
Pure Haskell BIP32 hierarchical deterministic wallets (
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BIP32.hs (13370B)

      1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
      2 {-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
      3 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
      4 {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
      5 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
      6 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
      7 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
      9 -- |
     10 -- Module: Crypto.HDKey.BIP32
     11 -- Copyright: (c) 2025 Jared Tobin
     12 -- License: MIT
     13 -- Maintainer: Jared Tobin <>
     14 --
     15 -- [BIP32](
     16 -- hierarchical deterministic wallets and extended keys, with support for
     17 -- serialization and parsing.
     19 module Crypto.HDKey.BIP32 (
     20   -- * Hierarchical deterministic keys
     21     HDKey(..)
     22   , master
     24   -- * Extended keys
     25   , Extended(..)
     26   , XPub(..)
     27   , XPrv(..)
     28   , X(..)
     30   -- * Child derivation via path
     31   , derive
     32   , derive_partial
     34   -- * Serialization
     35   , xpub
     36   , xprv
     37   , tpub
     38   , tprv
     40   -- * Parsing
     41   , parse
     43   -- * Child key derivation functions
     44   , derive_child_pub
     45   , derive_child_priv
     46   ) where
     48 import Control.Monad (guard)
     49 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
     50 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA512 as SHA512
     51 import qualified Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160 as RIPEMD160
     52 import qualified Crypto.Curve.Secp256k1 as Secp256k1
     53 import Data.Bits ((.<<.), (.>>.), (.|.), (.&.))
     54 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     55 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
     56 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58Check as B58C
     57 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
     58 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
     59 import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
     61 -- utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------
     63 fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
     64 fi = fromIntegral
     65 {-# INLINE fi #-}
     67 -- big-endian bytestring encoding
     68 unroll :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
     69 unroll i = case i of
     70     0 -> BS.singleton 0
     71     _ -> BS.reverse $ BS.unfoldr coalg i
     72   where
     73     coalg 0 = Nothing
     74     coalg m = Just (fi m, m .>>. 8)
     76 -- parse 32 bytes to a 256-bit integer
     77 parse256 :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
     78 parse256 bs@(BI.PS _ _ l)
     79     | l == 32   = BS.foldl' alg 0 bs
     80     | otherwise = error "ppad-bip32 (parse256): invalid input"
     81   where
     82     alg !a (fi -> !b) = (a .<<. 8) .|. b
     84 -- serialize a 256-bit integer to 32 bytes, left-padding with zeros if
     85 -- necessary. the size of the integer is not checked.
     86 ser256 :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
     87 ser256 (unroll -> u@(BI.PS _ _ l))
     88   | l < 32 = BS.replicate (32 - l) 0 <> u
     89   | otherwise = u
     91 -- serialize a 32-bit word, MSB first
     92 ser32 :: Word32 -> BS.ByteString
     93 ser32 w =
     94   let !mask = 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
     95       !w0 = fi (w .>>. 24) .&. mask
     96       !w1 = fi (w .>>. 16) .&. mask
     97       !w2 = fi (w .>>. 08) .&. mask
     98       !w3 = fi w .&. mask
     99   in  BS.cons w0 (BS.cons w1 (BS.cons w2 (BS.singleton w3))) -- XX
    101 -- extended keys --------------------------------------------------------------
    103 -- | A public or private key, extended with a chain code.
    104 data X a = X !a !BS.ByteString
    105   deriving (Eq, Show)
    107 -- | An extended public key.
    108 newtype XPub = XPub (X Secp256k1.Projective)
    109   deriving (Eq, Show)
    111 -- | An extended private key.
    112 newtype XPrv = XPrv (X Integer)
    113   deriving (Eq, Show)
    115 -- | Key types supporting identifier/fingerprint calculation.
    116 class Extended k where
    117   -- | Calculate the identifier for an extended key.
    118   identifier  :: k -> BS.ByteString
    120   -- | Calculate the fingerprint of an extended key.
    121   fingerprint :: k -> BS.ByteString
    122   fingerprint = BS.take 4 . identifier
    124 instance Extended XPub where
    125   identifier (XPub (X pub _)) =
    126     let ser = Secp256k1.serialize_point pub
    127     in  RIPEMD160.hash (SHA256.hash ser)
    129 instance Extended XPrv where
    130   identifier (XPrv (X sec _)) =
    131     let p = Secp256k1.mul Secp256k1._CURVE_G sec
    132         ser = Secp256k1.serialize_point p
    133     in  RIPEMD160.hash (SHA256.hash ser)
    135 -- internal key derivation functions-------------------------------------------
    137 hardened :: Word32 -> Bool
    138 hardened = (>= 0x8000_0000)
    140 -- master xprv from seed
    141 _master :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe XPrv
    142 _master seed@(BI.PS _ _ l)
    143   | l < 16 = Nothing
    144   | l > 64 = Nothing
    145   | otherwise = do
    146       let i = SHA512.hmac "Bitcoin seed" seed
    147           (il, c) = BS.splitAt 32 i
    148           s = parse256 il
    149       pure $! (XPrv (X s c))
    151 -- private parent key -> private child key
    152 ckd_priv :: XPrv -> Word32 -> XPrv
    153 ckd_priv _xprv@(XPrv (X sec cod)) i =
    154     let l = SHA512.hmac cod dat
    155         (il, ci) = BS.splitAt 32 l
    156         pil = parse256 il
    157         ki  = Secp256k1.modQ (pil + sec)
    158     in  if   pil >= Secp256k1._CURVE_Q || ki == 0 -- negl
    159         then ckd_priv _xprv (succ i)
    160         else XPrv (X ki ci)
    161   where
    162     dat | hardened i = BS.singleton 0x00 <> ser256 sec <> ser32 i
    163         | otherwise  =
    164             let p = Secp256k1.mul Secp256k1._CURVE_G sec
    165             in  Secp256k1.serialize_point p <> ser32 i
    167 -- public parent key -> public child key
    168 ckd_pub :: XPub -> Word32 -> Maybe XPub
    169 ckd_pub _xpub@(XPub (X pub cod)) i
    170   | hardened i = Nothing
    171   | otherwise = do
    172       let dat = Secp256k1.serialize_point pub <> ser32 i
    173           l   = SHA512.hmac cod dat
    174           (il, ci) = BS.splitAt 32 l
    175           pil = parse256 il
    176           ki = Secp256k1.mul_unsafe Secp256k1._CURVE_G pil `Secp256k1.add` pub
    177       if   pil >= Secp256k1._CURVE_Q || ki == Secp256k1._CURVE_ZERO -- negl
    178       then ckd_pub _xpub (succ i)
    179       else pure (XPub (X ki ci))
    181 -- private parent key -> public child key
    182 n :: XPrv -> XPub
    183 n (XPrv (X sec cod)) =
    184   let p = Secp256k1.mul Secp256k1._CURVE_G sec
    185   in  XPub (X p cod)
    187 -- hierarchical deterministic keys --------------------------------------------
    189 -- | A BIP32 hierarchical deterministic key.
    190 --
    191 --   This differs from lower-level "extended" keys in that it carries all
    192 --   information required for serialization.
    193 data HDKey = HDKey {
    194     hd_key    :: !(Either XPub XPrv) -- ^ extended public or private key
    195   , hd_depth  :: !Word8              -- ^ key depth
    196   , hd_parent :: !BS.ByteString      -- ^ parent fingerprint
    197   , hd_child  :: !BS.ByteString      -- ^ index or child number
    198   }
    199   deriving (Eq, Show)
    201 instance Extended HDKey where
    202   identifier (HDKey ekey _ _ _) = case ekey of
    203     Left l -> identifier l
    204     Right r -> identifier r
    206 -- | Derive a master 'HDKey' from a master seed.
    207 --
    208 --   Fails with 'Nothing' if the provided seed has an invalid length.
    209 master :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe HDKey
    210 master seed = do
    211   m <- _master seed
    212   pure $! HDKey {
    213       hd_key = Right m
    214     , hd_depth = 0
    215     , hd_parent = "\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL" -- 0x0000_0000
    216     , hd_child = ser32 0
    217     }
    219 -- | Derive a private child node at the provided index.
    220 --
    221 --   Fails with 'Nothing' if derivation is impossible.
    222 derive_child_priv :: HDKey -> Word32 -> Maybe HDKey
    223 derive_child_priv HDKey {..} i = case hd_key of
    224   Left _ -> Nothing
    225   Right _xprv -> pure $!
    226     let key   = Right (ckd_priv _xprv i)
    227         depth = hd_depth + 1
    228         parent = fingerprint _xprv
    229         child = ser32 i
    230     in  HDKey key depth parent child
    232 -- | Derive a public child node at the provided index.
    233 --
    234 --   Fails with 'Nothing' if derivation is impossible.
    235 derive_child_pub :: HDKey -> Word32 -> Maybe HDKey
    236 derive_child_pub HDKey {..} i = do
    237   (key, parent) <- case hd_key of
    238     Left _xpub  -> do
    239       pub <- ckd_pub _xpub i
    240       pure (pub, fingerprint _xpub)
    241     Right _xprv ->
    242       let pub = n (ckd_priv _xprv i)
    243       in  pure (pub, fingerprint _xprv)
    244   let depth = hd_depth + 1
    245       child = ser32 i
    246   pure $ HDKey (Left key) depth parent child
    248 -- derivation path expression -------------------------------------------------
    250 -- recursive derivation path
    251 data Path =
    252     M
    253   | !Path :| !Word32 -- hardened
    254   | !Path :/ !Word32
    255   deriving (Eq, Show)
    257 parse_path :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Path
    258 parse_path bs = case BS.uncons bs of
    259     Nothing -> Nothing
    260     Just (h, t)
    261       | h == 109  -> go M t -- == 'm'
    262       | otherwise -> Nothing
    263   where
    264     child :: Path -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe (Path, BS.ByteString)
    265     child pat b = case B8.readInt b of
    266       Nothing -> Nothing
    267       Just (fi -> i, etc) -> case BS.uncons etc of
    268         Nothing -> Just $! (pat :/ i, mempty)
    269         Just (h, t)
    270           | h == 39 -> Just $! (pat :| i, t) -- '
    271           | otherwise -> Just $! (pat :/ i, etc)
    273     go pat b = case BS.uncons b of
    274       Nothing -> Just pat
    275       Just (h, t)
    276         | h == 47 -> do -- /
    277             (npat, etc) <- child pat t
    278             go npat etc
    279         | otherwise ->
    280             Nothing
    282 -- | Derive a child node via the provided derivation path.
    283 --
    284 --   Fails with 'Nothing' if derivation is impossible, or if the
    285 --   provided path is invalid.
    286 --
    287 --   >>> let hd = master "my very secret master seed"
    288 --   >>> derive hd "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0"
    289 derive
    290   :: HDKey
    291   -> BS.ByteString -- ^ derivation path
    292   -> Maybe HDKey
    293 derive hd pat = case parse_path pat of
    294     Nothing -> Nothing
    295     Just p  -> go p
    296   where
    297     go = \case
    298       M -> pure hd
    299       p :| i -> do
    300         hdkey <- go p
    301         derive_child_priv hdkey (0x8000_0000 + i) -- 2 ^ 31
    302       p :/ i -> do
    303         hdkey <- go p
    304         derive_child_priv hdkey i
    306 -- | Derive a child node via the provided derivation path.
    307 --
    308 --   Fails with 'error' if derivation is impossible, or if the provided
    309 --   path is invalid.
    310 --
    311 --   >>> let hd = master "my very secret master seed"
    312 --   >>> derive hd "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0"
    313 derive_partial
    314   :: HDKey
    315   -> BS.ByteString
    316   -> HDKey
    317 derive_partial hd pat = case derive hd pat of
    318   Nothing -> error "ppad-bip32 (derive_partial): couldn't derive extended key"
    319   Just hdkey -> hdkey
    321 -- serialization --------------------------------------------------------------
    323 _MAINNET_PUB, _MAINNET_PRV :: Word32
    324 _TESTNET_PUB, _TESTNET_PRV :: Word32
    329 _MAINNET_PUB = 0x0488B21E
    330 _MAINNET_PUB_BYTES = "\EOT\136\178\RS"
    332 _MAINNET_PRV = 0x0488ADE4
    333 _MAINNET_PRV_BYTES = "\EOT\136\173\228"
    335 _TESTNET_PUB = 0x043587CF
    336 _TESTNET_PUB_BYTES = "\EOT5\135\207"
    338 _TESTNET_PRV = 0x04358394
    339 _TESTNET_PRV_BYTES = "\EOT5\131\148"
    341 -- | Serialize a mainnet extended public key in base58check format.
    342 xpub :: HDKey -> BS.ByteString
    343 xpub x@HDKey {..} = B58C.encode . BS.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString $
    344   case hd_key of
    345     Left _  -> _serialize _MAINNET_PUB x
    346     Right e -> _serialize _MAINNET_PUB HDKey {
    347         hd_key = Left (n e)
    348       , ..
    349       }
    351 -- | Serialize a mainnet extended private key in base58check format.
    352 xprv :: HDKey -> BS.ByteString
    353 xprv x@HDKey {..} = B58C.encode . BS.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString $
    354   case hd_key of
    355     Left _  -> error "ppad-bip32 (xprv): no private key"
    356     Right _ -> _serialize _MAINNET_PRV x
    358 -- | Serialize a testnet extended public key in base58check format.
    359 tpub :: HDKey -> BS.ByteString
    360 tpub x@HDKey {..} = B58C.encode . BS.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString $
    361   case hd_key of
    362     Left _  -> _serialize _TESTNET_PUB x
    363     Right e -> _serialize _TESTNET_PUB HDKey {
    364       hd_key = Left (n e)
    365       , ..
    366       }
    368 -- | Serialize a testnet extended private key in base58check format.
    369 tprv :: HDKey -> BS.ByteString
    370 tprv x@HDKey {..} = B58C.encode . BS.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString $
    371   case hd_key of
    372     Left _  -> error "ppad-bip32 (tprv): no private key"
    373     Right _ -> _serialize _TESTNET_PRV x
    375 _serialize :: Word32 -> HDKey -> BSB.Builder
    376 _serialize version HDKey {..} =
    377      BSB.word32BE version
    378   <> BSB.word8 hd_depth
    379   <> BSB.byteString hd_parent
    380   <> BSB.byteString hd_child
    381   <> case hd_key of
    382        Left (XPub (X pub cod)) ->
    383             BSB.byteString cod
    384          <> BSB.byteString (Secp256k1.serialize_point pub)
    385        Right (XPrv (X sec cod)) ->
    386             BSB.byteString cod
    387          <> BSB.word8 0x00
    388          <> BSB.byteString (ser256 sec)
    390 -- parsing --------------------------------------------------------------------
    392 data KeyType =
    393     Pub
    394   | Prv
    396 -- | Parse a base58check-encoded 'ByteString' into a 'HDKey'.
    397 --
    398 --   Fails with 'Nothing' if the provided key is invalid.
    399 parse :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe HDKey
    400 parse b58 = do
    401     bs <- B58C.decode b58
    402     case BS.splitAt 4 bs of
    403       (version, etc)
    404         | version == _MAINNET_PUB_BYTES || version == _TESTNET_PUB_BYTES ->
    405             parse_pub etc
    406         | version == _MAINNET_PRV_BYTES || version == _TESTNET_PRV_BYTES ->
    407             parse_prv etc
    408         | otherwise ->
    409             Nothing
    410   where
    411     parse_pub = _parse Pub
    412     parse_prv = _parse Prv
    414     _parse ktype bs = do
    415       (hd_depth, etc0) <- BS.uncons bs
    416       let (hd_parent, etc1) = BS.splitAt 4 etc0
    417       guard (BS.length hd_parent == 4)
    418       let (hd_child, etc2) = BS.splitAt 4 etc1
    419       guard (BS.length hd_child == 4)
    420       let (cod, etc3) = BS.splitAt 32 etc2
    421       guard (BS.length cod == 32)
    422       let (key, etc4) = BS.splitAt 33 etc3
    423       guard (BS.length key == 33)
    424       guard (BS.length etc4 == 0)
    425       hd <- case ktype of
    426         Pub -> do
    427           pub <- Secp256k1.parse_point key
    428           let hd_key = Left (XPub (X pub cod))
    429           pure HDKey {..}
    430         Prv -> do
    431           (b, parse256 -> prv) <- BS.uncons key
    432           guard (b == 0)
    433           guard (prv > 0 && prv < Secp256k1._CURVE_Q)
    434           let hd_key = Right (XPrv (X prv cod))
    435           pure HDKey {..}
    436       guard (valid_lineage hd)
    437       pure hd
    438     {-# INLINE _parse #-}
    440 valid_lineage :: HDKey -> Bool
    441 valid_lineage HDKey {..}
    442   | hd_depth == 0 =
    443          hd_parent == "\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL"
    444       && hd_child == "\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL"
    445   | otherwise = True