commit 89319ff1494ab9b46b3deb3c6775f3e25e2bb11f
parent c972e4e4738d596cc20d40838cf9897f24fc0416
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2024 13:43:16 +0400
lib: complete monadic interface
1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Crypto/DRBG/HMAC.hs b/lib/Crypto/DRBG/HMAC.hs
@@ -41,57 +41,101 @@ data HMAC = HMAC
{-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
-- DRBG environment data and state
-data DRBG = DRBG
+-- XX probably track the reseed counter again
+data DRBGState = DRBGState
!HMAC -- hmac function & outlen
{-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- v
{-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- key
+-- | The DRBG.
+newtype DRBG s = DRBG (P.MutVar s DRBGState)
-- | Read the 'V' value from the DRBG state.
-_read_v :: DRBG -> BS.ByteString
-_read_v (DRBG _ v _) = v
+ :: PrimMonad m
+ => DRBG (PrimState m)
+ -> m BS.ByteString
+_read_v (DRBG mut) = do
+ DRBGState _ v _ <- P.readMutVar mut
+ pure v
-- | Read the 'Key' value from the DRBG state.
-_read_k :: DRBG -> BS.ByteString
-_read_k (DRBG _ _ key) = key
+ :: PrimMonad m
+ => DRBG (PrimState m)
+ -> m BS.ByteString
+_read_k (DRBG mut) = do
+ DRBGState _ _ k <- P.readMutVar mut
+ pure k
+-- drbg interaction ------------------------------------------------------
--- | Primitive formulation.
-newtype Gen s = Gen (P.MutVar s DRBG)
+-- | Create a DRBG from the supplied HMAC function, entropy, nonce, and
+-- personalization string.
+ :: PrimMonad m
+ => (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString) -- HMAC function
+ -> BS.ByteString -- entropy
+ -> BS.ByteString -- nonce
+ -> BS.ByteString -- personalization string
+ -> m (DRBG (PrimState m))
+new hmac entropy nonce ps = do
+ let !drbg = new_pure hmac entropy nonce ps
+ mut <- P.newMutVar drbg
+ pure (DRBG mut)
+-- | Reseed a DRBG.
+-- Note that this can be used to implement "explicit" permission
+-- resistance by injecting entropy generated elsewhere.
+ :: PrimMonad m
+ => BS.ByteString
+ -> BS.ByteString
+ -> DRBG (PrimState m)
+ -> m ()
+reseed ent add (DRBG drbg) = P.modifyMutVar' drbg (reseed_pure ent add)
+-- | Generate bytes from a DRBG.
+ :: PrimMonad m
+ => BS.ByteString
+ -> Word64
+ -> DRBG (PrimState m)
+ -> m BS.ByteString
+gen addl bytes (DRBG mut) = do
+ drbg0 <- P.readMutVar mut
+ let !(Pair bs drbg1) = gen_pure addl bytes drbg0
+ P.writeMutVar mut drbg1
+ pure bs
--- drbg interaction -----------------------------------------------------------
+-- pure drbg interaction ------------------------------------------------------
:: BS.ByteString
- -> DRBG
- -> DRBG
-update_pure provided_data (DRBG h@(HMAC hmac _) v0 k0) =
+ -> DRBGState
+ -> DRBGState
+update_pure provided_data (DRBGState h@(HMAC hmac _) v0 k0) =
let !k1 = hmac k0 (cat v0 0x00 provided_data)
!v1 = hmac k1 v0
in if BS.null provided_data
- then (DRBG h v1 k1)
+ then (DRBGState h v1 k1)
else let !k2 = hmac k1 (cat v1 0x01 provided_data)
!v2 = hmac k2 v1
- in DRBG h v2 k2
+ in DRBGState h v2 k2
cat bs byte suf = toStrict $
BSB.byteString bs <> BSB.word8 byte <> BSB.byteString suf
- :: PrimMonad m
- => BS.ByteString
- -> Gen (PrimState m)
- -> m ()
-update_prim pd (Gen gen) = P.modifyMutVar' gen (update_pure pd)
--- | Create a DRBG from the provided HMAC function, entropy, nonce, and
--- personalization string.
:: (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString) -- HMAC function
-> BS.ByteString -- entropy
-> BS.ByteString -- nonce
-> BS.ByteString -- personalization string
- -> DRBG
+ -> DRBGState
new_pure hmac entropy nonce ps =
- let !drbg = DRBG (HMAC hmac outlen) v0 k0
+ let !drbg = DRBGState (HMAC hmac outlen) v0 k0
in update_pure seed_material drbg
seed_material = entropy <> nonce <> ps
@@ -99,46 +143,21 @@ new_pure hmac entropy nonce ps =
k0 = BS.replicate (fi outlen) 0x00
v0 = BS.replicate (fi outlen) 0x01
- :: PrimMonad m
- => (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString) -- HMAC function
- -> BS.ByteString -- entropy
- -> BS.ByteString -- nonce
- -> BS.ByteString -- personalization string
- -> m (Gen (PrimState m))
-new_prim hmac entropy nonce ps = do
- let !drbg = new_pure hmac entropy nonce ps
- mut <- P.newMutVar drbg
- pure (Gen mut)
--- | Inject entropy and additional bytes into a DRBG.
--- Note that we don't support "proper" reseeding (i.e., we don't track
--- a reseed counter), but this can be used for injecting entropy per
--- spec.
-reseed_pure :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> DRBG -> DRBG
+reseed_pure :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> DRBGState -> DRBGState
reseed_pure entropy addl drbg = update_pure (entropy <> addl) drbg
- :: PrimMonad m
- => BS.ByteString
- -> BS.ByteString
- -> Gen (PrimState m)
- -> m ()
-reseed_prim ent add (Gen gen) = P.modifyMutVar' gen (reseed_pure ent add)
:: BS.ByteString
-> Word64
- -> DRBG
- -> (BS.ByteString, DRBG)
-gen_pure addl bytes drbg0@(DRBG h@(HMAC hmac outlen) _ _) =
+ -> DRBGState
+ -> Pair BS.ByteString DRBGState
+gen_pure addl bytes drbg0@(DRBGState h@(HMAC hmac outlen) _ _) =
let !(Pair temp drbg1) = loop mempty 0 v1
!returned_bits = BS.take (fi bytes) temp
!drbg = update_pure addl drbg1
- in (returned_bits, drbg) -- XX this could use a strict pair
+ in Pair returned_bits drbg
- !(DRBG _ v1 k1)
+ !(DRBGState _ v1 k1)
| BS.null addl = drbg0
| otherwise = update_pure addl drbg0
@@ -151,17 +170,5 @@ gen_pure addl bytes drbg0@(DRBG h@(HMAC hmac outlen) _ _) =
| otherwise =
let facc = toStrict acc
- in Pair facc (DRBG h vl k1)
- :: PrimMonad m
- => BS.ByteString
- -> Word64
- -> Gen (PrimState m)
- -> m BS.ByteString
-gen_prim addl bytes (Gen mut) = do
- drbg0 <- P.readMutVar mut
- let !(bs, !drbg1) = gen_pure addl bytes drbg0
- P.writeMutVar mut drbg1
- pure $! bs
+ in Pair facc (DRBGState h vl k1)