commit 6caa41bf7b347c959a80631cf899027810794fa7
parent 654635bf2fde44db74c9c77679bfd03ac921eff7
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 08:18:01 +0400
lib: refine script module
1 file changed, 211 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Bitcoin/Prim/Script.hs b/lib/Bitcoin/Prim/Script.hs
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as BA
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32)
import GHC.ForeignPtr
import System.IO.Unsafe
--- max redeem script size for a P2SH output
+-- constants ------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- max redeem script size for a p2sh output
@@ -33,31 +33,59 @@ _MAX_REDEEM_SCRIPT_SIZE = 520
-toStrict :: BSB.Builder -> BS.ByteString
-toStrict = BS.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString
-{-# INLINE toStrict #-}
+-- utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------
fi :: (Num a, Integral b) => b -> a
fi = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE fi #-}
-newtype Script = Script BA.ByteArray
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-newtype ScriptHash = ScriptHash BS.ByteString
- deriving Eq
+-- convert a pinned ByteArray to a ByteString
+ba_to_bs :: BA.ByteArray -> BS.ByteString
+ba_to_bs ba = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
+ let l = BA.sizeofByteArray ba
+ buf <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes l
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \p ->
+ BA.copyByteArrayToAddr p ba 0 l
+ pure (BI.BS buf l)
+{-# INLINE ba_to_bs #-}
-hex_charset :: BS.ByteString
-hex_charset = "0123456789abcdef"
+-- convert a ByteString to a pinned ByteArray
+bs_to_ba :: BS.ByteString -> BA.ByteArray
+bs_to_ba bs@(BI.PS _ _ l) = runST $ do
+ arr <- BA.newPinnedByteArray l
+ let go !j
+ | j == l = pure ()
+ | otherwise = do
+ let !b = BU.unsafeIndex bs j
+ BA.writeByteArray arr j b
+ go (succ j)
+ go 0
+ BA.unsafeFreezeByteArray arr
+{-# INLINE bs_to_ba #-}
-- split a word8 into a pair of its high and low bits
-- only used for show instances
hilo :: Word8 -> (Word8, Word8)
hilo b =
- let hi = BU.unsafeIndex hex_charset (fi b `B.shiftR` 4)
+ let hex_charset = "0123456789abcdef"
+ hi = BU.unsafeIndex hex_charset (fi b `B.shiftR` 4)
lo = BU.unsafeIndex hex_charset (fi b .&. 0b00001111)
in (hi, lo)
+-- types ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | A Script program, represented as a 'ByteArray'.
+newtype Script = Script BA.ByteArray
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | A p2sh scripthash, i.e. HASH160 of a 'Script'.
+-- The underlying 'Script' is guaranteed to be at most 520 bytes, to
+-- guarantee in-principle p2sh spendability per
+-- [BIP16](
+newtype ScriptHash = ScriptHash BS.ByteString
+ deriving Eq
instance Show ScriptHash where
show (ScriptHash bs) = "ScriptHash 0x" <> go bs where
go b = case BS.uncons b of
@@ -66,6 +94,11 @@ instance Show ScriptHash where
let (hi, lo) = hilo h
in C.chr (fi hi) : C.chr (fi lo) : go t
+-- | A p2wsh witness scripthash, i.e. SHA256 of a 'Script'.
+-- The underlying 'Script' is guaranteed to be at most 10,000 bytes, to
+-- guarantee in-principle p2wsh spendability per
+-- [BIP141](
newtype WitnessScriptHash = WitnessScriptHash BS.ByteString
deriving Eq
@@ -77,38 +110,7 @@ instance Show WitnessScriptHash where
let (hi, lo) = hilo h
in C.chr (fi hi) : C.chr (fi lo) : go t
--- | Convert a 'Script' to a base16-encoded ByteString.
-to_base16 :: Script -> BS.ByteString
-to_base16 (Script ba) = B16.encode (ba_to_bs ba)
--- | Convert a base16-encoded ByteString to a Script.
-from_base16 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Script
-from_base16 b16 = do
- bs <- B16.decode b16
- pure (Script (bs_to_ba bs))
--- Convert a pinned ByteArray to a ByteString.
-ba_to_bs :: BA.ByteArray -> BS.ByteString
-ba_to_bs ba = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
- let l = BA.sizeofByteArray ba
- buf <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes l
- withForeignPtr buf $ \p ->
- BA.copyByteArrayToAddr p ba 0 l
- pure (BI.BS buf l)
--- Convert a ByteString to a pinned ByteArray.
-bs_to_ba :: BS.ByteString -> BA.ByteArray
-bs_to_ba bs@(BI.PS _ _ l) = runST $ do
- arr <- BA.newPinnedByteArray l
- let go !j
- | j == l = pure ()
- | otherwise = do
- let !b = BU.unsafeIndex bs j
- BA.writeByteArray arr j b
- go (succ j)
- go 0
- BA.unsafeFreezeByteArray arr
+-- | Terms of the Script language (either opcodes or bytes).
data Term =
| BYTE Word8
@@ -120,148 +122,6 @@ instance Show Term where
let (hi, lo) = hilo w
in "0x" <> (C.chr (fi hi) : C.chr (fi lo) : [])
-to_script :: [Term] -> Script
-to_script = Script . BA.byteArrayFromList . fmap term_to_byte where
- term_to_byte :: Term -> Word8
- term_to_byte = \case
- OPCODE op -> fi (fromEnum op)
- BYTE w8 -> w8
- {-# INLINE term_to_byte #-}
-from_script :: Script -> [Term]
-from_script (Script bs) = go 0 where
- l = BA.sizeofByteArray bs
- read_pay cur end
- | cur == end = go cur
- | otherwise = BYTE (BA.indexByteArray bs cur) : read_pay (cur + 1) end
- go j
- | j == l = mempty
- | otherwise =
- let op = toEnum (fi (BA.indexByteArray bs j :: Word8)) :: Opcode
- in case pushbytes op of
- Just i -> OPCODE op : read_pay (j + 1) (j + 1 + i)
- Nothing -> OPCODE op : case op of
- let len_idx = j + 1
- pay_len = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
- in BYTE pay_len
- : read_pay (len_idx + 1) (len_idx + 1 + fi pay_len)
- let len_idx = j + 1
- w8_0 = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
- w8_1 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
- pay_len = fi w8_0 .|. fi w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8 :: Word16
- in BYTE w8_0 : BYTE w8_1
- : read_pay (len_idx + 2) (len_idx + 2 + fi pay_len)
- let len_idx = j + 1
- w8_0 = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
- w8_1 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
- w8_2 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 2) :: Word8
- w8_3 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 3) :: Word8
- pay_len = fi w8_0
- .|. fi w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8
- .|. fi w8_2 `B.shiftL` 16
- .|. fi w8_3 `B.shiftL` 24 :: Word32
- in BYTE w8_0 : BYTE w8_1 : BYTE w8_2 : BYTE w8_3
- : read_pay (len_idx + 4) (len_idx + 4 + fi pay_len)
- _ -> go (succ j)
-to_scripthash :: Script -> Maybe ScriptHash
-to_scripthash (Script bs)
- | BA.sizeofByteArray bs > _MAX_REDEEM_SCRIPT_SIZE = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just (ScriptHash (RIPEMD160.hash (SHA256.hash (ba_to_bs bs))))
-to_witness_scripthash :: Script -> Maybe WitnessScriptHash
-to_witness_scripthash (Script bs)
- | BA.sizeofByteArray bs > _MAX_WITNESS_SCRIPT_SIZE = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just (WitnessScriptHash (SHA256.hash (ba_to_bs bs)))
-pushbytes :: Opcode -> Maybe Int
-pushbytes = \case
- OP_PUSHBYTES_0 -> Just 00
- OP_PUSHBYTES_1 -> Just 01
- OP_PUSHBYTES_2 -> Just 02
- OP_PUSHBYTES_3 -> Just 03
- OP_PUSHBYTES_4 -> Just 04
- OP_PUSHBYTES_5 -> Just 05
- OP_PUSHBYTES_6 -> Just 06
- OP_PUSHBYTES_7 -> Just 07
- OP_PUSHBYTES_8 -> Just 08
- OP_PUSHBYTES_9 -> Just 09
- OP_PUSHBYTES_10 -> Just 10
- OP_PUSHBYTES_11 -> Just 11
- OP_PUSHBYTES_12 -> Just 12
- OP_PUSHBYTES_13 -> Just 13
- OP_PUSHBYTES_14 -> Just 14
- OP_PUSHBYTES_15 -> Just 15
- OP_PUSHBYTES_16 -> Just 16
- OP_PUSHBYTES_17 -> Just 17
- OP_PUSHBYTES_18 -> Just 18
- OP_PUSHBYTES_19 -> Just 19
- OP_PUSHBYTES_20 -> Just 20
- OP_PUSHBYTES_21 -> Just 21
- OP_PUSHBYTES_22 -> Just 22
- OP_PUSHBYTES_23 -> Just 23
- OP_PUSHBYTES_24 -> Just 24
- OP_PUSHBYTES_25 -> Just 25
- OP_PUSHBYTES_26 -> Just 26
- OP_PUSHBYTES_27 -> Just 27
- OP_PUSHBYTES_28 -> Just 28
- OP_PUSHBYTES_29 -> Just 29
- OP_PUSHBYTES_30 -> Just 30
- OP_PUSHBYTES_31 -> Just 31
- OP_PUSHBYTES_32 -> Just 32
- OP_PUSHBYTES_33 -> Just 33
- OP_PUSHBYTES_34 -> Just 34
- OP_PUSHBYTES_35 -> Just 35
- OP_PUSHBYTES_36 -> Just 36
- OP_PUSHBYTES_37 -> Just 37
- OP_PUSHBYTES_38 -> Just 38
- OP_PUSHBYTES_39 -> Just 39
- OP_PUSHBYTES_40 -> Just 40
- OP_PUSHBYTES_41 -> Just 41
- OP_PUSHBYTES_42 -> Just 42
- OP_PUSHBYTES_43 -> Just 43
- OP_PUSHBYTES_44 -> Just 44
- OP_PUSHBYTES_45 -> Just 45
- OP_PUSHBYTES_46 -> Just 46
- OP_PUSHBYTES_47 -> Just 47
- OP_PUSHBYTES_48 -> Just 48
- OP_PUSHBYTES_49 -> Just 49
- OP_PUSHBYTES_50 -> Just 50
- OP_PUSHBYTES_51 -> Just 51
- OP_PUSHBYTES_52 -> Just 52
- OP_PUSHBYTES_53 -> Just 53
- OP_PUSHBYTES_54 -> Just 54
- OP_PUSHBYTES_55 -> Just 55
- OP_PUSHBYTES_56 -> Just 56
- OP_PUSHBYTES_57 -> Just 57
- OP_PUSHBYTES_58 -> Just 58
- OP_PUSHBYTES_59 -> Just 59
- OP_PUSHBYTES_60 -> Just 60
- OP_PUSHBYTES_61 -> Just 61
- OP_PUSHBYTES_62 -> Just 62
- OP_PUSHBYTES_63 -> Just 63
- OP_PUSHBYTES_64 -> Just 64
- OP_PUSHBYTES_65 -> Just 65
- OP_PUSHBYTES_66 -> Just 66
- OP_PUSHBYTES_67 -> Just 67
- OP_PUSHBYTES_68 -> Just 68
- OP_PUSHBYTES_69 -> Just 69
- OP_PUSHBYTES_70 -> Just 70
- OP_PUSHBYTES_71 -> Just 71
- OP_PUSHBYTES_72 -> Just 72
- OP_PUSHBYTES_73 -> Just 73
- OP_PUSHBYTES_74 -> Just 74
- OP_PUSHBYTES_75 -> Just 75
- _ -> Nothing
-- | Primitive opcodes.
data Opcode =
@@ -522,3 +382,166 @@ data Opcode =
deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)
+-- script conversions ---------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Convert a 'Script' to a base16-encoded ByteString.
+to_base16 :: Script -> BS.ByteString
+to_base16 (Script ba) = B16.encode (ba_to_bs ba)
+-- | Convert a base16-encoded ByteString to a Script.
+from_base16 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Script
+from_base16 b16 = do
+ bs <- B16.decode b16
+ pure (Script (bs_to_ba bs))
+-- | Pack a list of Script terms into a 'Script'.
+to_script :: [Term] -> Script
+to_script = Script . BA.byteArrayFromList . fmap term_to_byte where
+ term_to_byte :: Term -> Word8
+ term_to_byte = \case
+ OPCODE op -> fi (fromEnum op)
+ BYTE w8 -> w8
+ {-# INLINE term_to_byte #-}
+-- | Unpack a 'Script' into a list of Script terms.
+from_script :: Script -> [Term]
+from_script (Script bs) = go 0 where
+ l = BA.sizeofByteArray bs
+ read_pay cur end
+ | cur == end = go cur
+ | otherwise = BYTE (BA.indexByteArray bs cur) : read_pay (cur + 1) end
+ go j
+ | j == l = mempty
+ | otherwise =
+ let op = toEnum (fi (BA.indexByteArray bs j :: Word8)) :: Opcode
+ in case pushbytes op of
+ Just i -> OPCODE op : read_pay (j + 1) (j + 1 + i)
+ Nothing -> OPCODE op : case op of
+ let len_idx = j + 1
+ pay_len = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
+ in BYTE pay_len
+ : read_pay (len_idx + 1) (len_idx + 1 + fi pay_len)
+ let len_idx = j + 1
+ w8_0 = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
+ w8_1 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
+ pay_len = fi w8_0 .|. fi w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8 :: Word16
+ in BYTE w8_0 : BYTE w8_1
+ : read_pay (len_idx + 2) (len_idx + 2 + fi pay_len)
+ let len_idx = j + 1
+ w8_0 = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
+ w8_1 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
+ w8_2 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 2) :: Word8
+ w8_3 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 3) :: Word8
+ pay_len = fi w8_0
+ .|. fi w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8
+ .|. fi w8_2 `B.shiftL` 16
+ .|. fi w8_3 `B.shiftL` 24 :: Word32
+ in BYTE w8_0 : BYTE w8_1 : BYTE w8_2 : BYTE w8_3
+ : read_pay (len_idx + 4) (len_idx + 4 + fi pay_len)
+ _ -> go (succ j)
+-- | Convert a 'Script' to a 'ScriptHash', ensuring that it doesn't exceed
+-- the maximum redeemscript size.
+to_scripthash :: Script -> Maybe ScriptHash
+to_scripthash (Script bs)
+ | BA.sizeofByteArray bs > _MAX_REDEEM_SCRIPT_SIZE = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $!
+ ScriptHash (RIPEMD160.hash (SHA256.hash (ba_to_bs bs)))
+-- | Convert a 'Script' to a 'WitnessScriptHash', ensuring that it doesn't
+-- the maximum witness script size.
+to_witness_scripthash :: Script -> Maybe WitnessScriptHash
+to_witness_scripthash (Script bs)
+ | BA.sizeofByteArray bs > _MAX_WITNESS_SCRIPT_SIZE = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $!
+ WitnessScriptHash (SHA256.hash (ba_to_bs bs))
+-- convert a pushbytes opcode to its corresponding int
+pushbytes :: Opcode -> Maybe Int
+pushbytes = \case
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_0 -> Just 00
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_1 -> Just 01
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_2 -> Just 02
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_3 -> Just 03
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_4 -> Just 04
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_5 -> Just 05
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_6 -> Just 06
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_7 -> Just 07
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_8 -> Just 08
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_9 -> Just 09
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_10 -> Just 10
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_11 -> Just 11
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_12 -> Just 12
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_13 -> Just 13
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_14 -> Just 14
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_15 -> Just 15
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_16 -> Just 16
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_17 -> Just 17
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_18 -> Just 18
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_19 -> Just 19
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_20 -> Just 20
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_21 -> Just 21
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_22 -> Just 22
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_23 -> Just 23
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_24 -> Just 24
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_25 -> Just 25
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_26 -> Just 26
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_27 -> Just 27
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_28 -> Just 28
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_29 -> Just 29
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_30 -> Just 30
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_31 -> Just 31
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_32 -> Just 32
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_33 -> Just 33
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_34 -> Just 34
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_35 -> Just 35
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_36 -> Just 36
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_37 -> Just 37
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_38 -> Just 38
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_39 -> Just 39
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_40 -> Just 40
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_41 -> Just 41
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_42 -> Just 42
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_43 -> Just 43
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_44 -> Just 44
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_45 -> Just 45
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_46 -> Just 46
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_47 -> Just 47
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_48 -> Just 48
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_49 -> Just 49
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_50 -> Just 50
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_51 -> Just 51
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_52 -> Just 52
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_53 -> Just 53
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_54 -> Just 54
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_55 -> Just 55
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_56 -> Just 56
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_57 -> Just 57
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_58 -> Just 58
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_59 -> Just 59
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_60 -> Just 60
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_61 -> Just 61
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_62 -> Just 62
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_63 -> Just 63
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_64 -> Just 64
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_65 -> Just 65
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_66 -> Just 66
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_67 -> Just 67
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_68 -> Just 68
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_69 -> Just 69
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_70 -> Just 70
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_71 -> Just 71
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_72 -> Just 72
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_73 -> Just 73
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_74 -> Just 74
+ OP_PUSHBYTES_75 -> Just 75
+ _ -> Nothing