
Pure Haskell HMAC-DRBG (
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HMAC.hs (8187B)

      1 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
      2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-small-strict-fields #-}
      3 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
      5 -- |
      6 -- Module: Crypto.DRBG.HMAC
      7 -- Copyright: (c) 2024 Jared Tobin
      8 -- License: MIT
      9 -- Maintainer: Jared Tobin <>
     10 --
     11 -- A pure HMAC-DRBG implementation, as specified by
     12 -- [NIST SP-800-90A](
     14 module Crypto.DRBG.HMAC (
     15   -- * DRBG and HMAC function types
     16     DRBG
     17   , _read_v
     18   , _read_k
     19   , HMAC
     21   -- * DRBG interaction
     22   , new
     23   , gen
     24   , reseed
     25   ) where
     27 import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState)
     28 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     29 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
     30 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as BE
     31 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
     32 import qualified Data.Primitive.MutVar as P
     33 import Data.Word (Word64)
     35 -- keystroke savers and utilities ---------------------------------------------
     37 fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
     38 fi = fromIntegral
     39 {-# INLINE fi #-}
     41 to_strict :: BSB.Builder -> BS.ByteString
     42 to_strict = BS.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString
     43 {-# INLINE to_strict #-}
     45 to_strict_small :: BSB.Builder -> BS.ByteString
     46 to_strict_small = BS.toStrict . BE.toLazyByteStringWith
     47   (BE.safeStrategy 128 BE.smallChunkSize) mempty
     48 {-# INLINE to_strict_small #-}
     50 -- dumb strict pair
     51 data Pair a b = Pair !a !b
     52   deriving Show
     54 -- types ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     56 -- see SP 800-90A table 2
     57 _RESEED_COUNTER :: Word64
     58 _RESEED_COUNTER = (2 :: Word64) ^ (48 :: Word64)
     60 -- | A deterministic random bit generator (DRBG).
     61 --
     62 --   Create a DRBG with 'new', and then use and reuse it to generate
     63 --   bytes as needed.
     64 --
     65 --   >>> import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
     66 --   >>> drbg <- new SHA256.hmac entropy nonce personalization_string
     67 --   >>> bytes0 <- gen addl_bytes 16 drbg
     68 --   >>> bytes1 <- gen addl_bytes 16 drbg
     69 --   >>> drbg
     70 --   "<drbg>"
     71 newtype DRBG s = DRBG (P.MutVar s DRBGState)
     73 instance Show (DRBG s) where
     74   show _ = "<drbg>"
     76 -- DRBG environment data and state
     77 data DRBGState = DRBGState
     78                  !HMACEnv       -- hmac function & outlen
     79   {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64        -- reseed counter
     80   {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- v
     81   {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- key
     83 -- NB following synonym really only exists to make haddocks more
     84 --    readable
     86 -- | A HMAC function, taking a key as the first argument and the input
     87 --   value as the second, producing a MAC digest.
     88 --
     89 --   >>> import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
     90 --   >>> :t SHA256.hmac
     91 --   SHA256.hmac :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
     92 type HMAC = BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
     94 -- HMAC function and its associated outlength
     95 data HMACEnv = HMACEnv
     96                  !HMAC
     97   {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
     99 -- the following convenience functions are useful for testing
    101 _read_v
    102   :: PrimMonad m
    103   => DRBG (PrimState m)
    104   -> m BS.ByteString
    105 _read_v (DRBG mut) = do
    106   DRBGState _ _ v _ <- P.readMutVar mut
    107   pure v
    109 _read_k
    110   :: PrimMonad m
    111   => DRBG (PrimState m)
    112   -> m BS.ByteString
    113 _read_k (DRBG mut) = do
    114   DRBGState _ _ _ k <- P.readMutVar mut
    115   pure k
    117 -- drbg interaction ------------------------------------------------------
    119 -- | Create a DRBG from the supplied HMAC function, entropy, nonce, and
    120 --   personalization string.
    121 --
    122 --   You can instantiate the DRBG using any appropriate HMAC function;
    123 --   it should merely take a key and value as input, as is standard, and
    124 --   return a MAC digest, each being a strict 'ByteString'.
    125 --
    126 --   The DRBG is returned in any 'PrimMonad', e.g. 'ST' or 'IO'.
    127 --
    128 --   >>> import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
    129 --   >>> new SHA256.hmac entropy nonce personalization_string
    130 --   "<drbg>"
    131 new
    132   :: PrimMonad m
    133   => HMAC           -- ^ HMAC function
    134   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ entropy
    135   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ nonce
    136   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ personalization string
    137   -> m (DRBG (PrimState m))
    138 new hmac entropy nonce ps = do
    139   let !drbg = new_pure hmac entropy nonce ps
    140   mut <- P.newMutVar drbg
    141   pure (DRBG mut)
    143 -- | Generate bytes from a DRBG, optionally injecting additional bytes
    144 --   per SP 800-90A.
    145 --
    146 --   >>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
    147 --   >>> drbg <- new SHA256.hmac entropy nonce personalization_string
    148 --   >>> bytes0 <- gen addl_bytes 16 drbg
    149 --   >>> bytes1 <- gen addl_bytes 16 drbg
    150 --   >>> B16.encode bytes0
    151 --   "938d6ca6d0b797f7b3c653349d6e3135"
    152 --   >>> B16.encode bytes1
    153 --   "5f379d16de6f2c6f8a35c56f13f9e5a5"
    154 gen
    155   :: PrimMonad m
    156   => BS.ByteString       -- ^ additional bytes to inject
    157   -> Word64              -- ^ number of bytes to generate
    158   -> DRBG (PrimState m)
    159   -> m BS.ByteString
    160 gen addl bytes (DRBG mut) = do
    161   drbg0 <- P.readMutVar mut
    162   let !(Pair bs drbg1) = gen_pure addl bytes drbg0
    163   P.writeMutVar mut drbg1
    164   pure bs
    166 -- | Reseed a DRBG.
    167 --
    168 --   Each DRBG has an internal /reseed counter/ that tracks the number
    169 --   of requests made to the generator (note /requests made/, not bytes
    170 --   generated). SP 800-90A specifies that a HMAC-DRBG should support
    171 --   2 ^ 48 requests before requiring a reseed, so in practice you're
    172 --   unlikely to ever need to use this to actually reset the counter.
    173 --
    174 --   Note however that 'reseed' can be used to implement "explicit"
    175 --   prediction resistance, per SP 800-90A, by injecting entropy generated
    176 --   elsewhere into the DRBG.
    177 --
    178 --   >>> import qualified System.Entropy as E
    179 --   >>> entropy <- E.getEntropy 32
    180 --   >>> reseed entropy addl_bytes drbg
    181 --   "<reseeded drbg>"
    182 reseed
    183   :: PrimMonad m
    184   => BS.ByteString        -- ^ entropy to inject
    185   -> BS.ByteString        -- ^ additional bytes to inject
    186   -> DRBG (PrimState m)
    187   -> m ()
    188 reseed ent add (DRBG drbg) = P.modifyMutVar' drbg (reseed_pure ent add)
    190 -- pure drbg interaction ------------------------------------------------------
    192 -- SP 800-90A
    193 update_pure
    194   :: BS.ByteString
    195   -> DRBGState
    196   -> DRBGState
    197 update_pure provided_data (DRBGState h@(HMACEnv hmac _) r v0 k0) =
    198     let !k1 = hmac k0 (cat v0 0x00 provided_data)
    199         !v1 = hmac k1 v0
    200     in  if   BS.null provided_data
    201         then DRBGState h r v1 k1
    202         else let !k2 = hmac k1 (cat v1 0x01 provided_data)
    203                  !v2 = hmac k2 v1
    204              in  DRBGState h r v2 k2
    205   where
    206     cat bs byte suf@(BI.PS _ _ l) =
    207       let bil = BSB.byteString bs <> BSB.word8 byte <> BSB.byteString suf
    208       in  if   l < 64
    209           then to_strict_small bil
    210           else to_strict bil
    211     {-# INLINE cat #-}
    213 -- SP 800-90A
    214 new_pure
    215   :: HMAC           -- HMAC function
    216   -> BS.ByteString  -- entropy
    217   -> BS.ByteString  -- nonce
    218   -> BS.ByteString  -- personalization string
    219   -> DRBGState
    220 new_pure hmac entropy nonce ps =
    221     let !drbg = DRBGState (HMACEnv hmac outlen) 1 v0 k0
    222     in  update_pure seed_material drbg
    223   where
    224     seed_material = entropy <> nonce <> ps
    225     outlen = fi (BS.length (hmac mempty mempty))
    226     k0 = BS.replicate (fi outlen) 0x00
    227     v0 = BS.replicate (fi outlen) 0x01
    229 -- SP 800-90A
    230 reseed_pure :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> DRBGState -> DRBGState
    231 reseed_pure entropy addl drbg =
    232   let !(DRBGState h _ v k) = update_pure (entropy <> addl) drbg
    233   in  DRBGState h 1 v k
    235 -- SP 800-90A
    236 gen_pure
    237   :: BS.ByteString
    238   -> Word64
    239   -> DRBGState
    240   -> Pair BS.ByteString DRBGState
    241 gen_pure addl bytes drbg0@(DRBGState h@(HMACEnv hmac outlen) _ _ _)
    242     | r > _RESEED_COUNTER = error "ppad-hmac-drbg: reseed required"
    243     | otherwise =
    244         let !(Pair temp drbg1) = loop mempty 0 v1
    245             returned_bits = BS.take (fi bytes) temp
    246             drbg = update_pure addl drbg1
    247         in  Pair returned_bits drbg
    248   where
    249     !(DRBGState _ r v1 k1)
    250       | BS.null addl = drbg0
    251       | otherwise = update_pure addl drbg0
    253     loop !acc !len !vl
    254       | len < bytes =
    255           let nv   = hmac k1 vl
    256               nacc = acc <> BSB.byteString nv
    257               nlen = len + outlen
    258           in  loop nacc nlen nv
    260       | otherwise =
    261           let facc | bytes < 128 = to_strict_small acc
    262                    | otherwise   = to_strict acc
    263           in  Pair facc (DRBGState h (succ r) vl k1)
    264 {-# INLINE gen_pure #-}