
Pure Haskell HMAC-DRBG (
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HMAC.hs (7710B)

      1 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
      2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-small-strict-fields #-}
      3 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
      4 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
      6 -- |
      7 -- Module: Crypto.DRBG.HMAC
      8 -- Copyright: (c) 2024 Jared Tobin
      9 -- License: MIT
     10 -- Maintainer: Jared Tobin <>
     11 --
     12 -- A pure HMAC-DRBG implementation, as specified by
     13 -- [NIST SP-800-90A](
     15 module Crypto.DRBG.HMAC (
     16   -- * DRBG and HMAC function types
     17     DRBG
     18   , _read_v
     19   , _read_k
     20   , HMAC
     22   -- * DRBG interaction
     23   , new
     24   , gen
     25   , reseed
     26   ) where
     28 import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState)
     29 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     30 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
     31 import qualified Data.Primitive.MutVar as P
     32 import Data.Word (Word64)
     34 -- keystroke savers and utilities ---------------------------------------------
     36 fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
     37 fi = fromIntegral
     38 {-# INLINE fi #-}
     40 toStrict :: BSB.Builder -> BS.ByteString
     41 toStrict = BS.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString
     42 {-# INLINE toStrict #-}
     44 -- dumb strict pair
     45 data Pair a b = Pair !a !b
     46   deriving Show
     48 -- types ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     50 -- see SP 800-90A table 2
     51 _RESEED_COUNTER :: Word64
     52 _RESEED_COUNTER = (2 :: Word64) ^ (48 :: Word64)
     54 -- | A deterministic random bit generator (DRBG).
     55 --
     56 --   Create a DRBG with 'new', and then use and reuse it to generate
     57 --   bytes as needed.
     58 --
     59 --   >>> import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
     60 --   >>> drbg <- new SHA256.hmac entropy nonce personalization_string
     61 --   >>> bytes0 <- gen addl_bytes 16 drbg
     62 --   >>> bytes1 <- gen addl_bytes 16 drbg
     63 --   >>> drbg
     64 --   "<drbg>"
     65 newtype DRBG s = DRBG (P.MutVar s DRBGState)
     67 instance Show (DRBG s) where
     68   show _ = "<drbg>"
     70 -- DRBG environment data and state
     71 data DRBGState = DRBGState
     72                  !HMACEnv       -- hmac function & outlen
     73   {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64        -- reseed counter
     74   {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- v
     75   {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- key
     77 -- NB following synonym really only exists to make haddocks more
     78 --    readable
     80 -- | A HMAC function, taking a key as the first argument and the input
     81 --   value as the second, producing a MAC digest.
     82 --
     83 --   >>> import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
     84 --   >>> :t SHA256.hmac
     85 --   SHA256.hmac :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
     86 type HMAC = BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
     88 -- HMAC function and its associated outlength
     89 data HMACEnv = HMACEnv
     90                  !HMAC
     91   {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
     93 -- the following convenience functions are useful for testing
     95 _read_v
     96   :: PrimMonad m
     97   => DRBG (PrimState m)
     98   -> m BS.ByteString
     99 _read_v (DRBG mut) = do
    100   DRBGState _ _ v _ <- P.readMutVar mut
    101   pure v
    103 _read_k
    104   :: PrimMonad m
    105   => DRBG (PrimState m)
    106   -> m BS.ByteString
    107 _read_k (DRBG mut) = do
    108   DRBGState _ _ _ k <- P.readMutVar mut
    109   pure k
    111 -- drbg interaction ------------------------------------------------------
    113 -- | Create a DRBG from the supplied HMAC function, entropy, nonce, and
    114 --   personalization string.
    115 --
    116 --   You can instantiate the DRBG using any appropriate HMAC function;
    117 --   it should merely take a key and value as input, as is standard, and
    118 --   return a MAC digest, each being a strict 'ByteString'.
    119 --
    120 --   The DRBG is returned in any 'PrimMonad', e.g. 'ST' or 'IO'.
    121 --
    122 --   >>> import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
    123 --   >>> new SHA256.hmac entropy nonce personalization_string
    124 --   "<drbg>"
    125 new
    126   :: PrimMonad m
    127   => HMAC           -- ^ HMAC function
    128   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ entropy
    129   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ nonce
    130   -> BS.ByteString  -- ^ personalization string
    131   -> m (DRBG (PrimState m))
    132 new hmac entropy nonce ps = do
    133   let !drbg = new_pure hmac entropy nonce ps
    134   mut <- P.newMutVar drbg
    135   pure (DRBG mut)
    137 -- | Generate bytes from a DRBG, optionally injecting additional bytes
    138 --   per SP 800-90A.
    139 --
    140 --   >>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
    141 --   >>> drbg <- new SHA256.hmac entropy nonce personalization_string
    142 --   >>> bytes0 <- gen addl_bytes 16 drbg
    143 --   >>> bytes1 <- gen addl_bytes 16 drbg
    144 --   >>> B16.encode bytes0
    145 --   "938d6ca6d0b797f7b3c653349d6e3135"
    146 --   >>> B16.encode bytes1
    147 --   "5f379d16de6f2c6f8a35c56f13f9e5a5"
    148 gen
    149   :: PrimMonad m
    150   => BS.ByteString       -- ^ additional bytes to inject
    151   -> Word64              -- ^ number of bytes to generate
    152   -> DRBG (PrimState m)
    153   -> m BS.ByteString
    154 gen addl bytes (DRBG mut) = do
    155   drbg0 <- P.readMutVar mut
    156   let !(Pair bs drbg1) = gen_pure addl bytes drbg0
    157   P.writeMutVar mut drbg1
    158   pure bs
    160 -- | Reseed a DRBG.
    161 --
    162 --   Each DRBG has an internal /reseed counter/ that tracks the number
    163 --   of requests made to the generator (note /requests made/, not bytes
    164 --   generated). SP 800-90A specifies that a HMAC-DRBG should support
    165 --   2 ^ 48 requests before requiring a reseed, so in practice you're
    166 --   unlikely to ever need to use this to actually reset the counter.
    167 --
    168 --   Note however that 'reseed' can be used to implement "explicit"
    169 --   prediction resistance, per SP 800-90A, by injecting entropy generated
    170 --   elsewhere into the DRBG.
    171 --
    172 --   >>> import qualified System.Entropy as E
    173 --   >>> entropy <- E.getEntropy 32
    174 --   >>> reseed entropy addl_bytes drbg
    175 --   "<reseeded drbg>"
    176 reseed
    177   :: PrimMonad m
    178   => BS.ByteString        -- ^ entropy to inject
    179   -> BS.ByteString        -- ^ additional bytes to inject
    180   -> DRBG (PrimState m)
    181   -> m ()
    182 reseed ent add (DRBG drbg) = P.modifyMutVar' drbg (reseed_pure ent add)
    184 -- pure drbg interaction ------------------------------------------------------
    186 -- SP 800-90A
    187 update_pure
    188   :: BS.ByteString
    189   -> DRBGState
    190   -> DRBGState
    191 update_pure provided_data (DRBGState h@(HMACEnv hmac _) r v0 k0) =
    192     let !k1 = hmac k0 (cat v0 0x00 provided_data)
    193         !v1 = hmac k1 v0
    194     in  if   BS.null provided_data
    195         then DRBGState h r v1 k1
    196         else let !k2 = hmac k1 (cat v1 0x01 provided_data)
    197                  !v2 = hmac k2 v1
    198              in  DRBGState h r v2 k2
    199   where
    200     cat bs byte suf = toStrict $
    201       BSB.byteString bs <> BSB.word8 byte <> BSB.byteString suf
    203 -- SP 800-90A
    204 new_pure
    205   :: HMAC           -- HMAC function
    206   -> BS.ByteString  -- entropy
    207   -> BS.ByteString  -- nonce
    208   -> BS.ByteString  -- personalization string
    209   -> DRBGState
    210 new_pure hmac entropy nonce ps =
    211     let !drbg = DRBGState (HMACEnv hmac outlen) 1 v0 k0
    212     in  update_pure seed_material drbg
    213   where
    214     seed_material = entropy <> nonce <> ps
    215     outlen = fi (BS.length (hmac mempty mempty))
    216     k0 = BS.replicate (fi outlen) 0x00
    217     v0 = BS.replicate (fi outlen) 0x01
    219 -- SP 800-90A
    220 reseed_pure :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> DRBGState -> DRBGState
    221 reseed_pure entropy addl drbg =
    222   let !(DRBGState h _ v k) = update_pure (entropy <> addl) drbg
    223   in  DRBGState h 1 v k
    225 -- SP 800-90A
    226 gen_pure
    227   :: BS.ByteString
    228   -> Word64
    229   -> DRBGState
    230   -> Pair BS.ByteString DRBGState
    231 gen_pure addl bytes drbg0@(DRBGState h@(HMACEnv hmac outlen) _ _ _)
    232     | r > _RESEED_COUNTER = error "ppad-hmac-drbg: reseed required"
    233     | otherwise =
    234         let !(Pair temp drbg1) = loop mempty 0 v1
    235             returned_bits = BS.take (fi bytes) temp
    236             drbg = update_pure addl drbg1
    237         in  Pair returned_bits drbg
    238   where
    239     !(DRBGState _ r v1 k1)
    240       | BS.null addl = drbg0
    241       | otherwise = update_pure addl drbg0
    243     loop !acc !len !vl
    244       | len < bytes =
    245           let nv   = hmac k1 vl
    246               nacc = acc <> BSB.byteString nv
    247               nlen = len + outlen
    248           in  loop nacc nlen nv
    250       | otherwise =
    251           let facc = toStrict acc
    252           in  Pair facc (DRBGState h (succ r) vl k1)