commit 359b98879bed81b4a4a8f62639ef9b23a6100ddb
parent a12dc857d2518f162281a22db0dcb08255a00d1e
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 21:17:07 +0400
lib: add base16-bytestring dep
4 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1710283812,
- "narHash": "sha256-F+s4//HwNEXtgxZ6PLoe5khDTmUukPYbjCvx7us2vww=",
+ "lastModified": 1710734606,
+ "narHash": "sha256-rFJl+WXfksu2NkWJWKGd5Km17ZGEjFg9hOQNwstsoU8=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
- "rev": "73bf415737ceb66a6298f806f600cfe4dccd0a41",
+ "rev": "79bb4155141a5e68f2bdee2bf6af35b1d27d3a1d",
"type": "github"
"original": {
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
devShells.default = hpkgs.shellFor {
packages = p: [
+ p.${lib}
buildInputs = [
diff --git a/lib/Crypto/Secp256k1.hs b/lib/Crypto/Secp256k1.hs
@@ -1,2 +1,259 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Crypto.Secp256k1 where
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Control.Monad.ST
+import Data.Bits (Bits, (.&.), (.|.))
+import qualified Data.Bits as B (shiftL, shiftR)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.STRef
+-- XX seems like this should be easy to abstract
+-- modular arithmetic utilities
+-- XX be aware of non-constant-timeness in these; i should understand this
+-- exactly
+-- modular division
+moddiv :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
+moddiv a b
+ | r < 0 = b + r
+ | otherwise = r
+ where
+ r = a `mod` b
+-- modular division by secp256k1 group order
+mods :: Integral a => a -> a
+mods a = moddiv a (curve_p secp256k1)
+-- is field element (i.e., is invertible)
+fe :: Integral a => a -> Bool
+fe n = 0 < n && n < (curve_p secp256k1)
+-- is group element
+ge :: Integral a => a -> Bool
+ge n = 0 < n && n < (curve_n secp256k1)
+data Triple a = Triple !a !a !a
+-- for a, b, return x, y, g such that ax + by = g for g = gcd(a, b)
+egcd :: Integral a => a -> a -> Triple a
+egcd a 0 = Triple 1 0 a
+egcd a b =
+ let (q, r) = a `quotRem` b
+ Triple s t g = egcd b r
+ in Triple t (s - q * t) g
+-- for a, m return x such that ax = 1 mod m
+modinv :: Integral a => a -> a -> Maybe a
+modinv a m
+ | g == 1 = Just (pos i)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ Triple i _ g = egcd a m
+ pos x
+ | x < 0 = x + m
+ | otherwise = x
+-- partial modinv
+modinv' :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
+modinv' a m = case modinv a m of
+ Just x -> x
+ Nothing -> error "modinv': no modular inverse"
+-- elliptic curve
+data Curve a = Curve {
+ curve_p :: !a -- ^ field prime
+ , curve_n :: !a -- ^ group order
+ , curve_a :: !a -- ^ /a/ coefficient, weierstrass form
+ , curve_b :: !a -- ^ /b/ coefficient, weierstrass form
+ , curve_gx :: !a -- ^ base point x
+ , curve_gy :: !a -- ^ base point y
+ }
+ deriving Show
+secp256k1 :: Integral a => Curve a
+secp256k1 = Curve p n 0 7 gx gy where
+ b256 = 2 ^ (256 :: Integer)
+ p = b256 - 0x1000003d1
+ n = b256 - 0x14551231950b75fc4402da1732fc9bebf
+ gx = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
+ gy = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8
+weierstrass :: Integral a => a -> a
+weierstrass x = mods (mods (x * x) * x + curve_b secp256k1)
+-- modular square root
+modsqrt :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> Maybe a
+modsqrt n = runST $ do
+ r <- newSTRef 1
+ num <- newSTRef n
+ e <- newSTRef ((p + 1) `div` 4)
+ loop r num e
+ rr <- readSTRef r
+ pure $
+ if mods (rr * rr) == n
+ then Just rr
+ else Nothing
+ where
+ p = curve_p secp256k1
+ loop sr snum se = do
+ e <- readSTRef se
+ when (e > 0) $ do
+ when (e .&. 1 == 1) $ do
+ num <- readSTRef snum
+ modifySTRef' sr (\lr -> (lr * num) `rem` p)
+ modifySTRef' snum (\ln -> (ln * ln) `rem` p)
+ modifySTRef' se (`B.shiftR` 1)
+ loop sr snum se
+-- group bytelength
+_GROUP_BYTELENGTH :: Integral a => a
+-- curve point
+data Point a = Point {
+ px :: !a
+ , py :: !a
+ , pz :: !a
+ }
+ deriving Show
+instance Integral a => Eq (Point a) where
+ Point ax ay az == Point bx by bz =
+ let x1z2 = mods (ax * bz)
+ x2z1 = mods (bx * az)
+ y1z2 = mods (ay * bz)
+ y2z1 = mods (by * az)
+ in x1z2 == x2z1 && y1z2 == y2z1
+_ZERO :: Integral a => Point a
+_ZERO = Point 0 1 0
+_BASE :: Integral a => Point a
+_BASE = Point (curve_gx secp256k1) (curve_gy secp256k1) 1
+neg :: (Integral a, Num a) => Point a -> Point a
+neg (Point x y z) = Point x (mods (negate y)) z
+add :: (Integral a, Num a) => Point a -> Point a -> Point a
+add (Point x1 y1 z1) (Point x2 y2 z2) = runST $ do
+ let a = curve_a secp256k1
+ b = curve_b secp256k1
+ x3 <- newSTRef 0
+ y3 <- newSTRef 0
+ z3 <- newSTRef 0
+ let b3 = mods (b * 3)
+ t0 <- newSTRef (mods (x1 * x2))
+ t1 <- newSTRef (mods (y1 * y2))
+ t2 <- newSTRef (mods (z2 * z2))
+ t3 <- newSTRef (mods (x1 + y1))
+ t4 <- newSTRef (mods (x2 + y2))
+ readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
+ modifySTRef' t3 (\r3 -> mods (r3 * r4))
+ readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
+ readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
+ writeSTRef t4 (mods (r0 + r1))
+ readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
+ modifySTRef' t3 (\r3 -> mods (r3 - r4))
+ writeSTRef t4 (mods (x1 + z1))
+ t5 <- newSTRef (mods (x2 + z2))
+ readSTRef t5 >>= \r5 ->
+ modifySTRef' t4 (\r4 -> mods (r4 + r5))
+ readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
+ readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
+ writeSTRef t5 (mods (r0 + r2))
+ readSTRef t5 >>= \r5 ->
+ modifySTRef' t4 (\r4 -> mods (r4 - r5))
+ writeSTRef t5 (mods (y1 + z1))
+ writeSTRef x3 (mods (y2 + z2))
+ readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
+ modifySTRef' t5 (\r5 -> mods (r5 * rx3))
+ readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
+ readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
+ writeSTRef x3 (mods (r1 + r2))
+ readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
+ modifySTRef' t5 (\r5 -> mods (r5 - rx3))
+ readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
+ writeSTRef z3 (mods (a * r4))
+ readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
+ writeSTRef x3 (mods (b3 * r2))
+ readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
+ modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> mods (rx3 + rz3))
+ readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
+ readSTRef z3 >>= \rz3 ->
+ writeSTRef x3 (mods (r1 - rz3))
+ readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
+ modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> mods (r1 + rz3))
+ readSTRef x3 >>= \rx3 ->
+ readSTRef z3 >>= \rz3 ->
+ writeSTRef y3 (mods (rx3 * rz3))
+ readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
+ writeSTRef t1 (mods (r0 + r0))
+ readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
+ modifySTRef' t1 (\r1 -> mods (r1 + r0))
+ modifySTRef' t2 (\r2 -> mods (a * r2))
+ modifySTRef' t4 (\r4 -> mods (b3 * r4))
+ readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
+ modifySTRef' t1 (\r1 -> mods (r1 + r2))
+ readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
+ modifySTRef' t2 (\r2 -> mods (r0 - r2))
+ modifySTRef' t2 (\r2 -> mods (a * r2))
+ readSTRef t2 >>= \r2 ->
+ modifySTRef' t4 (\r4 -> mods (r4 + r2))
+ readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
+ readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
+ writeSTRef t0 (mods (r1 * r4))
+ readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
+ modifySTRef' y3 (\ry3 -> mods (ry3 + r0))
+ readSTRef t5 >>= \r5 ->
+ readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
+ writeSTRef t0 (mods (r5 * r4))
+ readSTRef t3 >>= \r3 ->
+ modifySTRef' x3 (\rx3 -> mods (r3 * rx3))
+ readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
+ modifySTRef' x3 (\rx3 -> mods (rx3 - r0))
+ readSTRef t1 >>= \r1 ->
+ readSTRef t3 >>= \r3 ->
+ writeSTRef t0 (mods (r3 * r1))
+ readSTRef t5 >>= \r5 ->
+ modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> mods (r5 * rz3))
+ readSTRef t0 >>= \r0 ->
+ modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> mods (rz3 + r0))
+ Point <$> readSTRef x3 <*> readSTRef y3 <*> readSTRef z3
+double :: (Integral a, Num a) => Point a -> Point a
+double p = add p p
+-- XX assumes we're dealing with hex; need to decode
+parse_point :: (Bits a, Integral a) => BS.ByteString -> Maybe (Point a)
+parse_point bs = case BS.uncons bs of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (h, t) ->
+ let (roll -> x, etc) = BS.splitAt _GROUP_BYTELENGTH t
+ len = BS.length bs
+ in if len == 33 && (h == 0x02 || h == 0x03) -- compressed
+ then if not (fe x) -- x must be converted to num
+ then Nothing
+ else do
+ y <- modsqrt (weierstrass x)
+ let yodd = y .&. 1 == 1
+ hodd = h .&. 1 == 1
+ pure $
+ if hodd /= yodd
+ then Point x (mods (negate y)) 1
+ else Point x y 1
+ else if len == 65 && h == 0x04 -- uncompressed
+ then let (roll -> y, _) = BS.splitAt _GROUP_BYTELENGTH etc
+ in Just (Point x y 1) -- XX check validity
+ else Nothing
+-- big-endian bytestring decoding
+roll :: (Bits a, Integral a) => BS.ByteString -> a
+roll = BS.foldl' unstep 0 where
+ unstep a b = a `B.shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral b
diff --git a/ppad-secp256k1.cabal b/ppad-secp256k1.cabal
@@ -27,3 +27,5 @@ library
+ , base16-bytestring
+ , bytestring