commit 9461bfcbf15a7f8259e9653eebab3a78ec7277a9
parent e28eabac4a1d4e9ab6b76f57ee57bbdc242044c6
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 10:02:39 +0400
lib: misc fixes, benchmarking addition algos
M | bench/Main.hs | | | 85 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- |
M | lib/Crypto/Secp256k1.hs | | | 90 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- |
2 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bench/Main.hs b/bench/Main.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,87 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Criterion.Main
+import qualified Crypto.Secp256k1 as S
+instance NFData a => NFData (S.Projective a)
+instance NFData a => NFData (S.Affine a)
+instance NFData a => NFData (S.Triple a)
+instance NFData a => NFData (S.Curve a)
+add :: Benchmark
+add = bgroup "secp256k1" [
+ bgroup "add" [
+ bench "foo bar" $ nf (S.add foo) bar
+ , bench "foo baz" $ nf (S.add foo) baz
+ , bench "foo qux" $ nf (S.add foo) qux
+ , bench "bar baz" $ nf (S.add bar) baz
+ , bench "bar qux" $ nf (S.add bar) qux
+ , bench "baz qux" $ nf (S.add baz) qux
+ ]
+ , bgroup "add'" [
+ bench "foo bar" $ nf (S.add' foo) bar
+ , bench "foo baz" $ nf (S.add' foo) baz
+ , bench "foo qux" $ nf (S.add' foo) qux
+ , bench "bar baz" $ nf (S.add' bar) baz
+ , bench "bar qux" $ nf (S.add' bar) qux
+ , bench "baz qux" $ nf (S.add' baz) qux
+ ]
+ , bgroup "add_pure" [
+ bench "foo bar" $ nf (S.add_pure foo) bar
+ , bench "foo baz" $ nf (S.add_pure foo) baz
+ , bench "foo qux" $ nf (S.add_pure foo) qux
+ , bench "bar baz" $ nf (S.add_pure bar) baz
+ , bench "bar qux" $ nf (S.add_pure bar) qux
+ , bench "baz qux" $ nf (S.add_pure baz) qux
+ ]
+ , bgroup "add_affine" [
+ bench "foo bar" $ nf (S.add_affine afoo) abar
+ , bench "foo baz" $ nf (S.add_affine afoo) abaz
+ , bench "foo qux" $ nf (S.add_affine afoo) aqux
+ , bench "bar baz" $ nf (S.add_affine abar) abaz
+ , bench "bar qux" $ nf (S.add_affine abar) aqux
+ , bench "baz qux" $ nf (S.add_affine abaz) aqux
+ ]
+ ]
+ where
+ p = "0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798"
+ q = "02f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce036f9"
+ r = "03a2113cf152585d96791a42cdd78782757fbfb5c6b2c11b59857eb4f7fda0b0e8"
+ s = "0306413898a49c93cccf3db6e9078c1b6a8e62568e4a4770e0d7d96792d1c580ad"
+ foo :: S.Projective Integer
+ foo = case S.parse_point p of
+ Nothing -> error "boom"
+ Just !pa -> pa
+ bar :: S.Projective Integer
+ bar = case S.parse_point q of
+ Nothing -> error "bang"
+ Just !pa -> pa
+ baz :: S.Projective Integer
+ baz = case S.parse_point r of
+ Nothing -> error "bang"
+ Just !pa -> pa
+ qux :: S.Projective Integer
+ qux = case S.parse_point s of
+ Nothing -> error "bang"
+ Just !pa -> pa
+ afoo = S.affine' foo
+ abar = S.affine' bar
+ abaz = S.affine' baz
+ aqux = S.affine' qux
main :: IO ()
-main = pure ()
+main = defaultMain [
+ add
+ ]
diff --git a/lib/Crypto/Secp256k1.hs b/lib/Crypto/Secp256k1.hs
@@ -139,7 +139,10 @@ _GROUP_BYTELENGTH = 32
data Affine a = Affine !a !a
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
--- XX rename Projective?
+instance Integral a => Eq (Affine a) where
+ Affine x1 y1 == Affine x2 y2 =
+ mods x1 == mods x2 && mods y1 == mods y2
data Projective a = Projective {
px :: !a
, py :: !a
@@ -165,6 +168,28 @@ _BASE = Projective (curve_gx secp256k1) (curve_gy secp256k1) 1
neg :: (Integral a, Num a) => Projective a -> Projective a
neg (Projective x y z) = Projective x (mods (negate y)) z
+-- XX correct?
+add_affine :: (Integral a, Num a) => Affine a -> Affine a -> Maybe (Affine a)
+add_affine p@(Affine x1 y1) q@(Affine x2 y2)
+ | p == q && (p == azero || q == azero) = pure azero
+ | p == q = do
+ i <- modinv (mods (2 * y1)) (curve_p secp256k1)
+ let s = mods (mods (3 * mods (x1 * x1)) * i)
+ x = mods (mods (s * s) - mods (2 * x1))
+ y = mods (mods (s * mods (x1 - x)) - y1)
+ pure (Affine x y)
+ | x1 == 0 && y1 == 0 = pure q
+ | x2 == 0 && y2 == 0 = pure p
+ | x1 == x2 = pure azero
+ | otherwise = do
+ i <- modinv (mods (x1 - x2)) (curve_p secp256k1)
+ let s = mods (mods (y1 - y2) * i)
+ x3 = mods (mods (s * s) - x1 - x2)
+ y3 = mods (mods (s * mods (x1 - x3)) - y1)
+ pure (Affine x3 y3)
+ where
+ azero = Affine 0 0
-- algo 1, "complete addition formulas for prime order elliptic curves,"
-- renes et al, 2015
add :: (Integral a, Num a) => Projective a -> Projective a -> Projective a
@@ -177,7 +202,7 @@ add (Projective x1 y1 z1) (Projective x2 y2 z2) = runST $ do
let b3 = mods (b * 3)
t0 <- newSTRef (mods (x1 * x2))
t1 <- newSTRef (mods (y1 * y2))
- t2 <- newSTRef (mods (z2 * z2))
+ t2 <- newSTRef (mods (z1 * z2))
t3 <- newSTRef (mods (x1 + y1))
t4 <- newSTRef (mods (x2 + y2))
readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
@@ -253,6 +278,53 @@ add (Projective x1 y1 z1) (Projective x2 y2 z2) = runST $ do
modifySTRef' z3 (\rz3 -> mods (rz3 + r0))
Projective <$> readSTRef x3 <*> readSTRef y3 <*> readSTRef z3
+add_pure :: (Integral a, Num a) => Projective a -> Projective a -> Projective a
+add_pure (Projective x1 y1 z1) (Projective x2 y2 z2) =
+ let a = curve_a secp256k1
+ b = curve_b secp256k1
+ b3 = mods (b * 3)
+ t0 = mods (x1 * x2)
+ t1 = mods (y1 * y2)
+ t2 = mods (z1 * z2)
+ t3 = mods (x1 + y1)
+ t4 = mods (x2 + y2)
+ t30 = mods (t3 * t4)
+ t40 = mods (t0 + t1)
+ t300 = mods (t30 - t40)
+ t400 = mods (x1 + z1)
+ t5 = mods (x2 + z2)
+ t4000 = mods (t400 * t5)
+ t50 = mods (t0 + t2)
+ t40000 = mods (t4000 - t50)
+ t500 = mods (y1 + z1)
+ x3 = mods (y2 + z2)
+ t5000 = mods (t500 * x3)
+ x30 = mods (t1 + t2)
+ t50000 = mods (t5000 - x30)
+ z3 = mods (a * t40000)
+ x300 = mods (b3 * t2)
+ z30 = mods (x300 + z3)
+ x3000 = mods (t1 - z30)
+ z300 = mods (t1 + z30)
+ y3 = mods (x3000 * z300)
+ t10 = mods (t0 + t0)
+ t100 = mods (t10 + t0)
+ t20 = mods (a * t2)
+ t400000 = mods (b3 * t40000)
+ t1000 = mods (t100 + t20)
+ t200 = mods (t0 - t20)
+ t2000 = mods (a * t200)
+ t4000000 = mods (t400000 + t2000)
+ t00 = mods (t1000 * t4000000)
+ y30 = mods (y3 + t00)
+ t000 = mods (t50000 * t4000000)
+ x30000 = mods (t300 * x3000)
+ x300000 = mods (x30000 - t000)
+ t0000 = mods (t300 * t1000)
+ z3000 = mods (t50000 * z300)
+ z30000 = mods (z3000 + t0000)
+ in Projective x300000 y30 z30000
-- algo 7, "complete addition formulas for prime order elliptic curves,"
-- renes et al, 2015
add' :: (Integral a, Num a) => Projective a -> Projective a -> Projective a
@@ -264,7 +336,7 @@ add' (Projective x1 y1 z1) (Projective x2 y2 z2) = runST $ do
let b3 = mods (b * 3)
t0 <- newSTRef (mods (x1 * x2)) -- 1
t1 <- newSTRef (mods (y1 * y2))
- t2 <- newSTRef (mods (z2 * z2))
+ t2 <- newSTRef (mods (z1 * z2))
t3 <- newSTRef (mods (x1 + y1)) -- 4
t4 <- newSTRef (mods (x2 + y2))
readSTRef t4 >>= \r4 ->
@@ -340,6 +412,18 @@ affine p@(Projective x y z)
then Nothing
else pure (Affine (mods (x * iz)) (mods (y * iz)))
+-- partial affine
+affine' :: Integral a => Projective a -> Affine a
+affine' p = case affine p of
+ Nothing -> error "bang"
+ Just x -> x
+-- to projective coordinates
+projective :: Integral a => Affine a -> Projective a
+projective (Affine x y)
+ | x == 0 && y == 0 = _ZERO
+ | otherwise = Projective x y 1
-- point is valid
valid :: Integral a => Projective a -> Bool
valid p = case affine p of