commit 401feb3044f16533946605126bf0fbf6c139eeca
parent 585e761d1968b4bc31427a11533e761f7b379ba4
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 11:01:50 +0400
lib: path parser, derivation with bytestring path
1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Crypto/HDKey/BIP32.hs b/lib/Crypto/HDKey/BIP32.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import qualified Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160 as RIPEMD160
import qualified Crypto.Curve.Secp256k1 as Secp256k1
import Data.Bits ((.<<.), (.>>.), (.|.), (.&.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58 as B58
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
@@ -29,10 +30,10 @@ fi = fromIntegral
unroll :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
unroll i = case i of
0 -> BS.singleton 0
- _ -> BS.reverse $ BS.unfoldr step i
+ _ -> BS.reverse $ BS.unfoldr coalg i
- step 0 = Nothing
- step m = Just (fi m, m .>>. 8)
+ coalg 0 = Nothing
+ coalg m = Just (fi m, m .>>. 8)
-- parse 32 bytes to a 256-bit integer
parse256 :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
@@ -194,16 +195,49 @@ data Path =
| !Path :/ !Word32
deriving (Eq, Show)
-derive :: HDKey -> Path -> Maybe HDKey
-derive hd = go where
- go = \case
- M -> pure hd
- pat :| i -> do
- hdkey <- go pat
- derive_priv hdkey (0x8000_0000 + i) -- 2 ^ 31
- pat :/ i -> do
- hdkey <- go pat
- derive_priv hdkey i
+parse :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Path
+parse bs = case BS.uncons bs of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (h, t)
+ | h == 109 -> go M t -- == 'm'
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ where
+ child :: Path -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe (Path, BS.ByteString)
+ child pat b = case B8.readInt b of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (fi -> i, etc) -> case BS.uncons etc of
+ Nothing -> Just $! (pat :/ i, mempty)
+ Just (h, t)
+ | h == 39 -> Just $! (pat :| i, t) -- '
+ | otherwise -> Just $! (pat :/ i, etc)
+ go pat b = case BS.uncons b of
+ Nothing -> Just pat
+ Just (h, t)
+ | h == 47 -> do -- /
+ (npat, etc) <- child pat t
+ go npat etc
+ | otherwise ->
+ Nothing
+derive :: HDKey -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe HDKey
+derive hd pat = case parse pat of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just p -> go p
+ where
+ go = \case
+ M -> pure hd
+ p :| i -> do
+ hdkey <- go p
+ derive_priv hdkey (0x8000_0000 + i) -- 2 ^ 31
+ p :/ i -> do
+ hdkey <- go p
+ derive_priv hdkey i
+derive_partial :: HDKey -> BS.ByteString -> HDKey
+derive_partial hd pat = case derive hd pat of
+ Nothing -> error "ppad-bip32 (derive_partial): couldn't derive extended key"
+ Just hdkey -> hdkey
-- serialization --------------------------------------------------------------