
Pure Haskell Schnorr, ECDSA on the elliptic curve secp256k1 (
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Secp256k1.hs (40484B)

      1 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
      2 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
      3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
      4 {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
      5 {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
      6 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
      7 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
      8 {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}
      9 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
     11 -- |
     12 -- Module: Crypto.Curve.Secp256k1
     13 -- Copyright: (c) 2024 Jared Tobin
     14 -- License: MIT
     15 -- Maintainer: Jared Tobin <>
     16 --
     17 -- Pure [BIP0340](
     18 -- Schnorr signatures, deterministic
     19 -- [RFC6979]( ECDSA (with
     20 -- [BIP0146](
     21 -- "low-S" signatures), and ECDH shared secret computation
     22 --  on the elliptic curve secp256k1.
     24 module Crypto.Curve.Secp256k1 (
     25   -- * Field and group parameters
     26     _CURVE_Q
     27   , _CURVE_P
     28   , remQ
     29   , modQ
     31   -- * secp256k1 points
     32   , Pub
     33   , derive_pub
     34   , derive_pub'
     35   , _CURVE_G
     36   , _CURVE_ZERO
     38   -- * Parsing
     39   , parse_int256
     40   , parse_point
     41   , parse_sig
     43   -- * Serializing
     44   , serialize_point
     46   -- * ECDH
     47   , ecdh
     49   -- * BIP0340 Schnorr signatures
     50   , sign_schnorr
     51   , verify_schnorr
     53   -- * RFC6979 ECDSA
     54   , ECDSA(..)
     55   , SigType(..)
     56   , sign_ecdsa
     57   , sign_ecdsa_unrestricted
     58   , verify_ecdsa
     59   , verify_ecdsa_unrestricted
     61   -- * Fast variants
     62   , Context
     63   , precompute
     64   , sign_schnorr'
     65   , verify_schnorr'
     66   , sign_ecdsa'
     67   , sign_ecdsa_unrestricted'
     68   , verify_ecdsa'
     69   , verify_ecdsa_unrestricted'
     71   -- Elliptic curve group operations
     72   , neg
     73   , add
     74   , double
     75   , mul
     76   , mul_unsafe
     77   , mul_wnaf
     79   -- Coordinate systems and transformations
     80   , Affine(..)
     81   , Projective(..)
     82   , affine
     83   , projective
     84   , valid
     86   -- for testing/benchmarking
     87   , _sign_ecdsa_no_hash
     88   , _sign_ecdsa_no_hash'
     89   ) where
     91 import Control.Monad (when)
     92 import Control.Monad.ST
     93 import qualified Crypto.DRBG.HMAC as DRBG
     94 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
     95 import Data.Bits ((.|.))
     96 import qualified Data.Bits as B
     97 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     98 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
     99 import qualified Data.Primitive.Array as A
    100 import Data.STRef
    101 import Data.Word (Word8, Word64)
    102 import GHC.Generics
    103 import GHC.Natural
    104 import qualified GHC.Num.Integer as I
    106 -- note the use of GHC.Num.Integer-qualified functions throughout this
    107 -- module; in some cases explicit use of these functions (especially
    108 -- I.integerPowMod# and I.integerRecipMod#) yields tremendous speedups
    109 -- compared to more general versions
    111 -- keystroke savers & other utilities -----------------------------------------
    113 fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
    114 fi = fromIntegral
    115 {-# INLINE fi #-}
    117 -- generic modular exponentiation
    118 -- b ^ e mod m
    119 modexp :: Integer -> Natural -> Natural -> Integer
    120 modexp b (fi -> e) m = case I.integerPowMod# b e m of
    121   (# fi -> n | #) -> n
    122   (# | _ #) -> error "negative power impossible"
    123 {-# INLINE modexp #-}
    125 -- generic modular inverse
    126 -- for a, m return x such that ax = 1 mod m
    127 modinv :: Integer -> Natural -> Maybe Integer
    128 modinv a m = case I.integerRecipMod# a m of
    129   (# fi -> n | #) -> Just $! n
    130   (# | _ #) -> Nothing
    131 {-# INLINE modinv #-}
    133 -- bytewise xor
    134 xor :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    135 xor = BS.packZipWith B.xor
    137 -- arbitrary-size big-endian bytestring decoding
    138 roll :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
    139 roll = BS.foldl' alg 0 where
    140   alg !a (fi -> !b) = (a `I.integerShiftL` 8) `I.integerOr` b
    142 -- /Note:/ there can be substantial differences in execution time
    143 -- when this function is called with "extreme" inputs. For example: a
    144 -- bytestring consisting entirely of 0x00 bytes will parse more quickly
    145 -- than one consisting of entirely 0xFF bytes. For appropriately-random
    146 -- inputs, timings should be indistinguishable.
    147 --
    148 -- 256-bit big-endian bytestring decoding. the input size is not checked!
    149 roll32 :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
    150 roll32 bs = go (0 :: Word64) (0 :: Word64) (0 :: Word64) (0 :: Word64) 0 where
    151   go !acc0 !acc1 !acc2 !acc3 !j
    152     | j == 32  =
    153             (fi acc0 `B.unsafeShiftL` 192)
    154         .|. (fi acc1 `B.unsafeShiftL` 128)
    155         .|. (fi acc2 `B.unsafeShiftL` 64)
    156         .|. fi acc3
    157     | j < 8    =
    158         let b = fi (BU.unsafeIndex bs j)
    159         in  go ((acc0 `B.unsafeShiftL` 8) .|. b) acc1 acc2 acc3 (j + 1)
    160     | j < 16   =
    161         let b = fi (BU.unsafeIndex bs j)
    162         in go acc0 ((acc1 `B.unsafeShiftL` 8) .|. b) acc2 acc3 (j + 1)
    163     | j < 24   =
    164         let b = fi (BU.unsafeIndex bs j)
    165         in go acc0 acc1 ((acc2 `B.unsafeShiftL` 8) .|. b) acc3 (j + 1)
    166     | otherwise =
    167         let b = fi (BU.unsafeIndex bs j)
    168         in go acc0 acc1 acc2 ((acc3 `B.unsafeShiftL` 8) .|. b) (j + 1)
    169 {-# INLINE roll32 #-}
    171 -- this "looks" inefficient due to the call to reverse, but it's
    172 -- actually really fast
    174 -- big-endian bytestring encoding
    175 unroll :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
    176 unroll i = case i of
    177     0 -> BS.singleton 0
    178     _ -> BS.reverse $ BS.unfoldr step i
    179   where
    180     step 0 = Nothing
    181     step m = Just (fi m, m `I.integerShiftR` 8)
    183 -- big-endian bytestring encoding for 256-bit ints, left-padding with
    184 -- zeros if necessary. the size of the integer is not checked.
    185 unroll32 :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
    186 unroll32 (unroll -> u)
    187     | l < 32 = BS.replicate (32 - l) 0 <> u
    188     | otherwise = u
    189   where
    190     l = BS.length u
    192 -- (bip0340) return point with x coordinate == x and with even y coordinate
    193 lift :: Integer -> Maybe Affine
    194 lift x
    195   | not (fe x) = Nothing
    196   | otherwise =
    197       let c = remP (modexp x 3 (fi _CURVE_P) + 7) -- modexp always nonnegative
    198           e = (_CURVE_P + 1) `I.integerQuot` 4
    199           y = modexp c (fi e) (fi _CURVE_P)
    200           y_p | B.testBit y 0 = _CURVE_P - y
    201               | otherwise = y
    202       in  if   c /= modexp y 2 (fi _CURVE_P)
    203           then Nothing
    204           else Just $! Affine x y_p
    206 -- coordinate systems & transformations ---------------------------------------
    208 -- curve point, affine coordinates
    209 data Affine = Affine !Integer !Integer
    210   deriving stock (Show, Generic)
    212 instance Eq Affine where
    213   Affine x1 y1 == Affine x2 y2 =
    214     modP x1 == modP x2 && modP y1 == modP y2
    216 -- curve point, projective coordinates
    217 data Projective = Projective {
    218     px :: !Integer
    219   , py :: !Integer
    220   , pz :: !Integer
    221   }
    222   deriving stock (Show, Generic)
    224 instance Eq Projective where
    225   Projective ax ay az == Projective bx by bz =
    226     let x1z2 = modP (ax * bz)
    227         x2z1 = modP (bx * az)
    228         y1z2 = modP (ay * bz)
    229         y2z1 = modP (by * az)
    230     in  x1z2 == x2z1 && y1z2 == y2z1
    232 -- | A Schnorr and ECDSA-flavoured alias for a secp256k1 point.
    233 type Pub = Projective
    235 -- Convert to affine coordinates.
    236 affine :: Projective -> Affine
    237 affine p@(Projective x y z)
    238   | p == _CURVE_ZERO = Affine 0 0
    239   | z == 1     = Affine x y
    240   | otherwise  = case modinv z (fi _CURVE_P) of
    241       Nothing -> error "ppad-secp256k1 (affine): impossible point"
    242       Just iz -> Affine (modP (x * iz)) (modP (y * iz))
    244 -- Convert to projective coordinates.
    245 projective :: Affine -> Projective
    246 projective (Affine x y)
    247   | x == 0 && y == 0 = _CURVE_ZERO
    248   | otherwise = Projective x y 1
    250 -- Point is valid
    251 valid :: Projective -> Bool
    252 valid p = case affine p of
    253   Affine x y
    254     | not (fe x) || not (fe y) -> False
    255     | modP (y * y) /= weierstrass x -> False
    256     | otherwise -> True
    258 -- curve parameters -----------------------------------------------------------
    259 -- see for parameter specs
    261 -- ~ 2^256 - 2^32 - 2^9 - 2^8 - 2^7 - 2^6 - 2^4 - 1
    263 -- | secp256k1 field prime.
    264 _CURVE_P :: Integer
    267 -- | secp256k1 group order.
    268 _CURVE_Q :: Integer
    271 -- bitlength of group order
    272 --
    273 -- = smallest integer such that _CURVE_Q < 2 ^ _CURVE_Q_BITS
    274 _CURVE_Q_BITS :: Int
    275 _CURVE_Q_BITS = 256
    277 -- bytelength of _CURVE_Q
    278 --
    279 -- = _CURVE_Q_BITS / 8
    280 _CURVE_Q_BYTES :: Int
    281 _CURVE_Q_BYTES = 32
    283 -- secp256k1 short weierstrass form, /a/ coefficient
    284 _CURVE_A :: Integer
    285 _CURVE_A = 0
    287 -- secp256k1 weierstrass form, /b/ coefficient
    288 _CURVE_B :: Integer
    289 _CURVE_B = 7
    291 -- ~ parse_point . B16.decode $
    292 --     "0279BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798"
    294 -- | secp256k1 generator point.
    295 _CURVE_G :: Projective
    296 _CURVE_G = Projective x y 1 where
    297   x = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
    298   y = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8
    300 -- | secp256k1 zero point, point at infinity, or monoidal identity.
    301 _CURVE_ZERO :: Projective
    302 _CURVE_ZERO = Projective 0 1 0
    304 -- secp256k1 zero point, point at infinity, or monoidal identity
    305 _ZERO :: Projective
    306 _ZERO = Projective 0 1 0
    307 {-# DEPRECATED _ZERO "use _CURVE_ZERO instead" #-}
    309 -- secp256k1 in prime order j-invariant 0 form (i.e. a == 0).
    310 weierstrass :: Integer -> Integer
    311 weierstrass x = remP (remP (x * x) * x + _CURVE_B)
    312 {-# INLINE weierstrass #-}
    314 -- field, group operations ----------------------------------------------------
    316 -- Division modulo secp256k1 field prime.
    317 modP :: Integer -> Integer
    318 modP a = I.integerMod a _CURVE_P
    319 {-# INLINE modP #-}
    321 -- Division modulo secp256k1 field prime, when argument is nonnegative.
    322 -- (more efficient than modP)
    323 remP :: Integer -> Integer
    324 remP a = I.integerRem a _CURVE_P
    325 {-# INLINE remP #-}
    327 -- | Division modulo secp256k1 group order.
    328 modQ :: Integer -> Integer
    329 modQ a = I.integerMod a _CURVE_Q
    330 {-# INLINE modQ #-}
    332 -- | Division modulo secp256k1 group order, when argument is nonnegative.
    333 remQ :: Integer -> Integer
    334 remQ a = I.integerRem a _CURVE_Q
    335 {-# INLINE remQ #-}
    337 -- Is field element?
    338 fe :: Integer -> Bool
    339 fe n = 0 < n && n < _CURVE_P
    340 {-# INLINE fe #-}
    342 -- Is group element?
    343 ge :: Integer -> Bool
    344 ge n = 0 < n && n < _CURVE_Q
    345 {-# INLINE ge #-}
    347 -- Square root (Shanks-Tonelli) modulo secp256k1 field prime.
    348 --
    349 -- For a, return x such that a = x x mod _CURVE_P.
    350 modsqrtP :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
    351 modsqrtP n = runST $ do
    352   r   <- newSTRef 1
    353   num <- newSTRef n
    354   e   <- newSTRef ((_CURVE_P + 1) `I.integerQuot` 4)
    356   let loop = do
    357         ev <- readSTRef e
    358         when (ev > 0) $ do
    359           when (I.integerTestBit ev 0) $ do
    360             numv <- readSTRef num
    361             modifySTRef' r (\rv -> remP (rv * numv))
    362           modifySTRef' num (\numv -> remP (numv * numv))
    363           modifySTRef' e (`I.integerShiftR` 1)
    364           loop
    366   loop
    367   rv  <- readSTRef r
    368   pure $
    369     if   remP (rv * rv) == n
    370     then Just $! rv
    371     else Nothing
    373 -- ec point operations --------------------------------------------------------
    375 -- Negate secp256k1 point.
    376 neg :: Projective -> Projective
    377 neg (Projective x y z) = Projective x (modP (negate y)) z
    379 -- Elliptic curve addition on secp256k1.
    380 add :: Projective -> Projective -> Projective
    381 add p q@(Projective _ _ z)
    382   | p == q = double p        -- algo 9
    383   | z == 1 = add_mixed p q   -- algo 8
    384   | otherwise = add_proj p q -- algo 7
    386 -- algo 7, "complete addition formulas for prime order elliptic curves,"
    387 -- renes et al, 2015
    388 --
    389 --
    390 add_proj :: Projective -> Projective -> Projective
    391 add_proj (Projective x1 y1 z1) (Projective x2 y2 z2) = runST $ do
    392   x3 <- newSTRef 0
    393   y3 <- newSTRef 0
    394   z3 <- newSTRef 0
    395   let b3 = remP (_CURVE_B * 3)
    396   t0 <- newSTRef (modP (x1 * x2)) -- 1
    397   t1 <- newSTRef (modP (y1 * y2))
    398   t2 <- newSTRef (modP (z1 * z2))
    399   t3 <- newSTRef (modP (x1 + y1)) -- 4
    400   t4 <- newSTRef (modP (x2 + y2))
    401   readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
    402     modifySTRef' t3 (\r3 -> modP (r3 * r4))
    403   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    404     readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    405     writeSTRef t4 (modP (r0 + r1))
    406   readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
    407     modifySTRef' t3 (\r3 -> modP (r3 - r4)) -- 8
    408   writeSTRef t4 (modP (y1 + z1))
    409   writeSTRef x3 (modP (y2 + z2))
    410   readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
    411     modifySTRef' t4 (\r4 -> modP (r4 * rx3))
    412   readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    413     readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    414     writeSTRef x3 (modP (r1 + r2)) -- 12
    415   readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
    416     modifySTRef' t4 (\r4 -> modP (r4 - rx3))
    417   writeSTRef x3 (modP (x1 + z1))
    418   writeSTRef y3 (modP (x2 + z2))
    419   readSTRef y3 >>= \ry3 ->
    420     modifySTRef' x3 (\rx3 -> modP (rx3 * ry3)) -- 16
    421   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    422     readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    423     writeSTRef y3 (modP (r0 + r2))
    424   readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
    425     modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (rx3 - ry3))
    426   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    427     writeSTRef x3 (modP (r0 + r0))
    428   readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
    429     modifySTRef t0 (\r0 -> modP (rx3 + r0)) -- 20
    430   modifySTRef' t2 (\r2 -> modP (b3 * r2))
    431   readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    432     readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    433     writeSTRef z3 (modP (r1 + r2))
    434   readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    435     modifySTRef' t1 (\r1 -> modP (r1 - r2))
    436   modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (b3 * ry3)) -- 24
    437   readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
    438     readSTRef y3 >>= \ry3 ->
    439     writeSTRef x3 (modP (r4 * ry3))
    440   readSTRef t3 >>= \r3 ->
    441     readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    442     writeSTRef t2 (modP (r3 * r1))
    443   readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    444     modifySTRef' x3 (\rx3 -> modP (r2 - rx3))
    445   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    446     modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (ry3 * r0)) -- 28
    447   readSTRef z3 >>= \rz3 ->
    448     modifySTRef' t1 (\r1 -> modP (r1 * rz3))
    449   readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    450     modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (r1 + ry3))
    451   readSTRef t3 >>= \r3 ->
    452     modifySTRef' t0 (\r0 -> modP (r0 * r3))
    453   readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
    454     modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> modP (rz3 * r4)) -- 32
    455   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    456     modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> modP (rz3 + r0))
    457   Projective <$> readSTRef x3 <*> readSTRef y3 <*> readSTRef z3
    459 -- algo 8, renes et al, 2015
    460 add_mixed :: Projective -> Projective -> Projective
    461 add_mixed (Projective x1 y1 z1) (Projective x2 y2 z2)
    462   | z2 /= 1   = error "ppad-secp256k1: internal error"
    463   | otherwise = runST $ do
    464       x3 <- newSTRef 0
    465       y3 <- newSTRef 0
    466       z3 <- newSTRef 0
    467       let b3 = remP (_CURVE_B * 3)
    468       t0 <- newSTRef (modP (x1 * x2)) -- 1
    469       t1 <- newSTRef (modP (y1 * y2))
    470       t3 <- newSTRef (modP (x2 + y2))
    471       t4 <- newSTRef (modP (x1 + y1)) -- 4
    472       readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
    473         modifySTRef' t3 (\r3 -> modP (r3 * r4))
    474       readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    475         readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    476         writeSTRef t4 (modP (r0 + r1))
    477       readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
    478         modifySTRef' t3 (\r3 -> modP (r3 - r4)) -- 7
    479       writeSTRef t4 (modP (y2 * z1))
    480       modifySTRef' t4 (\r4 -> modP (r4 + y1))
    481       writeSTRef y3 (modP (x2 * z1)) -- 10
    482       modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (ry3 + x1))
    483       readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    484         writeSTRef x3 (modP (r0 + r0))
    485       readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
    486         modifySTRef' t0 (\r0 -> modP (rx3 + r0)) -- 13
    487       t2 <- newSTRef (modP (b3 * z1))
    488       readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    489         readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    490         writeSTRef z3 (modP (r1 + r2))
    491       readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    492         modifySTRef' t1 (\r1 -> modP (r1 - r2)) -- 16
    493       modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (b3 * ry3))
    494       readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
    495         readSTRef y3 >>= \ry3 ->
    496         writeSTRef x3 (modP (r4 * ry3))
    497       readSTRef t3 >>= \r3 ->
    498         readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    499         writeSTRef t2 (modP (r3 * r1)) -- 19
    500       readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    501         modifySTRef' x3 (\rx3 -> modP (r2 - rx3))
    502       readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    503         modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (ry3 * r0))
    504       readSTRef z3 >>= \rz3 ->
    505         modifySTRef' t1 (\r1 -> modP (r1 * rz3)) -- 22
    506       readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    507         modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (r1 + ry3))
    508       readSTRef t3 >>= \r3 ->
    509         modifySTRef' t0 (\r0 -> modP (r0 * r3))
    510       readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
    511         modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> modP (rz3 * r4)) -- 25
    512       readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    513         modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> modP (rz3 + r0))
    514       Projective <$> readSTRef x3 <*> readSTRef y3 <*> readSTRef z3
    516 -- algo 9, renes et al, 2015
    517 double :: Projective -> Projective
    518 double (Projective x y z) = runST $ do
    519   x3 <- newSTRef 0
    520   y3 <- newSTRef 0
    521   z3 <- newSTRef 0
    522   let b3 = remP (_CURVE_B * 3)
    523   t0 <- newSTRef (modP (y * y)) -- 1
    524   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    525     writeSTRef z3 (modP (r0 + r0))
    526   modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> modP (rz3 + rz3))
    527   modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> modP (rz3 + rz3)) -- 4
    528   t1 <- newSTRef (modP (y * z))
    529   t2 <- newSTRef (modP (z * z))
    530   modifySTRef t2 (\r2 -> modP (b3 * r2)) -- 7
    531   readSTRef z3 >>= \rz3 ->
    532     readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    533     writeSTRef x3 (modP (r2 * rz3))
    534   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    535     readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    536     writeSTRef y3 (modP (r0 + r2))
    537   readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    538     modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> modP (r1 * rz3)) -- 10
    539   readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    540     writeSTRef t1 (modP (r2 + r2))
    541   readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    542     modifySTRef' t2 (\r2 -> modP (r1 + r2))
    543   readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
    544     modifySTRef' t0 (\r0 -> modP (r0 - r2)) -- 13
    545   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    546     modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (r0 * ry3))
    547   readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
    548     modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> modP (rx3 + ry3))
    549   writeSTRef t1 (modP (x * y)) -- 16
    550   readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
    551     readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
    552     writeSTRef x3 (modP (r0 * r1))
    553   modifySTRef' x3 (\rx3 -> modP (rx3 + rx3))
    554   Projective <$> readSTRef x3 <*> readSTRef y3 <*> readSTRef z3
    556 -- Timing-safe scalar multiplication of secp256k1 points.
    557 mul :: Projective -> Integer -> Projective
    558 mul p _SECRET
    559     | not (ge _SECRET) = error "ppad-secp256k1 (mul): scalar not in group"
    560     | otherwise  = loop (0 :: Int) _CURVE_ZERO _CURVE_G p _SECRET
    561   where
    562     loop !j !acc !f !d !m
    563       | j == _CURVE_Q_BITS = acc
    564       | otherwise =
    565           let nd = double d
    566               nm = I.integerShiftR m 1
    567           in  if   I.integerTestBit m 0
    568               then loop (succ j) (add acc d) f nd nm
    569               else loop (succ j) acc (add f d) nd nm
    570 {-# INLINE mul #-}
    572 -- Timing-unsafe scalar multiplication of secp256k1 points.
    573 --
    574 -- Don't use this function if the scalar could potentially be a secret.
    575 mul_unsafe :: Projective -> Integer -> Projective
    576 mul_unsafe p n
    577     | n == 0 = _CURVE_ZERO
    578     | not (ge n) =
    579         error "ppad-secp256k1 (mul_unsafe): scalar not in group"
    580     | otherwise  = loop _CURVE_ZERO p n
    581   where
    582     loop !r !d m
    583       | m <= 0 = r
    584       | otherwise =
    585           let nd = double d
    586               nm = I.integerShiftR m 1
    587               nr = if I.integerTestBit m 0 then add r d else r
    588           in  loop nr nd nm
    590 -- | Precomputed multiples of the secp256k1 base or generator point.
    591 data Context = Context {
    592     ctxW     :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    593   , ctxArray :: !(A.Array Projective)
    594   } deriving (Eq, Generic)
    596 instance Show Context where
    597   show Context {} = "<secp256k1 context>"
    599 -- | Create a secp256k1 context by precomputing multiples of the curve's
    600 --   generator point.
    601 --
    602 --   This should be used once to create a 'Context' to be reused
    603 --   repeatedly afterwards.
    604 --
    605 --   >>> let !tex = precompute
    606 --   >>> sign_ecdsa' tex sec msg
    607 --   >>> sign_schnorr' tex sec msg aux
    608 precompute :: Context
    609 precompute = _precompute 8
    611 -- dumb strict pair
    612 data Pair a b = Pair !a !b
    614 -- translation of noble-secp256k1's 'precompute'
    615 _precompute :: Int -> Context
    616 _precompute ctxW = Context {..} where
    617   ctxArray = A.arrayFromListN size (loop_w mempty _CURVE_G 0)
    618   capJ = (2 :: Int) ^ (ctxW - 1)
    619   ws = 256 `quot` ctxW + 1
    620   size = ws * capJ
    622   loop_w !acc !p !w
    623     | w == ws = reverse acc
    624     | otherwise =
    625         let b = p
    626             !(Pair nacc nb) = loop_j p (b : acc) b 1
    627             np = double nb
    628         in  loop_w nacc np (succ w)
    630   loop_j !p !acc !b !j
    631     | j == capJ = Pair acc b
    632     | otherwise =
    633         let nb = add b p
    634         in  loop_j p (nb : acc) nb (succ j)
    636 -- Timing-safe wNAF (w-ary non-adjacent form) scalar multiplication of
    637 -- secp256k1 points.
    638 mul_wnaf :: Context -> Integer -> Projective
    639 mul_wnaf Context {..} _SECRET =
    640     loop 0 _CURVE_ZERO _CURVE_G _SECRET
    641   where
    642     wins = 256 `quot` ctxW + 1
    643     wsize = 2 ^ (ctxW - 1)
    644     mask = 2 ^ ctxW - 1
    645     mnum = 2 ^ ctxW
    647     loop !w !acc !f !n
    648       | w == wins = acc
    649       | otherwise =
    650           let !off0 = w * fi wsize
    652               !b0 = n `I.integerAnd` mask
    653               !n0 = n `I.integerShiftR` fi ctxW
    655               !(Pair b1 n1) | b0 > wsize = Pair (b0 - mnum) (n0 + 1)
    656                             | otherwise  = Pair b0 n0
    658               !c0 = B.testBit w 0
    659               !c1 = b1 < 0
    661               !off1 = off0 + fi (abs b1) - 1
    663           in  if   b1 == 0
    664               then let !pr = A.indexArray ctxArray off0
    665                        !pt | c0 = neg pr
    666                            | otherwise = pr
    667                    in  loop (w + 1) acc (add f pt) n1
    668               else let !pr = A.indexArray ctxArray off1
    669                        !pt | c1 = neg pr
    670                            | otherwise = pr
    671                    in  loop (w + 1) (add acc pt) f n1
    672 {-# INLINE mul_wnaf #-}
    674 -- | Derive a public key (i.e., a secp256k1 point) from the provided
    675 --   secret.
    676 --
    677 --   >>> import qualified System.Entropy as E
    678 --   >>> sk <- fmap parse_int256 (E.getEntropy 32)
    679 --   >>> derive_pub sk
    680 --   "<secp256k1 point>"
    681 derive_pub :: Integer -> Pub
    682 derive_pub _SECRET
    683   | not (ge _SECRET) =
    684       error "ppad-secp256k1 (derive_pub): invalid secret key"
    685   | otherwise =
    686       mul _CURVE_G _SECRET
    687 {-# NOINLINE derive_pub #-}
    689 -- | The same as 'derive_pub', except uses a 'Context' to optimise
    690 --   internal calculations.
    691 --
    692 --   >>> import qualified System.Entropy as E
    693 --   >>> sk <- fmap parse_int256 (E.getEntropy 32)
    694 --   >>> let !tex = precompute
    695 --   >>> derive_pub' tex sk
    696 --   "<secp256k1 point>"
    697 derive_pub' :: Context -> Integer -> Pub
    698 derive_pub' tex _SECRET
    699   | not (ge _SECRET) =
    700       error "ppad-secp256k1 (derive_pub): invalid secret key"
    701   | otherwise =
    702       mul_wnaf tex _SECRET
    703 {-# NOINLINE derive_pub' #-}
    705 -- parsing --------------------------------------------------------------------
    707 -- | Parse a positive 256-bit 'Integer', /e.g./ a Schnorr or ECDSA
    708 --   secret key.
    709 --
    710 --   >>> import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
    711 --   >>> parse_int256 (BS.replicate 32 0xFF)
    712 --   <2^256 - 1>
    713 parse_int256 :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
    714 parse_int256 bs
    715   | BS.length bs /= 32 =
    716       error "ppad-secp256k1 (parse_int256): requires exactly 32-byte input"
    717   | otherwise = roll32 bs
    719 -- | Parse compressed secp256k1 point (33 bytes), uncompressed point (65
    720 --   bytes), or BIP0340-style point (32 bytes).
    721 --
    722 --   >>> parse_point <33-byte compressed point>
    723 --   Just <Pub>
    724 --   >>> parse_point <65-byte uncompressed point>
    725 --   Just <Pub>
    726 --   >>> parse_point <32-byte bip0340 public key>
    727 --   Just <Pub>
    728 --   >>> parse_point <anything else>
    729 --   Nothing
    730 parse_point :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Projective
    731 parse_point bs
    732     | len == 32 = _parse_bip0340 bs
    733     | len == 33 = _parse_compressed h t
    734     | len == 65 = _parse_uncompressed h t
    735     | otherwise = Nothing
    736   where
    737     len = BS.length bs
    738     h = BU.unsafeIndex bs 0 -- lazy
    739     t = BS.drop 1 bs
    741 -- input is guaranteed to be 32B in length
    742 _parse_bip0340 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Projective
    743 _parse_bip0340 = fmap projective . lift . roll32
    745 -- bytestring input is guaranteed to be 32B in length
    746 _parse_compressed :: Word8 -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe Projective
    747 _parse_compressed h (roll32 -> x)
    748   | h /= 0x02 && h /= 0x03 = Nothing
    749   | not (fe x) = Nothing
    750   | otherwise = do
    751       y <- modsqrtP (weierstrass x)
    752       let yodd = I.integerTestBit y 0
    753           hodd = B.testBit h 0
    754       pure $!
    755         if   hodd /= yodd
    756         then Projective x (modP (negate y)) 1
    757         else Projective x y 1
    759 -- bytestring input is guaranteed to be 64B in length
    760 _parse_uncompressed :: Word8 -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe Projective
    761 _parse_uncompressed h (BS.splitAt _CURVE_Q_BYTES -> (roll32 -> x, roll32 -> y))
    762   | h /= 0x04 = Nothing
    763   | otherwise =
    764       let p = Projective x y 1
    765       in  if   valid p
    766           then Just $! p
    767           else Nothing
    769 -- | Parse an ECDSA signature encoded in 64-byte "compact" form.
    770 --
    771 --   >>> parse_sig <64-byte compact signature>
    772 --   "<ecdsa signature>"
    773 parse_sig :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe ECDSA
    774 parse_sig bs
    775   | BS.length bs /= 64 = Nothing
    776   | otherwise = pure $
    777       let (roll -> r, roll -> s) = BS.splitAt 32 bs
    778       in  ECDSA r s
    780 -- serializing ----------------------------------------------------------------
    782 -- | Serialize a secp256k1 point in 33-byte compressed form.
    783 --
    784 --   >>> serialize_point pub
    785 --   "<33-byte compressed point>"
    786 serialize_point :: Projective -> BS.ByteString
    787 serialize_point (affine -> Affine x y) = BS.cons b (unroll32 x) where
    788   b | I.integerTestBit y 0 = 0x03
    789     | otherwise = 0x02
    791 -- schnorr --------------------------------------------------------------------
    792 -- see
    794 -- | Create a 64-byte Schnorr signature for the provided message, using
    795 --   the provided secret key.
    796 --
    797 --   BIP0340 recommends that 32 bytes of fresh auxiliary entropy be
    798 --   generated and added at signing time as additional protection
    799 --   against side-channel attacks (namely, to thwart so-called "fault
    800 --   injection" attacks). This entropy is /supplemental/ to security,
    801 --   and the cryptographic security of the signature scheme itself does
    802 --   not rely on it, so it is not strictly required; 32 zero bytes can
    803 --   be used in its stead (and can be supplied via 'mempty').
    804 --
    805 --   >>> import qualified System.Entropy as E
    806 --   >>> aux <- E.getEntropy 32
    807 --   >>> sign_schnorr sec msg aux
    808 --   "<64-byte schnorr signature>"
    809 sign_schnorr
    810   :: Integer        -- ^ secret key
    811   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ message
    812   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ 32 bytes of auxilliary random data
    813   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ 64-byte Schnorr signature
    814 sign_schnorr = _sign_schnorr (mul _CURVE_G)
    816 -- | The same as 'sign_schnorr', except uses a 'Context' to optimise
    817 --   internal calculations.
    818 --
    819 --   You can expect about a 2x performance increase when using this
    820 --   function, compared to 'sign_schnorr'.
    821 --
    822 --   >>> import qualified System.Entropy as E
    823 --   >>> aux <- E.getEntropy 32
    824 --   >>> let !tex = precompute
    825 --   >>> sign_schnorr' tex sec msg aux
    826 --   "<64-byte schnorr signature>"
    827 sign_schnorr'
    828   :: Context        -- ^ secp256k1 context
    829   -> Integer        -- ^ secret key
    830   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ message
    831   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ 32 bytes of auxilliary random data
    832   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ 64-byte Schnorr signature
    833 sign_schnorr' tex = _sign_schnorr (mul_wnaf tex)
    835 _sign_schnorr
    836   :: (Integer -> Projective)  -- partially-applied multiplication function
    837   -> Integer                  -- secret key
    838   -> BS.ByteString            -- message
    839   -> BS.ByteString            -- 32 bytes of auxilliary random data
    840   -> BS.ByteString
    841 _sign_schnorr _mul _SECRET m a
    842   | not (ge _SECRET) = error "ppad-secp256k1 (sign_schnorr): invalid secret key"
    843   | otherwise  =
    844       let p_proj = _mul _SECRET
    845           Affine x_p y_p = affine p_proj
    846           d | I.integerTestBit y_p 0 = _CURVE_Q - _SECRET
    847             | otherwise = _SECRET
    849           bytes_d = unroll32 d
    850           h_a = hash_aux a
    851           t = xor bytes_d h_a
    853           bytes_p = unroll32 x_p
    854           rand = hash_nonce (t <> bytes_p <> m)
    856           k' = modQ (roll32 rand)
    858       in  if   k' == 0 -- negligible probability
    859           then error "ppad-secp256k1 (sign_schnorr): invalid k"
    860           else
    861             let Affine x_r y_r = affine (_mul k')
    862                 k | I.integerTestBit y_r 0 = _CURVE_Q - k'
    863                   | otherwise = k'
    865                 bytes_r = unroll32 x_r
    866                 e = modQ . roll32 . hash_challenge
    867                   $ bytes_r <> bytes_p <> m
    869                 bytes_ked = unroll32 (modQ (k + e * d))
    871                 sig = bytes_r <> bytes_ked
    873             in  if   verify_schnorr m p_proj sig
    874                 then sig
    875                 else error "ppad-secp256k1 (sign_schnorr): invalid signature"
    876 {-# INLINE _sign_schnorr #-}
    878 -- | Verify a 64-byte Schnorr signature for the provided message with
    879 --   the supplied public key.
    880 --
    881 --   >>> verify_schnorr msg pub <valid signature>
    882 --   True
    883 --   >>> verify_schnorr msg pub <invalid signature>
    884 --   False
    885 verify_schnorr
    886   :: BS.ByteString  -- ^ message
    887   -> Pub            -- ^ public key
    888   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ 64-byte Schnorr signature
    889   -> Bool
    890 verify_schnorr = _verify_schnorr (mul_unsafe _CURVE_G)
    892 -- | The same as 'verify_schnorr', except uses a 'Context' to optimise
    893 --   internal calculations.
    894 --
    895 --   You can expect about a 1.5x performance increase when using this
    896 --   function, compared to 'verify_schnorr'.
    897 --
    898 --   >>> let !tex = precompute
    899 --   >>> verify_schnorr' tex msg pub <valid signature>
    900 --   True
    901 --   >>> verify_schnorr' tex msg pub <invalid signature>
    902 --   False
    903 verify_schnorr'
    904   :: Context        -- ^ secp256k1 context
    905   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ message
    906   -> Pub            -- ^ public key
    907   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ 64-byte Schnorr signature
    908   -> Bool
    909 verify_schnorr' tex = _verify_schnorr (mul_wnaf tex)
    911 _verify_schnorr
    912   :: (Integer -> Projective) -- partially-applied multiplication function
    913   -> BS.ByteString
    914   -> Pub
    915   -> BS.ByteString
    916   -> Bool
    917 _verify_schnorr _mul m (affine -> Affine x_p _) sig
    918   | BS.length sig /= 64 = False
    919   | otherwise = case lift x_p of
    920       Nothing -> False
    921       Just capP@(Affine x_P _) ->
    922         let (roll32 -> r, roll32 -> s) = BS.splitAt 32 sig
    923         in  if   r >= _CURVE_P || s >= _CURVE_Q
    924             then False
    925             else let e = modQ . roll32 $ hash_challenge
    926                            (unroll32 r <> unroll32 x_P <> m)
    927                      dif = add (_mul s)
    928                                (neg (mul_unsafe (projective capP) e))
    929                  in  if   dif == _CURVE_ZERO
    930                      then False
    931                      else let Affine x_R y_R = affine dif
    932                           in  not (I.integerTestBit y_R 0 || x_R /= r)
    933 {-# INLINE _verify_schnorr #-}
    935 -- hardcoded tag of BIP0340/aux
    936 --
    937 -- \x -> let h = SHA256.hash "BIP0340/aux"
    938 --       in  SHA256.hash (h <> h <> x)
    939 hash_aux :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    940 hash_aux x = SHA256.hash $
    941   "\241\239N^\192c\202\218m\148\202\250\157\152~\160i&X9\236\193\US\151-w\165.\216\193\204\144\241\239N^\192c\202\218m\148\202\250\157\152~\160i&X9\236\193\US\151-w\165.\216\193\204\144" <> x
    942 {-# INLINE hash_aux #-}
    944 -- hardcoded tag of BIP0340/nonce
    945 hash_nonce :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    946 hash_nonce x = SHA256.hash $
    947   "\aIw4\167\155\203\&5[\155\140}\ETXO\DC2\FS\244\&4\215>\247-\218\EM\135\NULa\251R\191\235/\aIw4\167\155\203\&5[\155\140}\ETXO\DC2\FS\244\&4\215>\247-\218\EM\135\NULa\251R\191\235/" <> x
    948 {-# INLINE hash_nonce #-}
    950 -- hardcoded tag of BIP0340/challenge
    951 hash_challenge :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    952 hash_challenge x = SHA256.hash $
    953   "{\181-z\159\239X2>\177\191z@}\179\130\210\243\242\216\ESC\177\"OI\254Q\143mH\211|{\181-z\159\239X2>\177\191z@}\179\130\210\243\242\216\ESC\177\"OI\254Q\143mH\211|" <> x
    954 {-# INLINE hash_challenge #-}
    956 -- ecdsa ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    957 -- see,
    959 -- RFC6979 2.3.2
    960 bits2int :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
    961 bits2int bs =
    962   let (fi -> blen) = BS.length bs * 8
    963       (fi -> qlen) = _CURVE_Q_BITS
    964       del = blen - qlen
    965   in  if   del > 0
    966       then roll bs `I.integerShiftR` del
    967       else roll bs
    969 -- RFC6979 2.3.3
    970 int2octets :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
    971 int2octets i = pad (unroll i) where
    972   pad bs
    973     | BS.length bs < _CURVE_Q_BYTES = pad (BS.cons 0 bs)
    974     | otherwise = bs
    976 -- RFC6979 2.3.4
    977 bits2octets :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    978 bits2octets bs =
    979   let z1 = bits2int bs
    980       z2 = modQ z1
    981   in  int2octets z2
    983 -- | An ECDSA signature.
    984 data ECDSA = ECDSA {
    985     ecdsa_r :: !Integer
    986   , ecdsa_s :: !Integer
    987   }
    988   deriving (Eq, Generic)
    990 instance Show ECDSA where
    991   show _ = "<ecdsa signature>"
    993 -- ECDSA signature type.
    994 data SigType =
    995     LowS
    996   | Unrestricted
    997   deriving Show
    999 -- Indicates whether to hash the message or assume it has already been
   1000 -- hashed.
   1001 data HashFlag =
   1002     Hash
   1003   | NoHash
   1004   deriving Show
   1006 -- | Produce an ECDSA signature for the provided message, using the
   1007 --   provided private key.
   1008 --
   1009 --   'sign_ecdsa' produces a "low-s" signature, as is commonly required
   1010 --   in applications using secp256k1. If you need a generic ECDSA
   1011 --   signature, use 'sign_ecdsa_unrestricted'.
   1012 --
   1013 --   >>> sign_ecdsa sec msg
   1014 --   "<ecdsa signature>"
   1015 sign_ecdsa
   1016   :: Integer         -- ^ secret key
   1017   -> BS.ByteString   -- ^ message
   1018   -> ECDSA
   1019 sign_ecdsa = _sign_ecdsa (mul _CURVE_G) LowS Hash
   1021 -- | The same as 'sign_ecdsa', except uses a 'Context' to optimise internal
   1022 --   calculations.
   1023 --
   1024 --   You can expect about a 10x performance increase when using this
   1025 --   function, compared to 'sign_ecdsa'.
   1026 --
   1027 --   >>> let !tex = precompute
   1028 --   >>> sign_ecdsa' tex sec msg
   1029 --   "<ecdsa signature>"
   1030 sign_ecdsa'
   1031   :: Context         -- ^ secp256k1 context
   1032   -> Integer         -- ^ secret key
   1033   -> BS.ByteString   -- ^ message
   1034   -> ECDSA
   1035 sign_ecdsa' tex = _sign_ecdsa (mul_wnaf tex) LowS Hash
   1037 -- | Produce an ECDSA signature for the provided message, using the
   1038 --   provided private key.
   1039 --
   1040 --   'sign_ecdsa_unrestricted' produces an unrestricted ECDSA signature,
   1041 --   which is less common in applications using secp256k1 due to the
   1042 --   signature's inherent malleability. If you need a conventional
   1043 --   "low-s" signature, use 'sign_ecdsa'.
   1044 --
   1045 --   >>> sign_ecdsa_unrestricted sec msg
   1046 --   "<ecdsa signature>"
   1047 sign_ecdsa_unrestricted
   1048   :: Integer        -- ^ secret key
   1049   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ message
   1050   -> ECDSA
   1051 sign_ecdsa_unrestricted = _sign_ecdsa (mul _CURVE_G) Unrestricted Hash
   1053 -- | The same as 'sign_ecdsa_unrestricted', except uses a 'Context' to
   1054 --   optimise internal calculations.
   1055 --
   1056 --   You can expect about a 10x performance increase when using this
   1057 --   function, compared to 'sign_ecdsa_unrestricted'.
   1058 --
   1059 --   >>> let !tex = precompute
   1060 --   >>> sign_ecdsa_unrestricted' tex sec msg
   1061 --   "<ecdsa signature>"
   1062 sign_ecdsa_unrestricted'
   1063   :: Context        -- ^ secp256k1 context
   1064   -> Integer        -- ^ secret key
   1065   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ message
   1066   -> ECDSA
   1067 sign_ecdsa_unrestricted' tex = _sign_ecdsa (mul_wnaf tex) Unrestricted Hash
   1069 -- Produce a "low-s" ECDSA signature for the provided message, using
   1070 -- the provided private key. Assumes that the message has already been
   1071 -- pre-hashed.
   1072 --
   1073 -- (Useful for testing against noble-secp256k1's suite, in which messages
   1074 -- in the test vectors have already been hashed.)
   1075 _sign_ecdsa_no_hash
   1076   :: Integer        -- ^ secret key
   1077   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ message digest
   1078   -> ECDSA
   1079 _sign_ecdsa_no_hash = _sign_ecdsa (mul _CURVE_G) LowS NoHash
   1081 _sign_ecdsa_no_hash'
   1082   :: Context
   1083   -> Integer
   1084   -> BS.ByteString
   1085   -> ECDSA
   1086 _sign_ecdsa_no_hash' tex = _sign_ecdsa (mul_wnaf tex) LowS NoHash
   1088 _sign_ecdsa
   1089   :: (Integer -> Projective) -- partially-applied multiplication function
   1090   -> SigType
   1091   -> HashFlag
   1092   -> Integer
   1093   -> BS.ByteString
   1094   -> ECDSA
   1095 _sign_ecdsa _mul ty hf _SECRET m
   1096   | not (ge _SECRET) = error "ppad-secp256k1 (sign_ecdsa): invalid secret key"
   1097   | otherwise  = runST $ do
   1098       -- RFC6979 sec 3.3a
   1099       let entropy = int2octets _SECRET
   1100           nonce   = bits2octets h
   1101       drbg <- SHA256.hmac entropy nonce mempty
   1102       -- RFC6979 sec 2.4
   1103       sign_loop drbg
   1104     where
   1105       h = case hf of
   1106         Hash -> SHA256.hash m
   1107         NoHash -> m
   1109       h_modQ = remQ (bits2int h) -- bits2int yields nonnegative
   1111       sign_loop g = do
   1112         k <- gen_k g
   1113         let kg = _mul k
   1114             Affine (modQ -> r) _ = affine kg
   1115             s = case modinv k (fi _CURVE_Q) of
   1116               Nothing   -> error "ppad-secp256k1 (sign_ecdsa): bad k value"
   1117               Just kinv -> remQ (remQ (h_modQ + remQ (_SECRET * r)) * kinv)
   1118         if   r == 0 -- negligible probability
   1119         then sign_loop g
   1120         else let !sig = ECDSA r s
   1121              in  case ty of
   1122                    Unrestricted -> pure sig
   1123                    LowS -> pure (low sig)
   1124 {-# INLINE _sign_ecdsa #-}
   1126 -- RFC6979 sec 3.3b
   1127 gen_k :: DRBG.DRBG s -> ST s Integer
   1128 gen_k g = loop g where
   1129   loop drbg = do
   1130     bytes <- DRBG.gen mempty (fi _CURVE_Q_BYTES) drbg
   1131     let can = bits2int bytes
   1132     if   can >= _CURVE_Q
   1133     then loop drbg
   1134     else pure can
   1135 {-# INLINE gen_k #-}
   1137 -- Convert an ECDSA signature to low-S form.
   1138 low :: ECDSA -> ECDSA
   1139 low (ECDSA r s) = ECDSA r ms where
   1140   ms
   1141     | s > B.unsafeShiftR _CURVE_Q 1 = modQ (negate s)
   1142     | otherwise = s
   1143 {-# INLINE low #-}
   1145 -- | Verify a "low-s" ECDSA signature for the provided message and
   1146 --   public key,
   1147 --
   1148 --   Fails to verify otherwise-valid "high-s" signatures. If you need to
   1149 --   verify generic ECDSA signatures, use 'verify_ecdsa_unrestricted'.
   1150 --
   1151 --   >>> verify_ecdsa msg pub valid_sig
   1152 --   True
   1153 --   >>> verify_ecdsa msg pub invalid_sig
   1154 --   False
   1155 verify_ecdsa
   1156   :: BS.ByteString -- ^ message
   1157   -> Pub           -- ^ public key
   1158   -> ECDSA         -- ^ signature
   1159   -> Bool
   1160 verify_ecdsa m p sig@(ECDSA _ s)
   1161   | s > B.unsafeShiftR _CURVE_Q 1 = False
   1162   | otherwise = verify_ecdsa_unrestricted m p sig
   1164 -- | The same as 'verify_ecdsa', except uses a 'Context' to optimise
   1165 --   internal calculations.
   1166 --
   1167 --   You can expect about a 2x performance increase when using this
   1168 --   function, compared to 'verify_ecdsa'.
   1169 --
   1170 --   >>> let !tex = precompute
   1171 --   >>> verify_ecdsa' tex msg pub valid_sig
   1172 --   True
   1173 --   >>> verify_ecdsa' tex msg pub invalid_sig
   1174 --   False
   1175 verify_ecdsa'
   1176   :: Context       -- ^ secp256k1 context
   1177   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ message
   1178   -> Pub           -- ^ public key
   1179   -> ECDSA         -- ^ signature
   1180   -> Bool
   1181 verify_ecdsa' tex m p sig@(ECDSA _ s)
   1182   | s > B.unsafeShiftR _CURVE_Q 1 = False
   1183   | otherwise = verify_ecdsa_unrestricted' tex m p sig
   1185 -- | Verify an unrestricted ECDSA signature for the provided message and
   1186 --   public key.
   1187 --
   1188 --   >>> verify_ecdsa_unrestricted msg pub valid_sig
   1189 --   True
   1190 --   >>> verify_ecdsa_unrestricted msg pub invalid_sig
   1191 --   False
   1192 verify_ecdsa_unrestricted
   1193   :: BS.ByteString -- ^ message
   1194   -> Pub           -- ^ public key
   1195   -> ECDSA         -- ^ signature
   1196   -> Bool
   1197 verify_ecdsa_unrestricted = _verify_ecdsa_unrestricted (mul_unsafe _CURVE_G)
   1199 -- | The same as 'verify_ecdsa_unrestricted', except uses a 'Context' to
   1200 --   optimise internal calculations.
   1201 --
   1202 --   You can expect about a 2x performance increase when using this
   1203 --   function, compared to 'verify_ecdsa_unrestricted'.
   1204 --
   1205 --   >>> let !tex = precompute
   1206 --   >>> verify_ecdsa_unrestricted' tex msg pub valid_sig
   1207 --   True
   1208 --   >>> verify_ecdsa_unrestricted' tex msg pub invalid_sig
   1209 --   False
   1210 verify_ecdsa_unrestricted'
   1211   :: Context       -- ^ secp256k1 context
   1212   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ message
   1213   -> Pub           -- ^ public key
   1214   -> ECDSA         -- ^ signature
   1215   -> Bool
   1216 verify_ecdsa_unrestricted' tex = _verify_ecdsa_unrestricted (mul_wnaf tex)
   1218 _verify_ecdsa_unrestricted
   1219   :: (Integer -> Projective) -- partially-applied multiplication function
   1220   -> BS.ByteString
   1221   -> Pub
   1222   -> ECDSA
   1223   -> Bool
   1224 _verify_ecdsa_unrestricted _mul (SHA256.hash -> h) p (ECDSA r s)
   1225   -- SEC1-v2 4.1.4
   1226   | not (ge r) || not (ge s) = False
   1227   | otherwise =
   1228       let e     = remQ (bits2int h)
   1229           s_inv = case modinv s (fi _CURVE_Q) of
   1230             -- 'ge s' assures existence of inverse
   1231             Nothing ->
   1232               error "ppad-secp256k1 (verify_ecdsa_unrestricted): no inverse"
   1233             Just si -> si
   1234           u1   = remQ (e * s_inv)
   1235           u2   = remQ (r * s_inv)
   1236           capR = add (_mul u1) (mul_unsafe p u2)
   1237       in  if   capR == _CURVE_ZERO
   1238           then False
   1239           else let Affine (modQ -> v) _ = affine capR
   1240                in  v == r
   1241 {-# INLINE _verify_ecdsa_unrestricted #-}
   1243 -- ecdh -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1245 -- SEC1-v2 3.3.1, plus SHA256 hash
   1247 -- | Compute a shared secret, given a secret key and public secp256k1 point,
   1248 --   via Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH).
   1249 --
   1250 --   The shared secret is the SHA256 hash of the x-coordinate of the
   1251 --   point obtained by scalar multiplication.
   1252 --
   1253 --   >>> let sec_alice = 0x03                   -- contrived
   1254 --   >>> let sec_bob   = 2 ^ 128 - 1            -- contrived
   1255 --   >>> let pub_alice = derive_pub sec_alice
   1256 --   >>> let pub_bob   = derive_pub sec_bob
   1257 --   >>> let secret_as_computed_by_alice = ecdh pub_bob sec_alice
   1258 --   >>> let secret_as_computed_by_bob   = ecdh pub_alice sec_bob
   1259 --   >>> secret_as_computed_by_alice == secret_as_computed_by_bob
   1260 --   True
   1261 ecdh
   1262   :: Projective    -- ^ public key
   1263   -> Integer       -- ^ secret key
   1264   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ shared secret
   1265 ecdh pub _SECRET
   1266   | not (ge _SECRET) = error "ppad-secp256k1 (ecdh): invalid secret key"
   1267   | otherwise =
   1268       let pt = mul pub _SECRET
   1269       in  if   pt == _CURVE_ZERO
   1270           then error "ppad-secp256k1 (ecdh): invalid public key"
   1271           else let Affine x _ = affine pt
   1272                in  SHA256.hash (unroll32 x)