     45 import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as BA
     46 import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32)
     47 import GHC.ForeignPtr
     48 import System.IO.Unsafe
     50 -- utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------
     52 fi :: (Num a, Integral b) => b -> a
     53 fi = fromIntegral
     54 {-# INLINE fi #-}
     56 -- convert a pinned ByteArray to a ByteString
     57 ba_to_bs :: BA.ByteArray -> BS.ByteString
     58 ba_to_bs ba = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
     59   guard (BA.isByteArrayPinned ba)
     60   let l = BA.sizeofByteArray ba
     61   buf <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes l
     62   withForeignPtr buf $ \p ->
     63     BA.copyByteArrayToAddr p ba 0 l
     64   pure (BI.BS buf l)
     65 {-# NOINLINE ba_to_bs #-}
     67 -- convert a ByteString to a pinned ByteArray
     68 bs_to_ba :: BS.ByteString -> BA.ByteArray
     69 bs_to_ba (BI.PS bp _ l) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
     70   buf <- BA.newPinnedByteArray l
     71   withForeignPtr bp $ \p ->
     72     BA.copyPtrToMutableByteArray buf 0 p l
     73   BA.unsafeFreezeByteArray buf
     74 {-# NOINLINE bs_to_ba #-}
     76 -- split a word8 into a pair of its high and low bits
     77 -- only used for show instances
     78 hilo :: Word8 -> (Word8, Word8)
     79 hilo b =
     80   let hex_charset = "0123456789abcdef"
     81       hi = BU.unsafeIndex hex_charset (fi b `B.shiftR` 4)
     82       lo = BU.unsafeIndex hex_charset (fi b .&. 0b0000_1111)
     83   in  (hi, lo)
     85 -- script and term representation ---------------------------------------------
     87 -- | A Script program, represented as a 'BA.ByteArray'.
     88 --
     89 --   >>> from_base16 "0014b472a266d0bd89c13706a4132ccfb16f7c3b9fcb"
     90 --   Just (Script
     91 --     [ 0x00, 0x14, 0xb4, 0x72, 0xa2, 0x66, 0xd0, 0xbd, 0x89, 0xc1, 0x37
     92 --     , 0x06, 0xa4, 0x13, 0x2c, 0xcf, 0xb1, 0x6f, 0x7c, 0x3b, 0x9f, 0xcb])
     93 newtype Script = Script BA.ByteArray
     94   deriving (Eq, Show)
     96 -- | Terms of the Script language, each being an 'Opcode' or 'Word8'
     97 --   byte.
     98 --
     99 --   >>> OPCODE OP_RETURN
    100 --   OP_RETURN
    101 --   >>> BYTE 0x00
    102 --   0x00
    103 data Term =
    104     OPCODE {-# UNPACK #-} !Opcode
    105   | BYTE   {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8
    106   deriving Eq
    108 instance Show Term where
    109   show (OPCODE o) = show o
    110   show (BYTE w) =
    111     let (hi, lo) = hilo w
    112     in  "0x" <> (C.chr (fi hi) : C.chr (fi lo) : [])
    114 -- script conversions ---------------------------------------------------------
    116 -- | Convert a 'Script' to a base16-encoded 'BS.ByteString'.
    117 --
    118 --   >>> let script = to_script [OPCODE OP_1, OPCODE OP_2, OPCODE OP_ADD]
    119 --   >>> to_base16 script
    120 --  "515293"
    121 to_base16 :: Script -> BS.ByteString
    122 to_base16 (Script ba) = B16.encode (ba_to_bs ba)
    123 {-# INLINE to_base16 #-}
    125 -- | Convert a base16-encoded 'BS.ByteString' to a 'Script'.
    126 --
    127 --   >>> from_base16 "515293"
    128 --   Just (Script [0x51, 0x52, 0x93])
    129 from_base16 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Script
    130 from_base16 b16 = do
    131   bs <- B16.decode b16
    132   pure (Script (bs_to_ba bs))
    133 {-# INLINE from_base16 #-}
    135 -- | Pack a list of Script terms into a 'Script'.
    136 --
    137 --   >>> to_script [OPCODE OP_1, OPCODE OP_2, OPCODE OP_ADD]
    138 --   Script [0x51, 0x52, 0x93]
    139 to_script :: [Term] -> Script
    140 to_script terms =
    141     let !bs = BS.pack (fmap term_to_byte terms)
    142     in  Script (bs_to_ba bs)
    143   where
    144     term_to_byte :: Term -> Word8
    145     term_to_byte = \case
    146       OPCODE !op -> fi (fromEnum op)
    147       BYTE !w8 -> w8
    148     {-# INLINE term_to_byte #-}
    149 {-# NOINLINE to_script #-} -- inlining causes GHC to panic during compilation
    151 -- | Unpack a 'Script' into a list of Script terms.
    152 --
    153 --   >>> let Just script = from_base16 "515293"
    154 --   >>> from_script script
    155 --   [OP_1, OP_2, OP_ADD]
    156 from_script :: Script -> [Term]
    157 from_script (Script bs) = go 0 where
    158   !l = BA.sizeofByteArray bs
    160   read_pay !cur !end
    161     | cur == end = go cur
    162     | otherwise  = BYTE (BA.indexByteArray bs cur) : read_pay (cur + 1) end
    164   go j
    165     | j == l = mempty
    166     | otherwise =
    167         let !op = toEnum (fi (BA.indexByteArray bs j :: Word8)) :: Opcode
    168         in  case pushbytes op of
    169               Just !i -> OPCODE op : read_pay (j + 1) (j + 1 + i)
    170               Nothing -> OPCODE op : case op of
    171                 OP_PUSHDATA1 ->
    172                   let !len_idx = j + 1
    173                       !pay_len = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
    174                   in    BYTE pay_len
    175                       : read_pay (len_idx + 1) (len_idx + 1 + fi pay_len)
    177                 OP_PUSHDATA2 ->
    178                   let !len_idx = j + 1
    179                       !w8_0 = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
    180                       !w8_1 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
    181                       !pay_len = fi w8_0 .|. fi w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8 :: Word16
    182                   in    BYTE w8_0 : BYTE w8_1
    183                       : read_pay (len_idx + 2) (len_idx + 2 + fi pay_len)
    185                 OP_PUSHDATA4 ->
    186                   let !len_idx = j + 1
    187                       !w8_0 = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
    188                       !w8_1 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
    189                       !w8_2 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 2) :: Word8
    190                       !w8_3 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 3) :: Word8
    191                       !pay_len = fi w8_0
    192                              .|. fi w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8
    193                              .|. fi w8_2 `B.shiftL` 16
    194                              .|. fi w8_3 `B.shiftL` 24 :: Word32
    195                   in    BYTE w8_0 : BYTE w8_1 : BYTE w8_2 : BYTE w8_3
    196                       : read_pay (len_idx + 4) (len_idx + 4 + fi pay_len)
    198                 _ -> go (succ j)
    200 -- opcodes and utilities ------------------------------------------------------
    202 -- | Primitive opcodes.
    203 --
    204 --   See, for example [opcodeexplained](
    205 --   for detail on each.
    206 data Opcode =
    207     OP_PUSHBYTES_0
    208   | OP_PUSHBYTES_1
    209   | OP_PUSHBYTES_2
    210   | OP_PUSHBYTES_3
    211   | OP_PUSHBYTES_4
    212   | OP_PUSHBYTES_5
    213   | OP_PUSHBYTES_6
    214   | OP_PUSHBYTES_7
    215   | OP_PUSHBYTES_8
    216   | OP_PUSHBYTES_9
    217   | OP_PUSHBYTES_10
    218   | OP_PUSHBYTES_11
    219   | OP_PUSHBYTES_12
    220   | OP_PUSHBYTES_13
    221   | OP_PUSHBYTES_14
    222   | OP_PUSHBYTES_15
    223   | OP_PUSHBYTES_16
    224   | OP_PUSHBYTES_17
    225   | OP_PUSHBYTES_18
    226   | OP_PUSHBYTES_19
    227   | OP_PUSHBYTES_20
    228   | OP_PUSHBYTES_21
    229   | OP_PUSHBYTES_22
    230   | OP_PUSHBYTES_23
    231   | OP_PUSHBYTES_24
    232   | OP_PUSHBYTES_25
    233   | OP_PUSHBYTES_26
    234   | OP_PUSHBYTES_27
    235   | OP_PUSHBYTES_28
    236   | OP_PUSHBYTES_29
    237   | OP_PUSHBYTES_30
    238   | OP_PUSHBYTES_31
    239   | OP_PUSHBYTES_32
    240   | OP_PUSHBYTES_33
    241   | OP_PUSHBYTES_34
    242   | OP_PUSHBYTES_35
    243   | OP_PUSHBYTES_36
    244   | OP_PUSHBYTES_37
    245   | OP_PUSHBYTES_38
    246   | OP_PUSHBYTES_39
    247   | OP_PUSHBYTES_40
    248   | OP_PUSHBYTES_41
    249   | OP_PUSHBYTES_42
    250   | OP_PUSHBYTES_43
    251   | OP_PUSHBYTES_44
    252   | OP_PUSHBYTES_45
    253   | OP_PUSHBYTES_46
    254   | OP_PUSHBYTES_47
    255   | OP_PUSHBYTES_48
    256   | OP_PUSHBYTES_49
    257   | OP_PUSHBYTES_50
    258   | OP_PUSHBYTES_51
    259   | OP_PUSHBYTES_52
    260   | OP_PUSHBYTES_53
    261   | OP_PUSHBYTES_54
    262   | OP_PUSHBYTES_55
    263   | OP_PUSHBYTES_56
    264   | OP_PUSHBYTES_57
    265   | OP_PUSHBYTES_58
    266   | OP_PUSHBYTES_59
    267   | OP_PUSHBYTES_60
    268   | OP_PUSHBYTES_61
    269   | OP_PUSHBYTES_62
    270   | OP_PUSHBYTES_63
    271   | OP_PUSHBYTES_64
    272   | OP_PUSHBYTES_65
    273   | OP_PUSHBYTES_66
    274   | OP_PUSHBYTES_67
    275   | OP_PUSHBYTES_68
    276   | OP_PUSHBYTES_69
    277   | OP_PUSHBYTES_70
    278   | OP_PUSHBYTES_71
    279   | OP_PUSHBYTES_72
    280   | OP_PUSHBYTES_73
    281   | OP_PUSHBYTES_74
    282   | OP_PUSHBYTES_75
    283   | OP_PUSHDATA1
    284   | OP_PUSHDATA2
    285   | OP_PUSHDATA4
    286   | OP_1NEGATE
    287   | OP_RESERVED
    288   | OP_1
    289   | OP_2
    290   | OP_3
    291   | OP_4
    292   | OP_5
    293   | OP_6
    294   | OP_7
    295   | OP_8
    296   | OP_9
    297   | OP_10
    298   | OP_11
    299   | OP_12
    300   | OP_13
    301   | OP_14
    302   | OP_15
    303   | OP_16
    304   | OP_NOP
    305   | OP_VER
    306   | OP_IF
    307   | OP_NOTIF
    308   | OP_VERIF
    309   | OP_VERNOTIF
    310   | OP_ELSE
    311   | OP_ENDIF
    312   | OP_VERIFY
    313   | OP_RETURN
    314   | OP_TOALTSTACK
    316   | OP_2DROP
    317   | OP_2DUP
    318   | OP_3DUP
    319   | OP_2OVER
    320   | OP_2ROT
    321   | OP_2SWAP
    322   | OP_IFDUP
    323   | OP_DEPTH
    324   | OP_DROP
    325   | OP_DUP
    326   | OP_NIP
    327   | OP_OVER
    328   | OP_PICK
    329   | OP_ROLL
    330   | OP_ROT
    331   | OP_SWAP
    332   | OP_TUCK
    333   | OP_CAT
    334   | OP_SUBSTR
    335   | OP_LEFT
    336   | OP_RIGHT
    337   | OP_SIZE
    338   | OP_INVERT
    339   | OP_AND
    340   | OP_OR
    341   | OP_XOR
    342   | OP_EQUAL
    343   | OP_EQUALVERIFY
    344   | OP_RESERVED1
    345   | OP_RESERVED2
    346   | OP_1ADD
    347   | OP_1SUB
    348   | OP_2MUL
    349   | OP_2DIV
    350   | OP_NEGATE
    351   | OP_ABS
    352   | OP_NOT
    353   | OP_0NOTEQUAL
    354   | OP_ADD
    355   | OP_SUB
    356   | OP_MUL
    357   | OP_DIV
    358   | OP_MOD
    359   | OP_LSHIFT
    360   | OP_RSHIFT
    361   | OP_BOOLAND
    362   | OP_BOOLOR
    363   | OP_NUMEQUAL
    365   | OP_NUMNOTEQUAL
    366   | OP_LESSTHAN
    367   | OP_GREATERTHAN
    370   | OP_MIN
    371   | OP_MAX
    372   | OP_WITHIN
    373   | OP_RIPEMD160
    374   | OP_SHA1
    375   | OP_SHA256
    376   | OP_HASH160
    377   | OP_HASH256
    379   | OP_CHECKSIG
    383   | OP_NOP1
    384   | OP_CLTV
    385   | OP_CSV
    386   | OP_NOP4
    387   | OP_NOP5
    388   | OP_NOP6
    389   | OP_NOP7
    390   | OP_NOP8
    391   | OP_NOP9
    392   | OP_NOP10
    393   | OP_CHECKSIGADD
    394   | OP_RETURN_187
    395   | OP_RETURN_188
    396   | OP_RETURN_189
    397   | OP_RETURN_190
    398   | OP_RETURN_191
    399   | OP_RETURN_192
    400   | OP_RETURN_193
    401   | OP_RETURN_194
    402   | OP_RETURN_195
    403   | OP_RETURN_196
    404   | OP_RETURN_197
    405   | OP_RETURN_198
    406   | OP_RETURN_199
    407   | OP_RETURN_200
    408   | OP_RETURN_201
    409   | OP_RETURN_202
    410   | OP_RETURN_203
    411   | OP_RETURN_204
    412   | OP_RETURN_205
    413   | OP_RETURN_206
    414   | OP_RETURN_207
    415   | OP_RETURN_208
    416   | OP_RETURN_209
    417   | OP_RETURN_210
    418   | OP_RETURN_211
    419   | OP_RETURN_212
    420   | OP_RETURN_213
    421   | OP_RETURN_214
    422   | OP_RETURN_215
    423   | OP_RETURN_216
    424   | OP_RETURN_217
    425   | OP_RETURN_218
    426   | OP_RETURN_219
    427   | OP_RETURN_220
    428   | OP_RETURN_221
    429   | OP_RETURN_222
    430   | OP_RETURN_223
    431   | OP_RETURN_224
    432   | OP_RETURN_225
    433   | OP_RETURN_226
    434   | OP_RETURN_227
    435   | OP_RETURN_228
    436   | OP_RETURN_229
    437   | OP_RETURN_230
    438   | OP_RETURN_231
    439   | OP_RETURN_232
    440   | OP_RETURN_233
    441   | OP_RETURN_234
    442   | OP_RETURN_235
    443   | OP_RETURN_236
    444   | OP_RETURN_237
    445   | OP_RETURN_238
    446   | OP_RETURN_239
    447   | OP_RETURN_240
    448   | OP_RETURN_241
    449   | OP_RETURN_242
    450   | OP_RETURN_243
    451   | OP_RETURN_244
    452   | OP_RETURN_245
    453   | OP_RETURN_246
    454   | OP_RETURN_247
    455   | OP_RETURN_248
    456   | OP_RETURN_249
    457   | OP_RETURN_250
    458   | OP_RETURN_251
    459   | OP_RETURN_252
    460   | OP_RETURN_253
    461   | OP_RETURN_254
    463   deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)
    465 -- convert a pushbytes opcode to its corresponding int
    466 pushbytes :: Opcode -> Maybe Int
    467 pushbytes (fromEnum -> op)
    468   | op < 76 = Just $! fi op
    469   | otherwise = Nothing