commit 7e04a1313b79c42ca023c2062104dc990ca2262a
parent 696fa7b0d0e4d860360d361a2becc7d8e6863235
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 08:02:29 -0330
lib: base32 stuff
1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Data/ByteString/Bech32.hs b/lib/Data/ByteString/Bech32.hs
@@ -1,46 +1,84 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Data.ByteString.Bech32 where
--- this entire module is an adaptation of the official haskell
--- reference, which can be found at:
import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.))
import qualified Data.Bits as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as BE
+import Data.Word (Word32)
+fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
+fi = fromIntegral
+{-# INLINE fi #-}
+word32be :: BS.ByteString -> Word32
+word32be s =
+ (fi (s `BS.index` 0) `B.shiftL` 24) .|.
+ (fi (s `BS.index` 1) `B.shiftL` 16) .|.
+ (fi (s `BS.index` 2) `B.shiftL` 8) .|.
+ (fi (s `BS.index` 3))
+{-# INLINE word32be #-}
+-- realization for small builders
+toStrict :: BSB.Builder -> BS.ByteString
+toStrict = BS.toStrict
+ . BE.toLazyByteStringWith (BE.safeStrategy 128 BE.smallChunkSize) mempty
+-- (maybe) pad to a multiple of 40 bits
+maybe_pad :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
+maybe_pad bs
+ | l `rem` 5 == 0 = bs
+ | otherwise = bs <> BS.replicate k 0x00
+ where
+ l = BS.length bs
+ k = let r = fi l `rem` 5
+ in if r == 0 then 0 else r + 5
+bech32_charset :: BS.ByteString
+bech32_charset = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l"
+-- adapted from emilypi's 'base32' library
+base32 :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
+base32 dat = toStrict (go dat) where
+ mask = 0b11111
+ go bs = case BS.splitAt 5 bs of
+ (chunk, etc)
+ | BS.length chunk /= 5 -> mempty
+ | otherwise -> case BS.unsnoc chunk of
+ Nothing -> error "impossible, chunk length is 5"
+ Just (word32be -> w32, fi -> w8) ->
+ let i0 = fi (mask .&. (w32 `B.shiftR` 27))
+ i1 = fi (mask .&. (w32 `B.shiftR` 22))
+ i2 = fi (mask .&. (w32 `B.shiftR` 17))
+ i3 = fi (mask .&. (w32 `B.shiftR` 12))
+ i4 = fi (mask .&. (w32 `B.shiftR` 07))
+ i5 = fi (mask .&. (w32 `B.shiftR` 02))
+ i6 = fi (mask .&. (w32 `B.shiftL` 03 .|. w8 `B.shiftR` 05))
+ i7 = fi (mask .&. w8)
+ w8_0 = fi (BS.index bech32_charset i0)
+ w8_1 = fi (BS.index bech32_charset i1)
+ w8_2 = fi (BS.index bech32_charset i2)
+ w8_3 = fi (BS.index bech32_charset i3)
+ w8_4 = fi (BS.index bech32_charset i4)
+ w8_5 = fi (BS.index bech32_charset i5)
+ w8_6 = fi (BS.index bech32_charset i6)
+ w8_7 = fi (BS.index bech32_charset i7)
+ w64 = w8_0
+ .|. w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8
+ .|. w8_2 `B.shiftL` 16
+ .|. w8_3 `B.shiftL` 24
+ .|. w8_4 `B.shiftL` 32
+ .|. w8_5 `B.shiftL` 40
+ .|. w8_6 `B.shiftL` 48
+ .|. w8_7 `B.shiftL` 56
-base256_to_base32 = undefined
-base32_to_base256 = undefined
-data Pad = Pad | NoPad
--- XX e0 ~ 5, e1 ~ 8 (or vice versa)
-convert_base2 :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> Pad -> BS.ByteString
-convert_base2 bs e0 e1 pad = loop 0 mempty 0 0 where
- mask = 2 ^ e1 - 1
- len = BS.length bs
- loop j !acc !car !pos
- | j == len = BS.pack . reverse $ case pad of
- Pad | pos > 0 ->
- let car0 = (car `B.unsafeShiftL` (e1 - pos)) .&. mask
- in car0 : acc
- _ -> acc
- | otherwise =
- let word = BS.index bs j
- car0 = (car `B.unsafeShiftL` e0) .|. word
- pos0 = pos + e0
- (nacc, pos1) = loop_pos car0 pos0 acc
- car1 = car0 .&. (2 ^ pos1 - 1)
- in loop (succ j) nacc car1 pos1
- loop_pos !car !pos !acc
- | pos < e1 = (acc, pos)
- | otherwise =
- let nacc = ((car `B.unsafeShiftR` (pos - e1)) .&. mask) : acc
- in loop_pos car (pos - e1) nacc
+ in BSB.word64LE w64 <> go etc