
Pure Haskell Schnorr, ECDSA on the elliptic curve secp256k1 (
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Wycheproof.hs (5264B)

      1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
      2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
      3 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
      4 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
      6 module Wycheproof (
      7     Wycheproof(..)
      8   , execute_group
      9   ) where
     11 import Crypto.Curve.Secp256k1
     12 import Data.Aeson ((.:))
     13 import qualified Data.Aeson as A
     14 import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as AT
     15 import qualified Data.Bits as B
     16 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     17 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
     18 import qualified Data.Text as T
     19 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
     20 import qualified GHC.Num.Integer as I
     21 import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
     22 import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool, testCase)
     24 fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
     25 fi = fromIntegral
     26 {-# INLINE fi #-}
     28 -- big-endian bytestring decoding
     29 roll :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
     30 roll = BS.foldl' unstep 0 where
     31   unstep a (fi -> b) = (a `I.integerShiftL` 8) `I.integerOr` b
     33 execute_group :: SigType -> EcdsaTestGroup -> TestTree
     34 execute_group ty EcdsaTestGroup {..} =
     35     testGroup msg (fmap (execute ty pk_uncompressed) etg_tests)
     36   where
     37     msg = "wycheproof (" <> T.unpack etg_type <> ", " <> T.unpack etg_sha <> ")"
     38     PublicKey {..} = etg_publicKey
     40 execute :: SigType -> Projective -> EcdsaVerifyTest -> TestTree
     41 execute ty pub EcdsaVerifyTest {..} = testCase report $ do
     42     let msg = B16.decodeLenient (TE.encodeUtf8 t_msg)
     43         sig = toEcdsa t_sig
     44     case sig of
     45       Left _  -> assertBool mempty (t_result == "invalid")
     46       Right s -> do
     47         let ver = case ty of
     48               LowS -> verify_ecdsa msg pub s
     49               Unrestricted -> verify_ecdsa_unrestricted msg pub s
     50         if   t_result == "invalid"
     51         then assertBool mempty (not ver)
     52         else assertBool mempty ver
     53   where
     54     report = "wycheproof (" <> show ty <> ") " <> show t_tcId
     56 parse_der_sig :: AT.Parser ECDSA
     57 parse_der_sig = do
     58     _ <- AT.word8 0x30
     59     len <- fmap fi AT.anyWord8
     60     content <- AT.take len
     61     etc <- AT.takeByteString
     62     if   BS.length content /= len || etc /= mempty
     63     then fail "invalid content"
     64     else case AT.parseOnly (meat len) content of
     65       Left _  -> fail "invalid content"
     66       Right v -> pure v
     67   where
     68     meat len = do
     69       (lr, bs_r) <- parseAsnInt
     70       (ls, bs_s) <- parseAsnInt
     71       let r = fi (roll bs_r)
     72           s = fi (roll bs_s)
     73           checks = lr + ls == len
     74       rest <- AT.takeByteString
     75       if   rest == mempty && checks
     76       then pure (ECDSA r s)
     77       else fail "input remaining or length mismatch"
     79 parseAsnInt :: AT.Parser (Int, BS.ByteString)
     80 parseAsnInt = do
     81   _       <- AT.word8 0x02
     82   len     <- fmap fi AT.anyWord8
     83   content <- AT.take len
     84   if   BS.length content /= len
     85   then fail "invalid length"
     86   else if   len == 1
     87        then pure (len + 2, content) -- + tag byt + len byt
     88        else case BS.uncons content of
     89          Nothing -> fail "invalid content"
     90          Just (h0, t0)
     91            | B.testBit h0 7 -> fail "negative value"
     92            | otherwise -> case BS.uncons t0 of
     93                Nothing -> fail "invalid content"
     94                Just (h1, _)
     95                  | h0 == 0x00 && not (B.testBit h1 7) -> fail "invalid padding"
     96                  | otherwise -> case BS.unsnoc content of
     97                      Nothing -> fail "invalid content"
     98                      Just (_, tn)
     99                        | tn == 0x00 -> fail "invalid padding"
    100                        | otherwise  -> pure (len + 2, content)
    102 data Wycheproof = Wycheproof {
    103     wp_algorithm        :: !T.Text
    104   , wp_generatorVersion :: !T.Text
    105   , wp_numberOfTests    :: !Int
    106   , wp_testGroups       :: ![EcdsaTestGroup]
    107   } deriving Show
    109 instance A.FromJSON Wycheproof where
    110   parseJSON = A.withObject "Wycheproof" $ \m -> Wycheproof
    111     <$> m .: "algorithm"
    112     <*> m .: "generatorVersion"
    113     <*> m .: "numberOfTests"
    114     <*> m .: "testGroups"
    116 data EcdsaTestGroup = EcdsaTestGroup {
    117     etg_type      :: !T.Text
    118   , etg_publicKey :: !PublicKey
    119   , etg_sha       :: !T.Text
    120   , etg_tests     :: ![EcdsaVerifyTest]
    121   } deriving Show
    123 instance A.FromJSON EcdsaTestGroup where
    124   parseJSON = A.withObject "EcdsaTestGroup" $ \m -> EcdsaTestGroup
    125     <$> m .: "type"
    126     <*> m .: "publicKey"
    127     <*> m .: "sha"
    128     <*> m .: "tests"
    130 data PublicKey = PublicKey {
    131     pk_type         :: !T.Text
    132   , pk_curve        :: !T.Text
    133   , pk_keySize      :: !Int
    134   , pk_uncompressed :: !Projective
    135   } deriving Show
    137 toProjective :: T.Text -> Projective
    138 toProjective (TE.encodeUtf8 -> bs) = case parse_point bs of
    139   Nothing -> error "wycheproof: couldn't parse pubkey"
    140   Just p -> p
    142 instance A.FromJSON PublicKey where
    143   parseJSON = A.withObject "PublicKey" $ \m -> PublicKey
    144     <$> m .: "type"
    145     <*> m .: "curve"
    146     <*> m .: "keySize"
    147     <*> fmap toProjective (m .: "uncompressed")
    149 toEcdsa :: T.Text -> Either String ECDSA
    150 toEcdsa (B16.decodeLenient . TE.encodeUtf8 -> bs) =
    151   AT.parseOnly parse_der_sig bs
    153 data EcdsaVerifyTest = EcdsaVerifyTest {
    154     t_tcId    :: !Int
    155   , t_comment :: !T.Text
    156   , t_msg     :: !T.Text
    157   , t_sig     :: !T.Text
    158   , t_result  :: !T.Text
    159   } deriving Show
    161 instance A.FromJSON EcdsaVerifyTest where
    162   parseJSON = A.withObject "EcdsaVerifyTest" $ \m -> EcdsaVerifyTest
    163     <$> m .: "tcId"
    164     <*> m .: "comment"
    165     <*> m .: "msg"
    166     <*> m .: "sig"
    167     <*> m .: "result"