commit 78ab41394b2eb9ec989dfb1d76ec5aa98ecdb249
parent cb6ec873c490207acc61304a74c5c7d960c041e9
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 23:35:23 +0400
lib: add ppad-base16 dep
2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Bitcoin/Prim/Script.hs b/lib/Bitcoin/Prim/Script.hs
@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Data.Bits as B
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
import qualified Data.Char as C
-import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as PB
+import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as BA
import Data.STRef
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32)
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ fi :: (Num a, Integral b) => b -> a
fi = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE fi #-}
-newtype Script = Script PB.ByteArray
+newtype Script = Script BA.ByteArray
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype ScriptHash = ScriptHash BS.ByteString
@@ -76,11 +77,11 @@ instance Show WitnessScriptHash where
-- | Render a 'Script' as a base16-encoded ByteString.
to_base16 :: Script -> BS.ByteString
to_base16 (Script bs) = toStrict (go 0) where
- l = PB.sizeofByteArray bs
+ l = BA.sizeofByteArray bs
go j
| j == l = mempty
| otherwise =
- let b = PB.indexByteArray bs j :: Word8
+ let b = BA.indexByteArray bs j :: Word8
(fi -> hi, fi -> lo) = hilo b
w16 = hi `B.shiftL` 8
.|. lo
@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ from_base16 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Script
from_base16 b16@(BI.PS _ _ b16_l)
| B.testBit b16_l 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = runST $ do
- arr <- PB.newByteArray (b16_l `quot` 2)
+ arr <- BA.newByteArray (b16_l `quot` 2)
ear <- newSTRef False
let loop j bs@(BI.PS _ _ l)
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ from_base16 b16@(BI.PS _ _ b16_l)
unless err $ do
let b = hi `B.shiftL` 4
.|. lo
- PB.writeByteArray arr j b
+ BA.writeByteArray arr j b
loop (succ j) etc
loop 0 b16
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ from_base16 b16@(BI.PS _ _ b16_l)
if err
then pure Nothing
else do
- ray <- PB.unsafeFreezeByteArray arr
+ ray <- BA.unsafeFreezeByteArray arr
pure (Just (Script ray))
data Term =
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ instance Show Term where
in "0x" <> (C.chr (fi hi) : C.chr (fi lo) : [])
to_script :: [Term] -> Script
-to_script = Script . PB.byteArrayFromList . fmap term_to_byte where
+to_script = Script . BA.byteArrayFromList . fmap term_to_byte where
term_to_byte :: Term -> Word8
term_to_byte = \case
OPCODE op -> fi (fromEnum op)
@@ -145,39 +146,39 @@ to_script = Script . PB.byteArrayFromList . fmap term_to_byte where
from_script :: Script -> [Term]
from_script (Script bs) = go 0 where
- l = PB.sizeofByteArray bs
+ l = BA.sizeofByteArray bs
read_pay cur end
| cur == end = go cur
- | otherwise = BYTE (PB.indexByteArray bs cur) : read_pay (cur + 1) end
+ | otherwise = BYTE (BA.indexByteArray bs cur) : read_pay (cur + 1) end
go j
| j == l = mempty
| otherwise =
- let op = toEnum (fi (PB.indexByteArray bs j :: Word8)) :: Opcode
+ let op = toEnum (fi (BA.indexByteArray bs j :: Word8)) :: Opcode
in case pushbytes op of
Just i -> OPCODE op : read_pay (j + 1) (j + 1 + i)
Nothing -> OPCODE op : case op of
let len_idx = j + 1
- pay_len = PB.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
+ pay_len = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
in BYTE pay_len
: read_pay (len_idx + 1) (len_idx + 1 + fi pay_len)
let len_idx = j + 1
- w8_0 = PB.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
- w8_1 = PB.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
+ w8_0 = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
+ w8_1 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
pay_len = fi w8_0 .|. fi w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8 :: Word16
in BYTE w8_0 : BYTE w8_1
: read_pay (len_idx + 2) (len_idx + 2 + fi pay_len)
let len_idx = j + 1
- w8_0 = PB.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
- w8_1 = PB.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
- w8_2 = PB.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 2) :: Word8
- w8_3 = PB.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 3) :: Word8
+ w8_0 = BA.indexByteArray bs len_idx :: Word8
+ w8_1 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 1) :: Word8
+ w8_2 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 2) :: Word8
+ w8_3 = BA.indexByteArray bs (len_idx + 3) :: Word8
pay_len = fi w8_0
.|. fi w8_1 `B.shiftL` 8
.|. fi w8_2 `B.shiftL` 16
@@ -187,17 +188,17 @@ from_script (Script bs) = go 0 where
_ -> go (succ j)
-ba_to_bs :: PB.ByteArray -> BS.ByteString
-ba_to_bs bs = PB.foldrByteArray BS.cons mempty bs
+ba_to_bs :: BA.ByteArray -> BS.ByteString
+ba_to_bs bs = BA.foldrByteArray BS.cons mempty bs
to_scripthash :: Script -> Maybe ScriptHash
to_scripthash (Script bs)
- | PB.sizeofByteArray bs > _MAX_REDEEM_SCRIPT_SIZE = Nothing
+ | BA.sizeofByteArray bs > _MAX_REDEEM_SCRIPT_SIZE = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (ScriptHash (RIPEMD160.hash (SHA256.hash (ba_to_bs bs))))
to_witness_scripthash :: Script -> Maybe WitnessScriptHash
to_witness_scripthash (Script bs)
- | PB.sizeofByteArray bs > _MAX_WITNESS_SCRIPT_SIZE = Nothing
+ | BA.sizeofByteArray bs > _MAX_WITNESS_SCRIPT_SIZE = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (WitnessScriptHash (SHA256.hash (ba_to_bs bs)))
pushbytes :: Opcode -> Maybe Int
diff --git a/ppad-btcprim.cabal b/ppad-btcprim.cabal
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ library
base >= 4.9 && < 5
, bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.13
, primitive >= 0.8 && < 0.10
+ , ppad-base16 >= 0.1 && < 0.2
, ppad-base58 >= 0.1 && < 0.2
- , ppad-bech32 >= 0.1 && < 0.2
+ , ppad-bech32 >= 0.2 && < 0.3
, ppad-ripemd160 >= 0.1 && < 0.2
, ppad-secp256k1 >= 0.2.1 && < 0.3
, ppad-sha256 >= 0.2 && < 0.3
@@ -45,8 +46,8 @@ test-suite btcprim-tests
, base
- , base16-bytestring
, bytestring
+ , ppad-base16
, ppad-base58
, ppad-btcprim
, ppad-ripemd160